The following day, Rashin and Eri were back at their home.
After speaking with Stella about what they should do next about Adonis's double class, the suitable solution was to head towards the Hunter's association.
From what Adonis discovered, the Hunter association had power over the Adventurers Guild. In such a way that most of the biggest guilds and parties in Vergino were being controlled by a single Hunter's guild.
There had been instances where Hunters recruited adventurers from other guilds to participate in gate control.
Hunters were small in number, hence why they needed help from the Adventurers Guild most of the time.
Sitting on the chair with a cup of coffee in his hand, Adonis stared at the blade on the table.
"Hunter Evans Rockland," he said to himself in deep thought. "This man is a member of the Dragon Face Hunter Guild. Unlike adventurers, they don't actively have ranks for their parties."
He rested his back on the chair.
"Stella made it clear to join the gate raid tomorrow. Apparently, a C-rank gate opened somewhere in the kingdom. There are not enough hunters, so they are recruiting fifteen adventurers from other guilds."
Adonis fell silent for a while.
In the novel, this was a scenario that happened right after the main character, Adonis Wilson, joined a new party.
They all died in the gate, except the main character, of course.
"The author did not really say much about what type of monster to expect there. But one thing is for sure—if I am to go on that raid, staying alive is not my priority. Keeping Filo is."
Adonis looked to the side, where he could see Filo packing their bags for their unexpected trip.
If they successfully cleared the gate, Adonis would be able to speak to Hunter Evan and probably get a chance to check if he was truly a hunter through him.
Not only that, but someone would also be joining the raid as well, and it was someone Adonis planned on recruiting into his party.
"Ah, I'm done packing, Adonis." Filo ran happily to Adonis while carrying the bag on her shoulder.
She was dressed in her new outfit—a black dress—something Adonis had gotten for her with the money they earned from trading the dead goblins.
The whole purpose of him even taking the quest was so he could get enough money to get Filo a new rank reading.
Since the equipment needed for that was no longer available, Adonis used it to get his party equipment.
With a smile, Filo placed the bag on the ground.
"Uhm? I know I didn't ask this but...uhm, where exactly are we going?" she asked.
Adonis tilted his head to the side. "I think Stella said it was Evergreen—a huge city towards the kingdom's capital. I've never been there before. Hell, I don't think I've been anywhere outside this town."
"We are going to a city?!~" Filo's eyes glittered with excitement.
"That seems to be the deal. Who knows, maybe after we're done, you might end up being a hunter too," Adonis uttered.
"You think?"
"Logically speaking, that should be the case. Hunters are said to be far different from adventurers, right? So think about it—you evolved from an F-rank to an S-rank in a short span of time. It's unheard of. People don't increase in rank, and if they do, it takes a shit ton of time, either from reawakening or anything related. See?"
"My rank increasing was your doing, Adonis," Filo said with a somewhat confused look.
"True, it was. That doesn't change the fact that you may also be a hunter," he replied.
"In fact, if she becomes a hunter, that should apply to every other party member I gain."
Adonis stood up from the chair, a smile on his face with one of his hands resting on his waist.
"Let's get moving. The sooner we get there, the better."
It took them some days to finally arrive at their designated location.
Evergreen City.
The only place in the entire kingdom to have the Hunter Association's main headquarters.
It was large—twice the size of Sikone—which was saying something, considering the population.
Standing in the middle of the road, Adonis's soul could be seen almost escaping his body.
"So many people..." he uttered to himself, his eyes rolling over.
"Wow, I didn't know so many people could gather together like this. There are so many..."
Adonis sighed. "This is where most people come to check if they have a chance of being better adventurers or hunters. It's no wonder it's so huge. Not to mention the fact that a lot of valuable artifacts are being sold here."
He continued,
"Well, not that it's any of my business. The raid on the C-rank gate will begin tomorrow. For now, I should find a place where I can relax. Rather, for Filo. I, on the other hand, need to grow stronger."
"Ahh, jackpot."
He smiled after spotting a small inn nearby.
It looked cheap and safe enough to spend the night.
Thus, he and Filo went on ahead to get the place.
(Sacred Ground, Evergreen City.)
Adonis landed in the middle of the forest, his eyes scanning his surroundings.
Since the sun was still out, Adonis decided to use his vision to his full advantage.
He had heard from one of the locals that if he wanted to slaughter monsters, then Sacred Ground was probably the best place to check, as the place was swarming with monsters.
The reason being, most of the monsters had settled down there, gradually trying to ambush humans as best as they could.
"Funny, I thought this place would be crawling with monsters. Should I have gone to a dungeon instead?" Adonis thought to himself.
"Nah, my death sense is definitely warning me about something here. I'm being watched."
"Come forth."
Five of his dark goblins appeared behind him.
"Scatter. Search this place for lurking monsters," Adonis ordered.