Varulf, Bogeyman and Metal was now going to have a friendly battle against Lucas.
All of them got ready and without wasting any time, Lucas charged on all three of them, Varulf used his speed to ambush on Lucas but before that, Lucas stopped time and kicked Varulf. When time resumed, Varulf fall on Bogeyman.
Metal jumped on Lucas with his two short swords and swinged them on Lucas but Lucas blocked them using Volt and numerous clashes of their weapon occured. From behind Bogeyman tried to attack Lucas but he again stopped time but this time, Varulf realised that and got into position before Lucas could stop time.
When the time resumed, Varulf did a surprise attack on Lucas which Lucas barely dodged. Bogeyman used his magic and summoned numerous rocks which were floating in the air and launched them on Lucas. Lucas used volt and destroyed every rock which gave Metal and Varulf time to ambush on Lucas. Lucas realised that already and when Metal tried to attack Lucas with his short swords, Lucas easily blocked them but Lucas didn't expect Varulf to play again and Varulf kicked Lucas.
Lucas, Bogeyman, Metal and Varulf, all of them were feeling very excited. They were having fun which made them go all out. Lucas decided to use his full power and so did they.
Lucas used Volt's power and summoned the electric aura around him. Varulf using his magic and turned his claws into fire claws. Metal charged on Lucas and swinged his short swords in a way to form 'X'.
Lucas easily dodged it and launched numerous strikes of Volt on Metal and Metal tried to block all but one strike touched Metal. Metal got smashed into the wall behind him.
Lucas got ambushed by Varulf again and Bogeyman too, Lucas dodged Bogeyman's attack but Varulf attack touched Lucas. Lucas' right hand got wounded and Varulf jumped on Lucas and Lucas used Volt's full power. He formed a dragon's face using the electricity inside Volt and striked Varulf with it. Varulf used his claw's heat and formed a more menacing wolf made up of steam and fire and striked Volt with it. A clash occured which could be heard inside the mansion too and Ademar, Rudolf and Lucy heard it. They came out running to check and what they was Metal, Varulf and Bogeyman were laying on the ground and Lucas was still standing.
The battle came to end and Lucas won the battle but for that he had to use his full power. He really liked Volt and decided to make it his permanent weapon.
He heard Lucy's voice, " Are you all right son? ".
He looked behind and saw his father, his mother and Rudolf standing there.
He said, " Yes mom, I am all right. We were just having a friendly duel. ".
Rudolf said, " But it didn't looked like a friendly duel, young master. ".
He said, " You don't have to worry about this, Rudolf. ".
He absorbed Metal, Varulf and Bogeyman back to let them rest and heal. Ademar took Lucas inside the house as it was already dinner time. Lucas washed up and went for dinner.
During the dinner, Ademar asked, " Son, did you went to the weapon shop I told you about? ".
" Yes dad, I did and I even found a very cool weapon for myself, let me show you. ".
His mother said, " No talking during dinner and you are not showing any weapon to your father right now Lucas, do it after dinner. ".
They both had no choice but to listen to Lucy. After the dinner Lucas showed Volt to his father and his father said, " It looks so cool Lucas. How much did it cost? ".
He said, " Not much, don't worry about it. ".
His father further asked, " Lucas, you are twelve, so I was thinking that you should join a university now for your education. I can get you into the top class one. ".
He asked, " University? ".
His father replied, " Yes my son, you can think it as Academy where you will learn lots of new things and even make new friends and find strong people, even stronger than you. ".
He felt excited because he could find members for his guild too. He agreed to join one and his father said, " Okay, we will go tomorrow. ".
Lucas then checked on Serena and she was still sleeping and after that, he went to bed.
The Next Morning,
Lucas woke up, got fresh and went for breakfast. He saw Serena there and asked, " Are you all right? ".
She said, " Yes lord Lucas, I am all right and thank you for letting me train with Metal. ".
He said, " No worry and by the way, I am sorry. I won't be able to go with you to clear monster palace today, you have to go with Rudolf but don't worry I will send Metal with you. ".
She said, " There's no reason for you to be sorry, lord Lucas and thank you for letting Metal with me. ".
He gave a smile and went for breakfast.
After Breakfast,
His father took him with him and when he stepped outside his house, he felt an immense pressure. It was like something was staring down at his soul. He started sweeting and looked infront of him and saw a lady standing.
The lady was around twenty five years old, she had blue hair and blue eyes color. She had tanned skin color and her hairs were short. She was wearing white shirt, black tie, black coat, black pant and black shoes with black socks, her outfits were same as that of Lucas.
She came and greeted Ademar, "Good morning sir. ".
Ademar said, " Good morning, Misa. ".
Ademar introduced Lucas to her, " He is my eldest child, Lucas. ".
Misa looked at Lucas and Ademar said to Lucas, " She is Misa, my secretary. ".
Lucas greeted her, " Good morning, lady Misa. It was an honor to meet you. ".
She greeted Lucas, " Good morning, Lucas, the pleasure's mine. ".
Ademar said, " She is S-rank Lucas. You can learn lots of things from her. ".
Lucas was not surprised that she was S-rank because he was still feeling a pressure. ".
Ademar then got into his car with Misa and Lucas. All three of them went towards the London's best academy for Arbiters.
Lucas and his family lived in London and Lucas was born in London.
They arrived infront of the UK's best Arbiter Academy, The Dream For A New Light(TDFANL).
The design of the Academy was similar to the Germany's Cologne Cathedral and it was also of the same size. Lucas got out of the car and could feel very strong energy around him. All of them went inside the academy and were greeted by the chairman of the academy, Lysander.
Lysander and Ademar were childhood friends and that's why Ademar was able to get Lucas join such a reputated academy without any problem. Ademar introduced Lysander to Lucas, " Lucas, meet my childhood friend, Lysander. ".
Lucas greeted Lysander and so did Lysander.
Lysander then took Lucas and Ademar with him to show them around. Misa decided to stay in the car because she was not a social person. She hated crowd. The interior of the academy of the academy was even better than the exterior. Even though there was so many people, the space was still empty for thousand more.
Serena, Rudolf and Metal reached the throne room of the monster palace they were inside. It was the first monster of the day. They saw that a lizard like man was sitting on the throne.
The lizard like man said, " Ah, it's been a while since I ate a human. I have even forgotten the taste of a human but I shall recover it today. ".
Metal said, " Rudolf and Serena, stay on yoir guard every second. This creature is even stronger than me. If you relaxed even for a second, it could result in your death. ".
The lizardman charged on Serena and none of them could see his movement except Rudolf. Rudolf grabbed the face of the lizardman and smashed him on the ground before he could touch Serena.
Rudolf said, "Serena, summon a axe and behead him, now! ".
Serena did as Rudolf said but the lizardman kicked Rudolf and maintain a distance.
Without wasting any second, Serena summoned chains and tried to find the lizardman and it failed but it gave the Metal a chance to ambush on him. Lizardman didn't realise what was happening and felt that something was creeping on him from behind. He looked behind and something cut his hands, it was Serena. She summoned a long sword the moment lizardman looked behind and without wasting a second attacked him.
Lizardman tried to spit on Serena but Metal grabbed his face and smashed him on the ground again.
The spit of lizardman contained acid strong enough to melt human bones. Metal said, " Lady Serena, behead this creature, now! ".
Lizardman couldn't move as Metal's grip was harder than his strength and Serena behead the lizardman. They cleared the monster palace and the reward was distributed among Rudolf and Serena. Rudolf refused to take the reward but Serena insisted and he had no choice.
Here, Lucas and Ademar finished all the paper work to make Lucas enroll in the academy. Lucas felt like something was staring him, he looked behind and saw a girl with big messy hair was looking at him. She was around the same age of Arthur, had black long hair. It looked like she was getting bullied because a group of boys were throwing paper on him. Those boys were also around the age of Arthur.
Suddenly, a girl around the age of Serena came and throw orange juice on her face.
Lucas saw all that and went to her to stop her. The girl around the age of Serena looked at Lucas and asked, " Who the hell are you kid? ".
Lucas ignored her and asked the girl being bullied, " You all right? ".
Lysander saw all that and came to help Lucas.
The girl who throw drink on her had big black hair too, she was the most beautiful in the academy. She grabbed Lucas' hand and said with an angry expression, " Look at me when I am talking to you.".
Lucas looked at her face and said, " You are pretty... pretty ugly, aren't you? ".
She was embarrassed around everyone by Lucas. She had never heard an insult. She got really angry and tried to punch Lucas on face but Lysander grabbed her hand and said, " May I ask you what were you doing to this young girl, Luna? ".
Luna was the daughter of Lysander and that's why she was always arrogant towards other. She looked at her father and said, " Dad, it's not my mistake. This piece of crap just called me just ugly. ".
Lysander said, " I don't think so he said anything wrong. What you did to that young girl was ugly. ".
Lysander apogized to the young girl and send Luna to her class.
Lucas asked to the young girl, " What's your name? ".
The young girl said with a cracking voice, " Amane. ".
Lucas said, " You don't have to be scared anymore, okay Amane? ".
Amane looked at his face.
Lucas further said, " Don't worry, from now on no one will bully you, okay? ".
Amane started crying because nobody has ever shown this much kindness to her, even her parents. Lucas panicked because he thought that his actions made her cry but Lysander calmed him and Amane down and said, " She just never experienced kindness. Even her parents are cruel to her. ".
Lysander send Amane to her class and said, " It's not like her parents hate her, it's just they are not her real parents. Her parents were Arbiters but they died during clearing a monster town and after that she was adopted by a rich family because that family thought that she would have powers like her parents but she didn't and they started treating her in the worst way. Her parents were of AAA-rank and her new family expected the same from her. ".
Lucas heard the whole story and he felt really bad for her. After finishing all the paper work, they went back home but on their way, they ate in a restaurant and Ademar spend sometime with Lucas.
When they arrived home, it was already night time. Lucas saw Serena asked about her day and Serena told him that they cleared 3 monster palaces today. Lucas was surprised to see the improvement.
Lucas went for dinner and after that to bed. The next day was going to be his first day in the academy and Lucas was very excited.