The New Kid

People have heard how heroes of the past can topple dragons, but no one would imagine a superhero would be given the same challenge. But there it is Ultimatum, the U.S.'s most powerful hero, duking it out with one of the dragons. People were sent into hiding as one of these ferocious monsters clawed its way from underneath. The city's streets cracked and shattered. I know all these things because I was there in the middle of it. I remembered how Ultimatum started down the ugly beast. The dragon snarled, lifting the city with its claw. Ultimatum did not cower at his foe. No, he stood proud in his golden suit. His white cape flowed in the wind. There, I saw two awesome beings charge straight at each other, almost leveling everything around them. Now you might be asking, "Who am I?" I am Roy Davidson, an up and coming superhero. Who will take on the evils of this world? The newest champion of the ARC-heroes and Phoenix City. I am…..

"Super loud," a female voice broke Roy's concentration, causing him to fall off his bed. Hitting the ground hard, Roy groaned. 

"Oh look, the mighty superhero was taken down by a single word." A young girl stated with both an amused and an irritated expression. Upon hearing her comment, Roy quickly stood up, hitting his head again this time with the bed frame. But this time, he did not cry. Sucking in a tear, that was forming on his cheeks he stared straight at his advisory. Just like Ultimatum. 

"First off, 'super loud', is two words. Second, I was momentarily stung. As you can see, I am good and well, Citizen Bella." Roy responded, trying his hardest not to show weakness. However, Bella, his older sister, just knew him too well. 

"All I see is you suffer terrible brain damage in the past two minutes," 

Bella commented, taking a seat on Roy's bed. She wore a pink nightgown with white flowers across her waist. This contrasted Roy's grey and red shirt. Though like true siblings the two shared many qualities. They were both light-skinned with brown, dark hair. However, one striking difference was Roy's eyes. They glowed a hot red that exhibited energy flowing through them. 

"That's nothing. I am going to be ARC's newest superhero and fight against the alien invaders." Roy proudly proclaimed.

"I thought the news said they are ancient monsters from the past. Like dinosaurs." 

"Ahh, but that is what they want you to think. But think about it, half of these creatures bear little resemblance to any creature on earth, Right?" Roy said, shoving his tablet in Bella's face. On his tablet, there was a blurry image of the ancient creature, though it mattered little since Bella's face was squished.

"Table- in -ace" Bella mumbled. 

"Right, and these creatures just appear out of nowhere. I looked it up, there were no historical sights where these creatures would have lived. I mean it was in the middle of this city. 

Roy exclaimed, rushing from one side of his desk to the other. 

"Yeah, I guess," Bella said, barely keeping up with the conversation.

"And People online who worked in the sewers and the police all say they were just there," Roy said, opening his computer.

"You know how Mom feels, about you reading those conspiracy forums," Bella commented.

"So there is only one possibility. They're aliens." Roy said with a confident grin. However, his sister did not share in his enthusiasm. Usually, she would make fun of his fantasy nonsense, but today is a different day. Today, she wanted to talk to her younger brother.

"Roy, I know you're excited but right now, you need to focus. Tomorrow, you were chosen to join ARC-Academy."

"I remember. "

"Yes. You're not just going to high school but are joining a school for people like you, who are blessed with powers that no one can begin to understand. And the only reason our parents allowed you to go is because they are the only people who can monitor and help you learn to control your powers." Roy became quiet as he allowed his sister's words to sink in.

"There is more to being a hero than just fighting against evil and monsters. I hope you realize that,"

"I know," Roy said sheepishly. 

"Good, anyways, Mom said, come down for dinner. She made her famous Rice Bowls." Bella said, emphasizing on their mother's dish. 

With a huge grin, Roy rushed to the ⁷kitchen to join in the family dinner.

Next day.

"Okay honey, do you have everything you need?"

"Yes, Mom."

"Do you have your lunch?"

"Yes, mom."

"Your bag?"

"Yes, mom"

"A goodbye kiss from your mom?"

"Honey, the boy is fifteen. Don't you think he is too old for that," Roy's father chimed in but as soon those words left his mouth, he began to regret them. On his right side, was a stare that could make the legendary Ultimatum wet his pants.

"I am his mother. And as his mother, I claim my right to get a goodbye kiss. Are you going to stop me from getting a kiss from my son?" Roy's mom asked her husband.

"No dear."

"Good. Anyways, goodbye, Honey," Roy's entire mood switched back to positive. Roy then leaned forward, kissed his mom's cheek, and exited the car. There he was greeted with a spiral ivory tower. Looking up he saw a group of kids floating in the sky. On his left, kids were teleporting straight inside. The rest just entered the building normally. Following suit, Roy followed everyone into the building. With Smartphone in hand, he searched through the different lockers until he found his.

"105,106, 107, 108, and 109. I guess this is my spot." Roy said to himself.

"Hey locker neighbor," a voice called out behind him. Turning around, Roy saw a cute girl with her blond hair tied into a ponytail. She wore the school uniform with a black vest and red jacket. 

"...UHM, I mean uh, Hi?"

"What's the matter, the cat got your tongue?"

"Uh no, no no cat here. Do you see a cat because I don't see a cat? Unless the car is invisible. I mean I have seen people turn invisible.."

"Calm down, stranger. You're sweating more than my pig in the middle of July."

"Sorry, it's my first day."

"Yeah, I figure. But hey it's my first day too. The name' Rebecca." Rebecca replied, extending her hand.

"Roy," Roy responded, grabbing her hand as well. For a good five seconds neither one of them moved a muscle.

"Uhh, this is the part where you shake my hand." The girl replied gently.

"Oh yeah. I knew that."

"With that, we are officially classmates. So what's your first class?"

"Well, I bet it is something super awesome. Something that will change the world. A class like no other it's…." Roy held his breath when he opened his schedule, pumped with excitement. "It's….Algebra." In an instant, all of his excitement evaporated.

"Algebra. I definitely haven't seen that class since it's my first day, too, and all that."

 "What type of super school teaches math? How is math going to solve anything?" Roy whined under his breath.

"Maybe they can calculate how tall the beasties will have to fight," Rebecca offered while trying to stifle a small giggle. "But on the bright side, you and I have the same class. So see you there neighbor." Rebecca replied, practically skipping to their first class. 

"Yeah see you at class," Roy replied, dragging his feet in contrast. 

The following day was quite uneventful to Roy's disappointment. Although every classroom had huge monitors, comfortable seating, and advanced touchscreen tables, Roy was not at all pleased. The simple reason is that every class he took was an everyday, boring subject from English, History, and Science. Normal subjects that would be found in any school. While in Science class, Roy could feel his head melt away. When he almost started to lose hope, a single word caught his attention.

"Super battle Simulator?"

"Yes, Mr. Davidson. I am glad you are listening. In your next class, you will all be showing what you can do. There we will see what type of course will be best suited for you. This is no picnic. You will all be separated into groups of four. And we will see what you are made of." As the teacher finished his statement the bell rang. 

"Well, that will be the bell. I should warn you, kids. Best to be prepared." The professor said ominously. However, Roy could hardly care. Finally, he was going to fulfill his dreams. He just needs to find his teammates.

"Hey, Becky!" Roy called out.

"Hiya Roy," Rebecca replied. "Becky, it's been a while since people called me that. What's up."

"…Ugh you… and me.. teammates." Roy barely choked out on the verge of passing out. 

"Yeah, why not? I am glad to help a fellow neighbor. It is like the good book says, 'to love your neighbor'."

"Thanks. Now we need two more."

"Maybe I can help." A male voice spoked behind him.

"You want to join my team?" Roy asked the stranger. The stranger looked a bit older than Roy with a somewhat darker skin tone. He had blue glasses and a friendly smile. 

"Me. No, I don't have any powers." the fellow teenager responded.

"Wait a minute, then how are you enrolled in this school?"

"That's not important but what's important is that I got a third member for your team. Hey Maggie, I found a team for you."

"Jin, I told you I can find a team all by myself." A girl said walking towards the group. Unlike Becky, her jacket was super unkempt, and her sleeves were rolled up. The front part of her sandy brown hair was dyed blue. 

"Well too late. Say hi to your new teammates."

"Hiya Maggie. I'm Rebecca or my current friends call me Becky." She said with a bright smile.

"You're cheerful. I like that. Nice to meet ya. And what's your name Spikey?"

"I'm Roy. Glad to have you on the team." Roy replied, going for a handshake. However, Maggie was distracted by the simulator. Walking to one of the huge windows, the entire field could be seen. The room looked similar to the ocean floor with a blue and black palette. Either way, it was amazing to say the least.

"You guys need one more. And if I may, you should go for someone athletic." Jin stated, standing next to Maggie.

"Any suggestions?"

"Hey there's always the 'Bro master,' Jin mentioned. 

"But he is such a doofus," Maggie whined. 

"Who's the 'bro master?" Roy asked.

"Just a guy, who drinks too much coffee," Maggie commented with a disgusted face. 

"Well, you guys don't have a better option," Jin pouted out.

Making the unilateral decision Roy told Jin to get the guy. After a few minutes passed, Jin and the 'Bro Master' were standing in front of the entrance. He had a more sports demeanor wearing a tank top. He stood almost a head taller than Jin.

"Are you the 'Bro master?' Roy asked cautiously. This earned a small chuckle from his fellow classmate.

"That's my online game handler. The game's Caleb." 

"Well, with that, introductions are over; you guys better head to the Training field." Jin piped in.

"Yeah, we better go. Thanks again, um, Jin, right?"

"you, that's me, and no prob. Now hurry up, you're next."

Roy's group walked towards the entrance of the training field. One of the staff members took note and pressed something on his tablet. The door then slowly opened. 

Part 2

Clank. Clank. Clank. The group of would-be heroes entered the center of the arena. Roy looked from left to right, absorbing the magnitude of the place. The floors appeared to have orange lights splitting it into a square grid. Kneeling down, Roy felt the ground on his finger tips. It was cold and smooth.

"Amazing," Roy said under his breath.

"Hey New kid. Focus. This is not going to be an easy challenge. Trust me." Maggie said, pressing something in a console. 

"You've done this before?" Roy asked slowly, walking towards Maggie. 

"Yeah. Jin and I did it at least three times." Maggie stated.

"Wait, he did this too?" Roy was flabbergasted at revelation. 

"That's what I said. Anyways the important thing to know is that this is an evaluation of our skills, abilities, and mental state. They do this at the beginning of every year."

"So what kind of challenges are we going to face?" As the words left Roy's mouth, a voice spoke through an intercom. 

"Everyone, prepare yourself for the challenge. Repeat, prepare yourself.'

"It looks like we are going to find out very soon. " Maggie said with a huge grin. 

The small team gathered at the center of the arena.

"Welcome students of ARC Academy. Today you will be tested and see what kind of heroes you are going to be in the future. After reviewing some of your applications and records we want to give you a classic challenge. Search and Rescue." Instantly, the room groaned and shifted as the squares on the floor were raised to the sky, becoming cube structures that resembled skyscrapers and houses. 

"On the other side of this stadium there is a bus full of children needing your help and rescue. What's standing between you and them, is a gang of terrorists and an environment that will replicate a natural disaster. Good luck." 

Just as the speaker said, the group could see a cube bus, hanging off a small bridge. Next to them we're holographic drones protecting the area. On top of that, the flooring kept shifting as if there was an earthquake. And on the side there was a counter that shows they only have an hour to finish the task.

"Oooh they are changing things up this year, got to respect that." Maggie commented.

"Yeah a real step up from last year." Caleb agreed, stretching his arms and his back. "So what's the plan, cap?"

"Wait, what?" Roy asked, completely surprised by the question. 

"Oh right. You don't know. The one who makes the team is the de facto leader for the mission." Caleb explained as he continued his series of stretches and warm up.

"Ok. Umm I guess the first thing we should do is discuss our abilities," Roy offered. He also began twisting his back and arms like Caleb was doing.

"Not a bad idea, New kid. I can go first. My ability is to-" Caleb's words abruptly ended when an emergency siren rang loudly. This pulled everyone's attention back to the bridge and bus. 

"No time! You are gonna have to figure it out on the fly," Maggie said, already charging straight to the center where the most combatants were at. Roy and the rest of the team were stunned with Maggie's reckless action but had no choice to follow close behind. 

As the small group made their way through, a building on the left side of the street fell straight at them. "WATCH OUT!"

The building bursted into smaller cubes before dissolving into pixels. As the team scattered pixel warriors popped out of the floor. They were armed with handguns, crowbars, and other weapons that one can easily find anywhere. One of the pixel warriors aimed for Rebecca. Without thinking Roy pushed her out of the way, but HE got shot instead. Fortunately the pixel round was not lethal, even so it really left a mark.

"Ouch that stings," Roy whined.

"You ok?" Rebbecca asked, concerned with Roy's well being.

"Yeah. No worries. I'm a superhero. I can't let something like that stop -" Right before Roy could finish his sentence a pixel bat slammed into his side. The sheer force threw him into several pixel buildings.

 On the side of the arena two teachers commented on the test. "Hey, this test was supposed to be set on easy, right?"


"So this is easy?" 

"Yup" the two observers discussed as one of them zoomed into Roy on one of their monitors. Panting Roy lifted himself up before the same pixel bat filled his vision. Frantically Roy dodged the attack, but the pixel combatant did not relent. Swing side from side, the combatant was just one step behind from reaching its target. No choice, Roy breathed slowly activating his power. Red energy surged through his veins and arms. In the palm of his hand, a ball of red energy formed. Throwing it at the combatant, the pixel warrior was blown into pieces. A burst of air in his legs, Roy jumped towards the group. 

"Impressive. So what did you do?" Caleb asked as he swung his forearm to the ground.

"Oh, my power is to control the wind. So I just absorbed the wind into a singular area and threw it," Roy explained as he was fending off another pixel warrior.

"Heya your shoulder is all bruised." Rebecca pointed out. "Lemme fix that," Roy's body was covered in a warm glow. When she was done, his skin and body was all healed up.

"Hey I feel great! Thanks Rebecca." 

"It's no big deal. And besides it's not very useful in fighting and you got hurt because of me." She replied sheepishly. 

"Hey, it is an awesome and useful power. And I feel much better." Maggie nodded in agreement but Rebecca blushed a bit with Roy's comment. However her concentration was soon broken when Caleb spoke.

"He's right. Now, it's my turn to show my stuff," Caleb swung his arms together as energy burst from him. Around him were five clones though they had a green aura surrounding them. The clones then attacked a squadron of pixel warriors. One pixel warrior attacked Caleb directly but he suddenly fizzled in front of him. 

"What?" Roy was sure that the one that the pixel warrior attacked was the original. But it suddenly disappeared as if it was a clone. Before anyone could react, the real Caleb swung his leg into the pixel warrior, shattering it into pieces. 

"Awesome!" Roy congratulated him. 

"Thanks. Anyways we better make a run for the bus," Caleb said, as he and his clone pummelled another warrior to the ground. 

Nodding in agreement the team made their way to the bridge. Blocking their path was only a few pixel warriors. Caleb used his clones to overwhelm some of them while Roy unleashed wind blades on the other. Overall their progress was quite smooth.

In a window room was a group of teacher and staff members that were monitoring the students progress. There were computer monitors and television screens on every desk. In the center was a hologram of Roy and his team.

"It seems today's new candidates have some promise. Especially the wind boy over there." one of the teachers mused, taking a sip of his coffee. He smirked as he watched Roy shoot one pixel warrior in the Air. In a split second Roy grabbed its arm and swung it back to the ground. 

"I agree. And there is also the Rebecca girl. She may not be a fighter, but she has been consistently supporting her team with her healing. A female teacher analyzed, inputting the information on her computer. 

"Yes, But we only had seen the two guys doing most of the heavy lifting for group D." another teacher chimed in. I think if we end the test now it might be a little too easy. And I really want to examine all of their skills and growth. Even for the returning students."

"Good point. Let's fix that," the first teacher stated. After fixing his glasses he inputted a code and pressed a red button.

"Hey this test is a lot easier than I expected?" Roy asked. He then ducked under cover as pixelated bullets flew through the sky.

"I wouldn't get cocky yet, grasshopper," Caleb responded. 

"How come?" Almost instantly Roy was given an answer in the form of a bipedal pixel mech elevated from the ground. It then was covered by a holographic field that resembled the giant silverback gorilla that the Azul Squad battled a couple months back. 

"Oh," Roy could only say when staring at the behemoth. The gorilla mech slammed its fist sending shockwaves. The team was thrown around due to its attacks. 

"Now what, we only have eight minutes left before we fail the test," Roy called out.

"Well it's my turn to shine." Maggie stated, walking towards the beast. 

"Wait, what are you going to do?" Rebecca asked, taking cover with everyone else. 


"Fight size with size," Maggie's body glowed a hot orange. The sand and metal on the floor cracked as her body turned into metal but as the metal began to shift into a more liquid state, Maggie absorbed it. In a matter of seconds she grew three stories tall matching the gorilla mech's height. 

"Time for a kaiju battle, king kong." Maggie stated.

The mech let out a powerful howl which Maggie responded in kind. The two dash each other, holding each other back. The gorilla broke out of the hold first and slammed its fist into Maggie's metallic body. Through sheer force, Maggie sank a good foot into the floor. 

"Is that all you got, then you should have a taste of my super kick." Maggie pushed the mech with her arms first. Now free she jumped straight towards the metal beast, her two feet jacking contact. Crashing through two buildings, the beast's gears creaked and groaned. 

"GO! I got this!" Maggie said, throwing herself at the down mech. The group made their way to the bridge. Using his power, Roy and the team floated right next to the hanging bus. However, a squad of pixel warriors popped from behind. Rebecca quickly went inside to let the children out while Roy and Caleb dealt with the combatants. Left,down, right Roy zoomed from one pixel warrior to another knocking them down. Caleb and his clones attack six of them, fighting like one cohesive force. The two were winning until a huge shadow eclipsed the bridge. Above them was Maggie's huge body, about to crush them. The three braces for impact, but Maggie swung her body with surprising agility and speed, just narrowly missing them. 

"Are you ok, Maggie?" Caleb called out. 

"Yeah. I just got the zoink knock out of me," Maggie responded. As she began to stand up, the gorilla mech roared, catching everyone's attention. On the other side of the arena, the mech was dashing forward, destroying the rest of the pixel buildings in the process. The gap shrank quickly, but Maggie stopped its approach. The entire building shook as the two giants collided. 

"Hurry up, would you?" Maggie complained. Using her legs, she swung her body around its neck, pinning it to the ground. Looking back at the time Roy saw they barely had a minute to complete the test. Finally getting their bearings the rest of them quickly evacuated the children. Moments later, the timer was counting down from ten with five kids left on the bus. 

All three of them worked double time, with each pixel child almost matching the seconds on the clock.

Five, four, three, two, one. At the last second the last child was evacuated. The pixel mech and warriors immediately stopped. The simulation was shut off and the floors were now a straight horizontal. 

The same voice that spoke before, started to talk again. "Good job. I see our two new students have really shown their mettle. And two of our previous students, you have grown. This is the end of the test and you may go back up stairs. We still have plenty more challenges." 

The group all turned off their powers and gave each other high fives for their success. This test has marked the beginning of the rest of their experience in the school.