Late with my Session


Why do people suddenly just avoid me?

Why can't tell me what I did wrong in the first place?

Are they that afraid of confrontation?

Am I being a drag? A baggage?

Do I look bad? Do I smell?

Why am I not in their liking?

I'm only doing my best…. I guess it's just not enough….

It's better to just...….


"Miss Endraven!!! Look out!" a shrieking voice snaps me out from reality.

A big chunk of the debris from the falling building – because that hero, Snivel, doesn't fucking care about the HERO – VILLAIN Zoning Law that you shouldn't destroy properties within 20-meter radius if there are any civilians in it. That stupid son of a.... is he fucking blind?

"FUCK YOU SNIVEL! THERE ARE STILL SNOTTY PEOPLE AROUND THE AREA!! CAN'T YOU HEAR THE FUCKING CRYING" I yelled before I throw a pebble to the falling big chunk, with much force.

As the pebble touch the debris, it disintegrated immediately, so much for timing. If only I can charge the HERO department for the stress they cause for me, I'll do it. I did it again in other large chunks, people are annoying with their cries.

"OH, ENDRAVEN, STILL ALIVE??" Snivel, that ugly shit black costumed belt hero, that you can easily unbuckle, yelled back from above the podium nearby the disaster building he made himself.

"LET JUST GET THIS OVER WITH, I HAVE SOME PLACE TO GO!" I yelled back, I just remembered that it's Wednesday and I'll probably late of I don't end this immediately. I already filled my quota anyway.

"IF YOU CAN BEAT ME, THAT IS." He smirks smugly, as if.

You are fucking easy to beat shitass, if only I'm not exhausted this shift.

"Hey, new guy, come help me." I whispered to nothing. Where the fuck is the new hire. I only know that he can turn invisible, and he is his first field work as the main support group.

"Unto your left, Ms. Endraven." He also replied in a whispered tone.

"I have something for you to do, but make it really quick, I have an appointment today. I'll treat you something nice later."

"Okay, just tell me what to do. Ms. Endraven"

"You are so formal, just call me without the Miss"

"Hmm... Okay, but would that be a little disrespectful?"

"No, it doesn't. It seems that you have trouble with addressing people huh. Well anyway… here's the plan..."


After 3 minutes

"If you are not going to take the first move, because I, could take you out. Top 10, baby." Snivel said, high five-ing himself. Before jumping into podium and started strutting next to me.

Really, the overconfidence of this guy. He should at least evacuate the citizen first. Top 10 my ass. His costume is punchable. His personality is punchable. Maybe also the face behind the mask is punchable. His little bulge is also punchable. What a tiny shit. He looks more like a villain than me.

"Sure, buddy…. Is Serenity so bored with me, she sent the errand boy? I like the Top 3 – Internationally." I smiled, well I do wonder where is Serenity though.

"Fuck you, Raven. I don't even know why she is so obsessed with you." He said cracking his knuckles. "Really though, what does she sees in you?" He said standing, directing his clawed fingers in me. And doing some cringe gesture, that he probably thought was cool. Talk about second hand embarrassment.

"Oh, I don't know. She probably has a crush on me." I said smugly. Well, I am charming. At times. "Why, you like her?" I taunt.

"Hahahha, you make me laugh. Of course not, it's just annoying she praises you, the villain, more than the heroes."

"Aww you are jealous, a junior who just likes the senior to acknowledge him and pat his head. And instead he praises the villain."

Snivel flushed. Bullseye.

"You'll regret this." He said, a bit angry probably from embarrassment.

Snivel angrily tried to walk to me. Tried to. Because as soon as he tried to take a step, he immediately tripped. I laugh in a second, and my new guy did what I told him, already unbuckle his belt., tied his sneakers – which is funny in his overall costume. He tried to reach for his boomerang which is missing. It was already thrown away.

"FUCK YOU RAVEN!!! WHO'S DOING THIS!!" He said angrily, with new guy doing all this, I'm already near Snivel. Angrily trying to get up.

He's funny crawling like that in a cracked floor. Too bad I just touched the pillar next to him though. It immediately trapped him in the ground. He tried to punch his way out but my MVP, new guy, before he could touch anything, kicked the rubbles near him before he could use parts of it.


"BOOP." Almost touch him, bad. "And that's why Serenity got obsessed with me." I said, I snapping my fingers.

"I'll get my revenge, Raven, you'll see."

"Save the citizen first, dipshit. You sound like a villain."

The hole sink some more, as I touch some structural parts of it earlier. Glad this is easy peasy. Snivel is so dumb. Can't believe a plan like this would work on him.

"Adios Snivel!!!" I said.


After field work

"I forgot to asked your name new guy." I said. Already packing my things today. Well, it is required I do need to attend therapy from my boss on Wednesday, and my whole 8 hours is paid. So at least, I'm okay with half-day.

"Kevin…Ummm...Miss…. I mean Endraven" He said shyly.

"Hmm... well I mean your villain name?" I said, I kinda don't want to know his real name though. It means attachment. Well, anyway.

"Slip, it's a bit lame." He said, a bit embarrassed about it.

Oh slip, because he can slip easily. "That's actually smart, Slip. Also, thanks for today, you're a really good support today."

He blushes for the compliment, well, new guy does deserve it.

"Well, I'm off to my appointment. See you again, if we are partner tomorrow, Slip." I said already waving good bye.

"Bye! Mis – Endraven!"

In the Waiting Room in the Clinic

"...Thank you again, Dra Seren." I heard the earlier patient says. I'm so glad the pretty psychiatrist has only four patients today, I should be the third but got late in the appointment.

Although…... This patient is a bit familiar. She has a bit of pink hai-

"Sere – IRIS?"


"What are you doing here!?"

"What are you doing here!!!!"

"Oh you two know each other?" said Dra. Seren, with a confused look.