Not All Heroes Use Brooms

In Bonesborough, the largest city on the island, Oliver wandered through the commercial district without a clear destination.

"Even though I've assimilated the memories of the original body, I still want to see this world for myself," he thought as he observed the movement around him.

Demons of all shapes and sizes passed by, some flying, while merchants shouted to attract customers. The goods were exotic, and he only recognized them thanks to the inherited memories. The scent of unfamiliar spices mixed with that of enchanted fabrics and magical scrolls, creating a unique atmosphere. The streets were bustling, and the architecture was rustic by human standards.

"Truly, a peculiar world… But I must not lower my guard. The number of times Luz almost died on this island for stupid reasons is no joke," he reflected, staying alert.

Suddenly, a commotion arose behind him. Oliver turned and saw Eda, the Owl Lady, fleeing through the air from the Emperor's Coven and her sister, Lilith.

She tried to dodge between the stalls, but a blast of blue magic struck her palisman, knocking her down. Eda crashed straight into a cabbage stall.

"My cabbages!!" the vendor cried out in despair.

"My bad! Put it on the Emperor's tab!" Eda grumbled, limping out of the wreckage.

She looked at her injured leg and sighed. "Looks like today isn't my lucky day…"

The pursuers' footsteps grew closer. Oliver watched the scene, contemplating.

"Should I help her or not? She could probably escape on her own…"

The footsteps grew louder. He clenched his fists.

Eda positioned herself, ready to fight.

"Screw it, this isn't a cartoon. I can't rely on luck." With a wave of his hand, he used telekinesis to topple a stack of crates, blocking the path.

Eda, confused, looked at him.

"What are you waiting for? A cup of coffee? Run already!" Oliver shouted, already moving away.

Eda didn't hesitate any longer. With her own telekinesis, she retrieved her palisman and took off.

"Thanks, kid!" she called out, disappearing into the sky.

Oliver wasted no time and quickly distanced himself from the commercial district.

"As reckless as ever…" he murmured, sighing.

He walked along the now less crowded sidewalks, deep in thought. "I almost feel sorry for what Luz will go through as her student…"

His gaze wandered toward the horizon until he spotted a plaza among the houses.

"I've never seen this plaza in the show, even though it looks pretty popular." Curious, he headed toward it.

The plaza was spacious, filled with trees and shrubs. Stone benches were scattered along well-maintained paths. A fountain sculpted with magical creatures sprayed shimmering water, and children played around it, some floating with small levitation spells.

"I think I understand why it never appeared…" he thought, noticing the number of demons holding hands and kissing. Very few were alone.

Discreetly, he watched a cyclops exchanging affectionate touches with a dwarf and smirked.

"She's a warrior…"

Choosing a secluded bench, he sat down.

"Hexside classes start tomorrow. I need to figure out a quick way to gain XP." He murmured, watching a witch fly by on a broom.

Then, a strange sound came from the bushes behind him, catching his attention. Curious, he got up and cautiously approached.

Peeking through, he found a clearing where a girl sat under a tree, writing something. The wind rustled the leaves, and the sounds of insects filled the air.

"Then Nurse Garlic said: 'We can't do this here, Doctor! We're in a workplace!' — And Doctor Eggplant replied: 'Since when has that stopped us from fucking all night?'"

The girl murmured, her voice slightly altered.

Oliver's eyes widened. He recognized her.

"It's her…" he thought.

Katya, a secondary character introduced in the first episode, imprisoned in the reformatory for writing fanfics about food… falling in love.

She was a teenage witch with light brown skin, blackish-blue hair tied in a ponytail, and expressive brown eyes. She wore an indigo off-the-shoulder dress, covering her arms and part of her forearms. The dress, ending above her knees, left room for the imagination as she sat carefreely.

Clearly, she was engrossed in her writing… and something else.

Oliver stepped closer, trying not to make a sound. Katya was so focused that she didn't notice his presence. He peeked at her notebook, seeing absurd notes, including obscene illustrations of her story's characters.

"She really takes this seriously…" Oliver thought, holding back a laugh.

A mischievous idea crossed his mind.

"I think I just found my first source of XP…"