Chapter 5 Burning Fire and Blood - Heiwa Mountain Arc Part 2

Akira and Sakura are walking. Akira griped while rubbing his back and hair, "You didn't have to pull my hair out." Sakura chuckled, gave a little slap in Akira's back, and joked, "If Akarui and Kaede weren't there, I would have pulled your heart out. So be grateful!" Akira's spine frozen. And he stood straight while sweating, and his eyes widened. He calmed down and suddenly spoke loudly. "And the proud lion fell into the trap." Akira extended his right hand halfway to his front. He then extended his left arm to his front fully. But then he created some blood and turned it into a bow and arrow, but the arrow was facing towards his backside instead of the front. Akira released the bow. There was someone behind them in the bushes. The person caught the arrow. He emerged from the bush and praised them, "Not bad. You actually detected me."

The person was covered in tattoos and had 5 earrings in each ear. Black eyes, white skin, around 5 feet 9 and medium hair. Sakura replied sassily, "When your footsteps are louder than an earthquake. It is pretty easy to detect you." The guy snapped, "Your purple hair and the purple hair clip make you look like a Chinese doll!" Akira ranted, "Hey! Chinese dolls are cute... At least she doesn't look like a zebra roasted in charcoal. And listen here, ink stain. Your face looks like it was drawn by a blind cartographer!" Sakura replied, a bit embarrassed while blushing, "Yeah! What he said."

The guy roared, "Earthquake!" He bent his knees and punched the ground. The ground started to shake. Pillars of stone went up and down. The ground started to open and close. It was pure chaos. Almost like mouths eating. Sakura joked, "Woah, someone is hungry." The guy spoke "Drill." He punched the air, and a 60-cm drill made out of stone materialized from particles coming from the guy's knuckles came spiraling towards Sakura. She spoke, "Flames of hell." She pulled out two war fans and flapped it once at the stone and summoned flames from the fans towering over 100 meters. The flames burned the stone drill to crisp. The stone drill hit Sakura, but it was so burned that it crumbled on impact. It barely scratched Sakura. Sakura mocked him, "Useless..."

The guy lifted his arms and made a wall blocking the flames right before it burned him. The flames kept going like it had no end—like hell. Damn it, my wall won't hold for long. The walls started to crack. Thankfully The flames stopped. But the wall crumbled at the exact moment. It revealed the sweaty guy. Sakura folded her fans and folded them and blew on them.

The guy rambled, "Your candle is nothing to my art!"

Akira shot, "Your body doesn't say the same thing; ink leak. What's your name? We need it for your tombstone." Sakura added, "You look like you were left in a hot oven. Wait a minute, you kind of were!" The guy screamed, "Shut up, brats! It's Jackson. My goddamn name is Jackson!" He lunged towards Akira. This brat is useless in close combat!

Oh no, Akira is going to get himself killed!

As the person's fist neared Akira's face. Akira's bow exploded. The bow then turned to a long pole and materialized into a scythe made out of hardened blood. Akira spun it upwards and stabbed Jackson in the stomach. Out of desperation, Jackson summoned a rock and hurled it towards himself. The rock hit Jackson and pushed him away from Akira, taking the upper half of the scythe with him, which was still lodged in his stomach. Akira shrugged and spoke, "Oh well."

 He clenched his fist and released it, making the lodged blade explode into wet blood and splatter around his body. "Wow, you are desperate all right." Akira mocked him; he placed his scythe on his shoulder and continued while grinning, "Just give up... and die."

Akira then turned his broken scythe into two scimitars. He muttered, "Lost slashes." Slashes made out of blood came from the ground, going left and right diagonally and bouncing off the other side towards Jackson while twisting. Jackson tightened his fists and screamed, "Stone skin!" Pieces of stone started to attach themselves to Jackson's lower arms, creating stone gauntlets. The slashes neared Jackson. Jackson started to punch the slashes, breaking tiny pieces of stone from his gauntlets each time. 

Wait... There is something wrong. From all sides? Jackson turned to see slashes coming from all sides. He was punching the slashes from all directions while yelling, "Die! Die! Die!" After Jackson punched each slash, tiny drops of blood splattered on Jackson. Jackson moved faster with each hit, and so did the slashes. The slashes stopped. Jackson's gauntlets crumbled to dust. Sakura's face dropped. Akira grinned, "Glad you noticed my slashes come from all sides... Like they are lost. Like me."

Is that really Akira? He is so strong. How is he this strong? I know he was stronger than me, but not this much! Did he hold himself back? I am never messing with him again... She slowly walked to Akira, but she maintained her sight towards Jackson, who was gasping for air while sweating. She leaned into Akira and whispered, "Umm, I am going to stay away from your way. Keep cooking!" Akira agreed, "Please feel free to take a rest. I got this!" Sakura dashed away from Jackson and Akira. She took shelter in a tree 100 meters away from them. She sat down and spread her legs out in front of her. You got this, Akira.

Akira asked jokingly after Jackson finished gasping for air, "Why do you keep falling into my traps?" Akira raised his right hand and hardened his fist. He muttered, "Burning blood." The splashes of blood on Jackson started to go up in flames and then exploded, burning him and taking half of his face's flesh. His right eye popped out of its socket with blood following it, and all that was left above his top right part of his face and below his nose was bone. His face, excluding the visible bones, was black due to the explosion, and blood was dried up on his face because of the heat. He was unrecognizable.

He started laughing hysterically and spreads his arm to his side, and bends his back, looking up. "I haven't had this much fun in so long. If I hadn't used time manipulation..." He looks at Akira while straightening his back. "I would have been blown up! Useless boy! Can't even kill someone properly! Hahahahaha!" He calmed down after a few seconds while breathing heavily.

Akira asked, checking an invisible wristwatch, "Dude, are you done with your makeover? Can I fight and kill you now? Skeleton..." He continued, "Wait. Did you say time manipulation? The ability to rewind or accelerate the time on something or someone? And if you fully master it, you can even stop the time on something or someone. That's impossible! It's one of the hardest-acquired techniques to learn. Hell, you can't even be born with an acquired technique; you need to learn it. By the way, a natural technique is a technique you can only use if you were born with it, and an acquired technique is a technique you can only use if you learn it. Of course, unless you have the technique to steal. You have a higher chance of going to the end of the universe and back 15 trillion times and then breaking through the barrier of the universe. Maybe you aren't so weak after all! Good job!"

Jackson retorted, "Yeah, I have razor sharp wit. Wait... What did you say? You rascal! I know what a natural technique is! And I am not useless!"

Akira joked while laughing, "By razor sharp, do you mean dull enough to butter toast? Because that's how smart you are. At this point, I feel bad for you." Jackson, wiping the blood off his face, shot back, "Your traps are as predictable as a sunrise! Akira smirked, "Predictable? Says the guy who just got a free facial exfoliation except you did the opposite of an exfoliation. How's that working out for you?"

Jackson growled, "Better than your last haircut! Did you use a lawnmower for that?" Akira chuckled, "At least I don't need a chisel to trim my nails. How's the stone age treating you?" Jackson, rolling his eyes, replied, "Better than your sense of fashion. Seriously, who uses scimitars these days?" Akira, pretending to be offended, says, "Oh, and I suppose your rock gauntlets are all the rage in Paris? Well, at least what's left of it. Man, me and Sakura are lucky to live in a Porta Provectus." Jackson, now visibly annoyed, lunged at Akira with a roar, "Enough talk! Let's see if your jokes can save you now! Stone skin." He swung his stone-covered fists with all his might, aiming for Akira's head. Again.

Akira dodged effortlessly, laughing, "Whoa there, Rocky! Did you forget to charge your batteries this morning? And really? Those gloves again?" Jackson, fuming, retorted, "At least I don't need a GPS to find my way out of a paper bag!" Akira, still grinning, "Oh, come on! Even a snail could dodge that punch. Maybe you should try knitting instead. I have seen pillow fights more threatening than your attacks."

Jackson, now red with anger, yelled, "I'll show you knitting!" He swung again, but Akira sidestepped and tripped him, causing Jackson to fall face-first into the dirt. Akira burst out laughing, "Nice dive! 10 out of 10 for style, but zero for execution."

Jackson, spitting out dirt, growled, "You're going to regret that!" He got up and charged at Akira, who was still chuckling. Akira taunted, "Is that all you've got? My grandma hits harder than you!"

Jackson, now completely enraged, screamed, "Shut up! Limitless barrage!" He threw a flurry of punches, but Akira dodged them all with ease. Akira, still laughing, "Seriously, have you considered a career in comedy? Because your fighting skills are a joke!"

Jackson, panting and exhausted, finally stopped. Akira, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes, said, "Alright, alright. Let's get serious now." He raised his scimitar and prepared for the next round. Jackson, catching his breath, muttered, "This isn't over, Akira. Not by a long shot."

Akira smirked, "Bring it on, Rocky. I'm just getting warmed up."

Sakura was watching silently behind a tree 100 meters away. With Akira's current power. I would be a burden. I want to be useful to him, but I would just hold him down. Sorry Akira. Wait, why shouldn't I help him?

Jackson exclaimed, "Divine prayer." He pressed his palms together with his fingers pointing upwards. He moved his hands up and the ground started to rumble. A hand in a bowel shape started to rise from the ground, with Akira in it. Slowly a human girl stone figure started to rise with the top of the bowl's hands' top moving closer to the head. Oh my lord! I should help Akira!

Sakura dashed towards the figure she took her war fans and jumped, stabbing the stone figure and climbing by stabbing the figure higher and higher. She reached closer, but the opening was almost closed. Hurry up! She pushed herself towards the top and created a blast beneath her to carry her towards the top. She reached the top. The opening was about to close. The stone figure raised the almost closed bowl hands above her head. Sakura jumped in the small opening between that was closing rapidly. The opening closed. The stone figure towered over 900 meters. It stopped moving. Sakura released a bit of a burst of flame from her fists facing down to slow her fall.

Akira exclaimed, "Sakura? What are you doing here?" Sakura, in a goofy and proud tone, replied, "I came to rescue you... So, you're welcome!" Akira started laughing; he fell on the floor and started wiggling like a madman while laughing. He stuttered while doing this, "Yo-you s-s-s-av-save m-e-e-e-e? Yo-our j-o-k-i-n-g." Akira stood up, patted his back, and continued, "I have it planned out. I was about to release a destructive move, but you are here!

Sakura asked confusedly, "What do you mean?" Akira answered while placing his scimitars on his shoulders, sighing, "You see the splattered blood?" Akira pointed to a spot and continued, "I was about to detonate them. Since this place is compressed, it can't handle much force. People can't be harmed by their own powers, so I can't be harmed. But now you are here! There is a chance you can be harmed."

"Oh, that's it? I can't believe you underestimated me!" Sakura exclaimed with a bit of disappointment. She continued a bit surprised, "What happened to my funny childhood best friend Akira? And who are you, suicide bomber?" Akira laughed it out and shrugged, "I guess you are right." Akira thought and continued, "Use your exoskeleton to protect yourself." Sakura agreed, "Good idea!" Akira announced, "On my mark, get ready... now!"

Sakura yelled, "Exoskeleton!" Flames came out of Sakura's body and covered her fully, like a suit." Akira declared right after, "Burning blood." Akira raised his right arm, and the blood splatters combusted and blew the stone figure's hands up into pieces. Jackson was singing and vibing by swaying his hips, immersing himself in blind joy. "Who is the best of the best fighters?" Me! I am the best of the-" He looked back and saw the explosion and the hands of the enormous stone figure crumbling to pieces and falling down, and he also saw Akira was falling down with Sakura. "Oh my god. Are you freaking kidding me? What is it going to take to kill them? No way they are still alive. Wait... When did the girl get up there? Boulder!" Jackson sent a huge boulder twice his size hurling towards Akira and Sakura." Akira swung his scimitars, breaking the boulder into two. Sakura's flame exoskeleton faded away into the air.

Akira asked, "You good?" Sakura answered, "Yes. Wait, what about Jackson?" Akira raised his right arm, "Blood spikes." Blood started to form in front of Akira's hand. Akira released it while they were still falling; it moved towards Jackson like a shooting star. Jackson exclaimed, "Holy mother of god!" The blood separated into tiny, burning spikes and pierced all of Jackson's body and burst into flames, blowing up tiny pieces of Jackson's flesh and exposing even more of his bones. Jackson started screaming in pain, "Curse you, brats!" His body started to wiggle in pain. Sakura and Akira landed. Dust scattered due to the force. Akira bent his upper body down and spread his legs a bit sideways. He straightened his arms and pushed them fully behind him, hitting a cool pose. The dust settled. He dashed towards Jackson, leaving Sakura behind.

Akira's scimitars vanished, and his scythe materialized while he was dashing towards Jackson. He spun his scythe, hit the ground with devastating force, and threw himself towards Jackson, causing pieces of the ground to break apart and stay air bourn for a short time. Seizing the opportunity, Akira landed on a piece and started quickly jumping on the pieces of rock towards Jackson.

He spoke, "You aren't the only one who can break the earth!" The trail of airborne stone pieces came to an end. Akira jumped and raised his scythe with a playful smile. This is what you get for disrespecting Sakura. She was there for me. She is like family. I will never tolerate any disrespect for her!

Akira declared, "Die!" Wait, something doesn't feel right. What's that sound? Akira saw a huge spike of stone in front of him getting bigger quickly. He looked at Jackson, who was raising his fingers, controlling the spike. Damn it! I am so close. I should counter it. Wait. What if I?

Akira moved his scythe's blade in front of the spike, causing him to spin around the spike. Akira turned 360 degrees and was closer towards Jackson. Akira moved the scythe to his left side as he closed the distance between Jackson and himself. Akira spoke "By the way, you could have healed yourself using time manipulation by reversing time on yourself. Bone brain!" Jackson replied with fear. "Why am I so stupid?" 

Akira muttered, "Extension." Akira's Scythe's Blade extended quickly, beheading Jackson in an instant, leaving Akira spinning in the air the other way due to the momentum. Akira grinned, "Buh-bye!" Finally! I killed this cosplayer. Akira stopped spinning and slid across the ground. He stopped. Sakura's mouth was wide open in shock. "What the. You are so cool!" Akira responded shyly while rubbing the back of his head, "Thank you." Sakura added, "I knew you were stronger than me, but I didn't know you were this strong." Akira grinned, "I never had the chance to show it. The need never came, so I never showed it." 

Sakura pointed at Jackson's headless body, "By the way, Jackson peed his pants!" Akira burst out laughing. Sakura gave a little chuckle. She added, "You could be stronger than Akarui!" Akira denied in a serious tone. "No, he is hiding something from us, or more likely he is hiding something from himself..." Sakura asked Akira, "Dude what are you talking about? How can he be hiding something from himself? That isn't possible... Is it?" Akira answered, "That isn't what I meant. He literally unlocked realm. It has been 1 day since he joined academy. He must have trained a lot. His power has pure training and dedication. But there might be something in him that even Akarui has no clue about. His will. And we can only hope he uses his will and power for the better."

"Kaede, what did you say?"

Kaede asked me while I was sheathing my katana, "How did you kill him in 2 seconds?" I also asked while I was confused " Are you telling the whole battle 2 seconds, or I just took his life in 2 seconds." Kaede answered, "After my attack. The battle lasted 2 seconds between you and Kansa." "Hmm, the only explanation is. I unlocked time sense."