Chapter 7 It Just Doesn't Stop - Heiwa Mountain Arc Part 4

"Thank you, Akira," Sakura smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. It was one of those smiles that could light up a room, even in the darkest of dungeons.

Kaede flailed her arms like a windmill caught in a hurricane and disrupted, "Honestly, it's like the Cyclops went to the 'Overpowered Villain Store' and just maxed out its shopping cart. 'Oh, yes, I'll take the deluxe package: one Cyclops, one dragon, and a side of stone birds, please!'"

"Woh, chill Kaede, I got it under control." I told her while raising my hands like a jail convict.

"You better hope what you said isn't a lie. For your own good." She retorted with a deadly look

Akira slapped his forehead with his hand, "Right, because nothing screams 'under control' like a bunch of mythical creatures trying to turn us into medieval barbecue."

Kaede spoke narrowing her eyes "Akarui, if this goes south, I'm blaming you. And I'll write a strongly worded Yelp review for this whole mission. One star. If I die, I will haunt you to the ends of the afterlife. Day or night. Cold or hot. Winter or summer. Under the ocean or the sky"

I gulped, "Okay. Let's just go with the flow." Akira tapped my shoulder, "We could really use your realm."

"I don't know how to use a realm."

"Akarui, just wing it. Literally. Maybe flap your arms and shout 'Realm, assemble!' Works for me."

"Akira. You can't use a realm yet."

"Either way just focus Akarui." Kaede chimed in.

Kaede instructed, "Breathe in. Breathe out. Imagine your inner realm as a cozy pillow fortress with warm, fluffy blankets. And remember extra snacks." "You do not understand what a realm is do you?" Kaede huffed, puffed and punched me in the face, "Shut up! I am trying my best here to help you!" I got pushed backwards by the force. I coughed blood, rubbed my cheeks, "Sorry!"

Akira exclaimed, "Alright! To battle."

"You are taking this way too lightly. Well, like he said. To Battle!" Kaede sighed, "Whatever. If you say so."

Akira, muttered, "Taking it lightly? I've seen more intensity at a marshmallow-toasting contest."

I knelt down. Straightened my right leg. And made the running pose. I thrust myself from the ground towards the Cyclops, so fast it made me seem like I was flying. My feet didn't touch the ground. Kaede exclaimed, "Hey, wait up!" The others followed. Sakura did her air-hopping thing, Kaede's feet launched light like a rocket, and she flew with me. Akira made a wave of crimson blood under him which kept getting bigger, and it carried him. Sakura did the same thing as Kaede but with fire. They caught up. I kept bending my legs and kicking the air behind me, releasing dark energy that kept thrusting me forward while keeping me in the air. "Oh, Krishna don't tell me they can't catch up. Fine I'll slow down." I raised my hands with my palm facing forward. I released dark energy from my palms which slowed me down. They caught up.

Akira came closer to me, "Dude, what's your plan?"

"Well, Mr. Poseiden of blood, just kill the Cyclops, then the birds and the stone army will die." "That isn't a plan. That's a wish list Akarui! And how will the army and the birds die if you kill the Cyclops?" "I thought you were smart, Akira. The birds are pure stone. The Cyclops must have unlocked the conscience extender." "I see." He replied, "Ok, I trust you."

Sakura interrupted and looked up, "I think we have a problem." I looked up. The birds were over us. The birds' mouths opened and guess what? Fire came raining down on us. Sakura raised her hands and split them. The flame split into two pouring sideways, burning the trees around us. Sakura flinched, "It would be nice if someone helped instead of staring. I can't hold much longer. "I got this!" I unsheathed my Katana and slashed the air above me using the wind to create a hard big slash. It multiplied and cut through the birds cutting the birds into pieces. "Damn. It cut through like butter. And the birds crumbled like cracked like crackers." I kept on air hopping (That's what I am calling it from now on).

Akira, who was still riding his blood wave, announced, "Akarui, your plan is like ordering a pizza with extra toppings and hoping the crust will hold. But hey, I'm all in. Let's slice and dice!" "Good! Cause we are going to need that enthusiasm. My gaze was fixed forward. "Oh my freaking god! It just doesn't stop!" "What now Akarui?"

"Well. A dragon." "

What?" I pointed upwards to a spiralling long Chinese dragon (Yes there are different types) about 30 meters, red scales with gold tracing, furry on the edge of his face, blue eyes, sharp fangs, long wings, long body not broad, medium size limbs and gold tail hair. It opened its mouth. Blue energy started to build up like a sphere which kept increasing in size. The beam fully filled up the jaw. The dragon stopped and moved its neck back a bit. The dragon roared and a huge, hot energy beam, which was in the sphere's place, was released. The dragon moved its head around controlling the beam. "Look out!" Akira made a wall of blood. The heat of the beam was too much, and it caused an explosion which pushed Akira away. Everything that the beam touched turned to either fire or ashes, "Great."

"Wait what is that?" I looked at the glowing collar, "Of course. The dragon has the conscience of the Cyclops! Maybe I should keep him?" My katana disappeared and a lasso materialised. I spun it around and threw it at the dragon's neck. I pulled myself to the dragon. I landed on the back of the dragon. "Easy boy." The dragon shook its head furiously. It kept crashing into trees in an attempt to throw me off. I pulled the rope behind making the dragon go upwards into the sky " the oxygen amount will get lower I must bring it back to the ground." The dragon slowly turned its head and chomped on the rope. Making me fall. The dragon fell out of exhaustion. "Thank you. all I need to do is to stick my landing. Wait a minute. I am falling!"

The dragon woke back and unleashed a ball of red energy. Again. "You have to be kidding me." I slashed the ball. I straightened my body making me fall faster. I materialized my katana and slashed the collar. The dragon seemed to be in a trance for a second. It opened it's eyes, "What happened?" The dragon spoke, "Wait who are you?" "Hello! My name is Akarui?" I looked down, "First things first. Do you mind." "Oh, not at all. Sorry." The dragon moved his back to me. I sat on his back. The dragon turned down and flew at rapid speed. "Uhm... Mind turning it down a bit please?" "Hahahahaha! When was the last time I had this much fun!" The dragon laughed. The dragon started twisting it's body, Spiralling across the sky down faster and faster. blue energy started to blast out of the dragon, making it go faster. "This is actually fun!" "Glad you find it fun! just a little bit further!" Wait. Why can I see so clearly? I can see them clearly. That must be at least ten kilometers away.

"Ten kilometers away!" How far did we go?"

"About twenty kilometers." The dragon replied.


"I don't know you tell me?"

"We are here!" The dragon spread it's wings stopping before we hit the ground. I fell of because of the force. "Ouchie!"

"Akarui!" Kaede came running at me, "Oh! My god!" She said while backing off a bit.

"First of all, who are you dragon?"

"I am Akisada. I was controlled by the Cyclops. I went to confront him, but he took control of me. Young master I am in your service."

"Wait what?"

"You saved me, now I want to be your companion."

"Cool ok."

"Allow me to fuse and connect with you."

"Fuse and connect?"

"You get my powers and strength. You can also call on me whenever you like."

"Well how does it work."

"Since I accepted you as my master you just say Akisada, connect. When you need me, you just think about summoning me. If you wish to call back me, you think about recalling me.Oh, and when you need my powers and strength you think about fusing and defusing. "

"Uh? Cool. Now I will call you in battle only when I need you. Rest of the time you are free outside."

"Sounds good to me master."

"Akisada connect."

Akisada glowed and dissolved into particles which moved towards me and disappeared into me. Sakura was speechless, "What just happened?" Kaede shrugged, "I don't know?" Sakura announced, a bit annoyed, "Lets hurry please?" "Yeah." I continued to air hop towards the Cyclops. The others followed. There were stone humans scattered everywhere. I snapped my fingers. A small amount of dark energy quickly charged towards the stone humans one by one quickly destroying them to pieces. The Cyclops kept getting closer. Almost there! The Cyclops picked up a human and dropped him in it's mouth, "I love humans, even more if they are in my belly!" "Shut up!"

It finished munching and looked at us. Akira said in a low voice, "I don't think that was a good idea." The Cyclops had pale skin, green eyes, bare skin, around 500 meters tall. It spoke, "Who are you punks? Anyway, you guys make a nice appetiser, any last words?"

"Yes... Go to hell!" Since the Cyclops, the stone soldiers, and the birds are just invisible to the naked eye, they must think this is a normal forest fire. It's probably for the best. "Wait, they can't see the Cyclops so they can't escape! We can't let it reach the village," Kaede muttered.

I raised my katana with the blade pointing to the Cyclops. I threw it like a javelin. It picked up pace and caught fire. It hit the eye of the Cyclops, "Bullseye! What's your name by the way?"

The Cyclops roared and stomped its feet, took my katana, and crushed it, "My name is Ficedula!"

"What? Fix a what?"


"Fix-do-a?" He picked a boulder, "Fic!" He raised it to his shoulder, "E!" He hurled it towards us, "Dula!"

I jumped towards the boulder. Dark energy swarmed around my body quickly; it stopped on my right hand. I closed my fists and punched the boulder. I was nearing the Cyclops. "It would be nice to stop now! Oh well." I materialized my katana. I raised it with the blade facing forward, "Take this, fat dirt!" I slashed the air creating a slash of dark energy towards Ficedula. God, that is a stupid name.

"Weak." The Cyclops swung his arm, it was nearing me. "Shadow portal." I created a shadow portal and entered it before Ficedula's arm hit me.

"What just happened?" Kaede spoke.

"Raahhhhh!" Ficedula roared.

"Peek-a-boo!" I created a portal and jumped out of the portal. I kicked the back of Ficedula's head and jumped back in.

"Show yourself, appetiser!" I created a portal on the right side of Ficedula's head and jumped out. I punched him and went back inside by creating a portal. I started speeding up. I came at different directions and sides and punched each time.

Ficedula swung his arms around trying to hit me. His hand finally managed to aim for me. I swung my katana, "Relentless typhoon!" I created horizontal slashes. Which did absolutely no damage. What the hell? Is this guy made of metal or something? I managed to climb up and jump away when he touched my body. I fell down. I summoned wind upwards to slow my fall. I landed on my body. I stood up quickly and dusted myself. I turned towards the others.

"Akira, Sakura, and Kaede... Evacuate the village."

Kaede argued, "But what about you?"

"It's not like you guys are doing anything now! Besides you know very well I handled worse and survived!"

She retorted, "Fine!" She walked away with Akira and Sakura.

Ficedula laughed, "You are the most stupid person I have ever seen! Seriously. You literally told your friends to go away!"

"So? It's not that hard. Trust me. I play allrounder in cricket. It's much harder!"

"We'll see about that!" He replied with a smirk, "Vine manipulation. Rogue vines." He summoned vines from underneath the ground and they sprouted from the ground.

"What do you think?" He asked me with pride in his smile.

"Of your garden? Pretty neat. Not!"

"Curse you!" He screamed with rage. His veins started to be more visible. The vines came at me. They wrapped around my right hand. Then my left. Then my right leg. Then my left leg. And finally, my whole body.

"Oh damn. You finally managed to land a hit!" I spoke with my voice being muffled by the vines. Ficedula neared me, each stomp getting harder and harder. He finally reached me. His right leg above me; slowly decreasing the distance between my head and his foot. His foot touched my head barely.

"What?" he thought, why can't I step on him. Wait, what is this feeling? It feels cold. I summoned a huge gale of wind upwards at his feet to stop it.

"Come on! Just a little bit more." I stretched my right hand which tore the vines off. I used my right hand and pried the vines off my fac revealing my sweaty face. I gasped for air. The Cyclops' leg was still on top of me. Time to fight! "Shadow portal." I cast a portal on me and tore the vines off.

Ficedula roared in frustration, "You think you can escape me?" He swung his massive arm, but I dodged, creating another portal to appear behind him. I slashed at his back, but it was like hitting a brick wall.

"Seriously, what are you made of? Concrete?" I quipped, dodging another swipe.

"More like pure muscle!" Ficedula boasted, flexing his arm.

"Yeah, well, let's see how you handle this!" I created multiple shadow clones, each one attacking from different angles. Ficedula was momentarily confused, swatting at the clones like they were flies.

"Is that all you've got?" he taunted, crushing a clone under his foot.

"Not even close!" I replied, launching myself at his face. I landed a solid punch on his nose, causing him to stagger back.

"You'll pay for that!" Ficedula roared, summoning more vines. They shot out of the ground, wrapping around my clones and me.

"Not again!" I groaned, struggling against the vines.

Ficedula laughed, "You're finished!"

"Think again!" I summoned a burst of dark energy, burning the vines away. I leaped into the air, katana blazing with dark energy. "This ends now!" I slashed down, aiming for his eye.

Ficedula raised his arm to block, but I was too fast. The blade sliced through his arm, causing him to howl in pain.

"Gotcha!" I shouted, landing another blow on his chest.

Ficedula stumbled back, clutching his arm. "You... you little...!"

"That's right, I'm little, but I'm also mighty!" I retorted, readying for another attack.

Ficedula roared in fury, charging at me with renewed vigor. I dodged to the side, slashing at his legs. He fell to one knee, giving me the opening I needed.

"Time to finish this!" I leaped into the air, katana raised high.

Ficedula looked up, eyes wide with fear. "No...!"

"Yes!" I brought the katana down with all my strength, striking him in the forehead. There was a blinding flash of light, and Ficedula let out one final roar before collapsing to the ground.

I landed gracefully, panting from the exertion. "And that's how you take down a Cyclops," I said, sheathing my katana.

Akira, Sakura, and Kaede returned, looking at the fallen Cyclops in awe.

"You did it!" Akira exclaimed.

"Of course I did," I replied with a grin. "Now, let's go back to the academy. Oh, wait we need to break the news to the grandma."

But just as we were about to leave, the ground shook violently. "What now?" I groaned.

Ficedula's eyes snapped open, and he roared, "You thought you could defeat me that easily?"

"Seriously? Can't you just stay down?" I muttered, drawing my katana again.

Ficedula stood up, his wounds healing rapidly. "I am invincible!" he bellowed.

"Yeah, yeah, we've heard that before," I said, rolling my eyes. "Let's see how invincible you are against this!" I charged at him, katana blazing with dark energy.

Ficedula swung his massive arm, but I dodged, slashing at his leg. He roared in pain, but didn't slow down.

"Akira, Sakura, Kaede, get to safety!" I yelled.

"We're not leaving you!" Kaede shouted back.

"Fine, then help me out!" I replied, dodging another swing.

I summoned a barrage of dark energy blasts, hitting Ficedula in the chest. He roared in anger, swinging his arm wildly.

Sakura used her Fire Technique to create a flame tornado, lifting Ficedula off his feet. "Now, hit him!" she shouted.

I leaped into the air, katana blazing with dark energy. "Take this!" I slashed down, striking Ficedula in the chest.

He roared in pain, but still didn't fall. "This thing is tough!" I muttered.

"We need to hit him harder!" Akira shouted, summoning more dark energy blasts.

"Right!" I replied, creating more shadow clones. We all attacked at once, hitting Ficedula from every angle.

Ficedula roared in fury, summoning more vines. They shot out of the ground, wrapping around my clones and me.

"Not again!" I groaned, struggling against the vines.

Ficedula laughed, "You're finished!"

"Think again!" I summoned a burst of dark energy, burning the vines away. I leaped into the air, katana blazing with dark energy. "Take this!" I slashed down, striking Ficedula in the chest.

He roared in pain, but still didn't fall. "This thing is tough!" I muttered.

"We need to hit him harder!" Akira shouted, summoning blood from his own veins and manipulating it into sharp, deadly projectiles.

"Right!" I replied, creating more shadow clones. We all attacked at once, hitting Ficedula from every angle.

Ficedula roared in fury, summoning more vines. They shot out of the ground, wrapping around my clones and me.

"Not again!" I groaned, struggling against the vines.

Ficedula laughed, "You're finished!"

"Think again!" I summoned a burst of dark energy, burning the vines away. I leaped into the air, aiming for his head this time. "This ends now!"

But just as I was about to strike, Ficedula swatted me away like a fly. I crashed into a tree, the impact knocking the wind out of me. "Okay, that hurt," I wheezed.

"Need a hand?" Kaede asked, helping me up.

"Thanks," I muttered, dusting myself off. "We need a new plan."

"How about we try something... unexpected?" Kaede suggested, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Like what?" I asked, curious.

"Like this!" Kaede pulled out a small, shiny object from her pocket and threw it at Ficedula. It exploded in a burst of confetti and glitter.

Ficedula blinked, momentarily stunned. "What... what is this?" he sputtered, covered in sparkles.

"Now's our chance!" Akira shouted, launching another barrage of blood projectiles.

I grinned, charging at Ficedula again. "You're going down, sparkles!" I slashed at him with renewed vigor, my katana cutting through his defenses.

Ficedula roared, trying to shake off the glitter. "This is ridiculous!" he bellowed.

"Ridiculously effective!" I retorted, landing another blow.

Kaede and Sakura joined in, their attacks synchronized with mine. We moved as one, a whirlwind of magic and steel. Ficedula staggered, his movements slowing.

"We've got him!" Akira yelled, his eyes blazing with determination.

"Finish him off!" I shouted, leaping into the air for the final strike.

But just as I was about to land the killing blow, Ficedula let out a deafening roar. "You will not defeat me!" he screamed, summoning a massive wave of energy.

The force of the blast sent us all flying. I hit the ground hard, my vision swimming. "Is everyone okay?" I called out, struggling to my feet.

"We're fine," Akira replied, helping Sakura up. "But Ficedula..."

I looked over to see Ficedula standing tall, his wounds healing once again. "This is getting old," I muttered.

"We need to find his weakness," Kaede said, her eyes scanning the battlefield.

"Maybe it's his ego," I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Kaede chuckled, but her eyes remained serious. "We need to think strategically. He's regenerating too quickly for us to wear him down with brute force."

Akira nodded. "We need to disrupt his healing somehow. Maybe there's a source of his power we can target."

I glanced around, searching for anything that might give us an edge. "There!" I pointed to a glowing crystal embedded in the ground near Ficedula's feet. "That has to be it!"

Kaede's eyes widened. "Of course! That crystal must be amplifying his powers."

"Then we destroy it," Akira said, determination in his voice.

"Easier said than done," I muttered, eyeing the massive vines still writhing around us.

"We'll create a distraction," Kaede suggested. "Akira and I will keep Ficedula busy while you go for the crystal."

I nodded, gripping my katana tightly. "Let's do this."

Kaede and Akira launched themselves at Ficedula, their attacks fierce and relentless. Ficedula roared, focusing all his attention on them. I took the opportunity to slip past the vines, moving stealthily towards the crystal.

As I got closer, I could feel the dark energy radiating from it. It pulsed with power, almost hypnotic in its intensity. I shook off the feeling, raising my katana. "This ends now," I whispered, bringing my blade down with all my strength. Ficedula swung his hands and hit me. This time I landed on my feet. God this is annoying. Is this how that guy felt when he fought me? Years ago?

"One hundred thousand shards!" Shards started to form around me, I released the shards, and they stabbed the Cyclops's skin. Sakura, Kaede and Akira said in union, "Flames of hell!" "Blood spikes!" "Divine light!" Akira summoned blood spikes and hurled them towards the Cyclops. Kaede raised her arms and lowered them quickly, creating a beam of hot light from the sky to the Cyclops. Sakura flapped her fans creating a massive constant wave of flames. Akira closed his fists, "Hehehehe. Combust!" The blood spikes exploded like fireworks, except it was on skin.

Sakura stopped her flames. The smoke cleared revealing the Cyclops' standing skeleton.