03 - Member of the Flock


That was the name I was given.

And I was brought to the Dragon World.

A world just as cruel as the Demon World.

A world with mountains above and sky below.

At the foot of the mountains, many dragons land when they are not flying.

Even the sky offers no safety, with great dragons soaring through it.

Smaller creatures without wings could only survive by clinging to the mountainside like icicles.

Yet, even in such a world, one race of people reigned supreme.

They were called the Dragon Race.

With sharp claws and mighty wings, they soared freely through the sky, wielding their powerful strength to hunt dragons in swarms.

But they had not always been apex predators.

Originally, they too were weak.

Hiding in caves along the cliffs, living only where the great dragons could not reach them.

Then, a man changed everything.

Yes, it was the Dragon God.

One day, the Dragon God appeared before the frail Dragon Race and demonstrated his power.

He revealed the strength that lay dormant within their blood and taught them how to wield it.

The Dragon Race possessed a power known as Dragon Touki.

With Dragon Touki, they could amplify their physical abilities and harden their skin.

A power strong enough to pierce even the thickest dragon scales with a single blow.

Although other races possessed similar powers, the Dragon Touki far surpassed them all.

The ultimate power.

After the Dragon God taught them how to harness and control this power, the Dragon Race rose to dominance.

They formed packs, drawing strength from numbers, and began hunting dragons.

They ascended to the top of the food chain.

They built a city centered around the Dragon God, established contact with other worlds, developed culture, and flourished.

However, their level of civilization remained similar to that of demons... far less advanced than the world today.

That was because the Dragon Race was strong enough to survive without the need for civilization.

A world without threats from foreign enemies.

A world where one never had to fear starvation, where food would be provided even if one did nothing.

Peace—a concept that was foreign to me at the time.

I was given a room in the Dragon God's residence.

The mansion was one of the most luxurious places in the entire Dragon World.

It had many rooms and numerous servants working within.

I was assigned a small, simple room.

But it was far more comfortable than the cave I had once lived in.

After all, I had bedding, food, clothes—everything I needed.

The mansion was vast, and there were many servants.

However, there were only two people for them to serve.

The Dragon God and his wife, Lunaria.

Lunaria almost never left the house, likely due to her pregnancy.

The Dragon God was often away, returning only every few days, but whenever he did, he always spent time with her.

She was cherished like a treasure.

And that treasure attracted many curious visitors.

Every day, someone would visit, chat, dine, and then leave.

But even more than those visitors, Lunaria spent even more time with me.

So much so that it felt like she was always by my side.

"You are the Dragon God's adopted son, so you are my son as well. Please, feel at ease—this is your home too."

She chose to raise me according to the Dragon God's words.

Yet, she did not do much with me.

All she did was visit my room, sit beside me, and quietly watch over me.

She was a demigoddess and born into nobility, so the concept of "education" was foreign to her.

The servants were the ones who primarily took care of me.

Following Lunaria's instructions, they treated me like a prince.

They fed me, bathed me, and dressed me.

However, I had no experience with dining, bathing, or wearing clothes.

During meals, I did not know how to use utensils and was scolded.

During baths, I cried out when scrubbed with the Dragon Race's rough brushes.

When they dressed me, I kept moving too much and tore the fabric.

Each time this happened, the servants frowned and reprimanded me, as if they were training a wild dog.

Yet, Lunaria-sama was different.

"Hey, don't be too harsh on him. Even if he looks big, he's still just a baby. Just teach him and let him grow at his own pace."

She ordered the servants to provide me with easy-to-use utensils, a soft brush suited for my scale-less skin, and clothes made of flexible fabric.

As you can see from her consideration, Lunaria-sama truly welcomed me.

As the Dragon God said, she treated me as her own son.

Even with her own child about to be born, she treated me, who appeared out of nowhere, as if I were hers.

Even now, my tears well up with gratitude for Lunaria-sama's kindness and charity.

"Even for the lost one that the Dragon God took in..."

"He is like a beast..."

But the servants did not.

They were not happy with my existence.

Because my hair was of the most taboo color, they feared I hid some terrible power.

They feared that sooner or later, I would reveal my true nature and attack Lunaria-sama.

However, the servants were also of the dragon race.

They could never go against the will of the Dragon God and Lunaria-sama.

They obediently followed orders, even if reluctantly.

They were all ready to protect Lunaria-sama from me in case of emergency.

Firmly determined to serve Lunaria-sama and remain vigilant around me.

Still? It's not like I did anything, right?

No, I did many things.

Mostly, just before Lunaria-sama.

Of course, I wasn't keeping an eye on Lunaria-sama to attack her.

I was trying to protect her.

I had no knowledge, but I had wisdom.

I knew who had healed my fatal wound and rescued me from that lonely place.

Now, here in the nest of my benefactor, surrounded by her kin, I had been made part of the kin as well.

I swore to protect the woman who supports the chief from behind.

But this was the first time I had been part of a kin.

As a member of the kin, I did what I could.

Every day, I walked through every corner of the mansion and checked for any abnormalities.

I inspected every room and looked through every window.

Repeatedly checking for intruders.

It was the wisdom I gained from fighting demonic beasts and from when I was the "monster in human form."

If you patrol your territory daily for any abnormalities, you will naturally recognize danger.

Of course, visitors are different from intruders.

I knew that the chief of my kin was also the chief here.

Respect for the strongest.

If you could do that, you were not an intruder.

That was how I protected the mansion and Lunaria-sama.

I never left the mansion.

I devoted myself to my work, making the protection of the nest my mission.

So, like a watchdog?

Don't say that.

Even if my kin thought so, I never did.

But in reality, I may have acted like a pet or something.

Since this benefited Lunaria-sama, myself, and the servants as well, I continued my work faithfully.

Occasionally, the Dragon God would return to visit Lunaria and see me.

This became our daily life.

And a year passed in the blink of an eye.

One year.

It may seem like a long time, but for us who live tens of thousands of years, it was like two or three days.

It wouldn't have been strange if it had lasted hundreds of years.

But that didn't happen.

Whether out of pity for the loyal watchdog or deciding that I could do better...

The Dragon God decided to start my education.

"So, you're the boy the Dragon God took in, and that's the threatening hair, just like the rumors said!"

A very blunt person said.

On a clear day, she suddenly arrived at the Dragon God's mansion, rushed to my corner of the mansion, and started throwing words at me unilaterally.

"The Dragon God ordered me to train you, so your education is now my responsibility. I won't discriminate because you're a mixed breed with demons. I'll just treat you like a dragon without scales."

The educator was a woman.

A dragon race with exceptionally large wings and beautiful white scales.

Without considering my own confusion, she continued her lectures.

Of course, I didn't understand her either.

After all, I still didn't understand the dragon language.

Lunaria-sama raised me, but she didn't teach me anything.

Again, she was part of a royal family, so she probably didn't think it was necessary.

The servants too.

Teaching the language to a non-speaker wasn't part of their job.


I groaned and threatened the woman.

She had invaded the mansion and acted hostile toward me. I was still part of the kin, though I was at the bottom of the hierarchy.

"Haha! That's a good look! But I will absolutely make you obedient! Don't resist!"

But she didn't attack.


I just needed to cry out.

If I raised my voice, the whole kin would be on alert for danger.

Whether they came to fight or flee, I could buy them time.

I thought of it as my duty as the lowest in the group.

"Come on, fight! I'll beat you down until you understand your place here!"


I didn't move against the woman's provocation.

Because there was commotion in the mansion after I raised my voice.

A group of people was approaching.

Servants of Lunaria-sama.

The moment I had been waiting for.

"Ah, you won't attack? A sign of wisdom or timidity...?"

"What happened!?"

The first servants appeared.

I thought my allies had arrived and prepared for battle.

I crouched down, ready to attack.

If we all attacked at the same time, our chances would increase.

It was the wisdom of the Demon World, but also a universal rule.

"Ah... Finally showing your true nature?!"

But the servants didn't act as I expected.

Instead of the woman, they surrounded me.

Showing claws and fangs against me, with their vulnerable backs turned toward the woman.


I didn't understand why.

I was supposed to be part of the servants' kin.

They even gave me food.

Even though we had an intruder, they showed hostility toward me.

Well, they had been wary of me from the start, certainly.

Either way, I was shocked and remembered that loneliness once again.

I felt sad to be alone even here.

"What are you doing?"

A low but penetrating voice echoed.

It was Lunaria-sama.

When she entered the room at a leisurely pace, she saw me surrounded by claws and fangs and looked displeased.

To be honest, I thought she was the same as the servants.

"Lunaria-sama, it's dangerous. Please step back."

"What is dangerous?"

Lunaria-sama walked between the servants, trotting toward me.

There was no time for the servants to stop her.

No, the servants tried to stop her, but Lunaria-sama passed between them without any hesitation.

I really didn't know what kind of power she had, but...

I thought she was just the Dragon God's wife.

She hugged me tightly and, with a terrified yet insulted look, she said,

"Did you forget the words of the Dragon God, who told you to take care of this child?"


The servants immediately crossed their arms before their chests and folded their wings.

I remember that moment well.

After all, I had never been protected by anyone like that before.

But I was searching for something else.

I was eager to help and be helped, to protect each other and live our lives.

So, even when I later learned of Lunaria-sama's origins, my anger and hatred did not turn against her.

I still respect and love her.

Well, let's leave that for now.

Lunaria-sama watched the servants retreat before turning to the woman.

"What happened, Dragon General? What business do you have with my house?"

Even the Dragon Commander crossed her arms and folded her wings to greet Lunaria-sama.

"The Dragon God asked me to educate Laplace!"

Lunaria-sama stared blankly for a moment.

But her demeanor soon softened.

"Then I apologize for this commotion. Laplace still does not understand our language."

"It's fine. I'm used to training violent children. No problem."

As she said this, Lunaria-sama sighed in relief.

Then, after gently stroking my wing, she stood up.

"Laplace. Learn well."

With a light step, Lunaria-sama left the room.

The servants followed her as well.

And only she and I remained in the room.

"Well then, let's continue, coward!"


She taunted me just like before.

Curling a finger toward me and shaking it.

Without words, it was the universal gesture of "come at me."

As I later learned, when educating someone, she always tried to teach hierarchy first.

Speak from above, strike down until they submit.

Then they will listen to what you say.

Especially effective for animals and children who do not understand things.

In fact, she tamed the Red Dragons in this manner.

That's why she was chosen as my teacher.

She was the only one with the appetite to train a wild child from the Demon World.

By the way, it wasn't as if I did what she intended.

I looked at her, never baring my teeth or claws.

Of course, I did not growl or shout.

I remained silent and listened.

"And now? Are you afraid? Come at me!"

Not acting as she expected, she grabbed my arm rather violently.

But I ignored her.

On the contrary, I just stood still and looked at her without resistance.

As if waiting for my next instruction.

Yes, I knew from our last conversation that she was not an intruder.

And perhaps she was at the top of the pack.

Acting high and intimidating toward her would obviously make the entire pack angry at me.

I even regretted it.

"Hmm, so you've already given up."

Normally, she would try different approaches to deal with disrespectful attitudes, but this time, she probably realized it would be counterproductive.

She sighed and released my arm.

"Show respect and submit to me. I do not lie. Be truthful and trust me with all your heart. Do not cry or say you cannot. It's a waste of time. If you do not give up, I will certainly turn you into an excellent Dragon Warrior."

She crossed her arms and flapped her wings, looking down at me, declaring this arrogantly.

Acting proud and powerful—but that was just how she was.

She often spoke in a haughty manner, but whatever she promised, she would certainly fulfill.

She was a wonderful person.

"I'd say it's an honor to be able to learn from me, one of the Five Dragon Generals. You may not know honor now, but eventually, you will learn to be grateful!"

She remained quiet for a few seconds after that.

I didn't know at the time, but her original plan was to show up, discipline me a little, and call it a day.

For her, "minimum discipline" naturally meant beating you until you couldn't move anymore.

Beasts don't understand until you strike them a few times.

Until they realize resistance is futile, hurt them repeatedly, until they can feel pain reflexively.

Since I complied from the start, that wouldn't be necessary.

"I will return tomorrow. Do not change your current attitude."

Then she turned and left.

But I still had something to tell her.

I approached her from behind.

Then she moved at tremendous speed.

By the time my brain registered that she had moved, her fist was already at my temple.

Perhaps she thought I was a cunning beast that only showed obedient intentions to attack when her back was turned.

As you know, there are many such beasts.

She turned to block my attack and was about to punch my face in retaliation.

But she stopped.


Because there was no attack.

I was simply in a familiar pose to her.

A pose with crossed arms and folded wings.

Yes, the Dragon Race's salute.

"L, Laap… La-Laplace."

That was the only word I knew.

I did not know the language, so I could only say that.

Oh, by the way, I didn't understand anything she had said.

"… Dora. Dragon General of the Armored Dragon Tribe, Dora. Remember it."


She said her name.

For the first time, as if realizing she had yet to introduce herself.


Then I remembered.

The first thing I learned from my instructor was her name.

And the next day, my education under Dragon General Dora began.