His stomach was rumbling furiously with hunger, but it was his curiosity that won.
He soon found himself just outside Florian and Blort's.
This bookshop was one of the popular destinations for Hogwarts students during back-to-school seasons, so standing in front of the place gave him some pressure to go inside.
He hesitated, though.
What could he do with a book? Unless it was a comic, then that was where he drew the line—and he hardly thought a wizard bookshop would be selling comics.
Besides, he really had to find a place where he could buy some food; the hunger was becoming too much.
He was about to head off when a dazzling cover displayed on the shop window caught his eye.
To be precise , what had drawn his attention was the picture of four wizards facing each other.
All around them were distinct creatures that Magnus knew all too well
There was a Charizard in the midst of unleashing a stream of fire toward a Salamence…
There were many other huge Pokémons as well, along with wizards in shiny robes of varying colors zooming around on broomsticks.
"A Guide to Pokémon - Wizarding Battle League," Magnus read the book title aloud.
There was a latest edition badge dancing on the cover.
'But this is lovely' , he thought to himself, momentarily forgetting his hunger.
So there were Pokémon battles in this version as well?
Bit by bit, this place was beginning to shape itself into a thrilling adventure.
A Pokémon vs. magic collaboration was something he would kill to see.
Even from the book cover, he could see the scene kept changing… It was like watching a trailer of a movie, only this was not from a TV—this was just a book cover.
Apparently, the attacks weren't only directed at the opponent's Pokémon but at the players as well.
It was the kind of chaos that seemed to spark intense thrill.
The crowd of spectators in the towering stands above the battlefield were clearly yelling themselves hoarse, judging from what he was seeing.
This is exactly what I need if I am to understand this magic-Pokémon mix."
And with that thought, he found himself walking inside the bookshop.
Just like in the movies, the shop was a multilevel building with towering bookshelves.
The shopkeepers were quite busy, as there were several customers already being attended to.
This was good for him, as he first needed to check the price of the book.
From the looks of it, he was willing to bet he wouldn't be able to afford it.
Having reached the window where the book was displayed, he reached for it.
"You've got spectacular taste, mate. That's the latest edition… just came out."
Magnus actually recoiled at the sudden voice.
A youthful-looking wizard was standing right behind him.
Thing is, he could swear that no one had been around when he walked in.
Looking over at the other end, the ones he had seen were still attending to customers.
Magnus decided the guy must have Apparated, but then—he should have at least heard the familiar crack sound associated with it.
In whichever case, his plans to peruse the book had crumbled.
I mean, just hearing that short pitch the guy had given, he knew it must cost a fortune.
"Just came out" was often another way of saying, Give me all your freaking Galleons.
"How... how much is it?" Magnus asked, if only to make some small talk.
The alternative—which was what he would have preferred—was to leave the shop right away, but that might make him look like a shoplifter who had just been busted before the deed.
The attendant grinned. "Sixteen Galleons, mate. But let me tell you, it's worth every Knut!"
Magnus instantly regretted not leaving right away. Curiosity or not, that was way above his problems at the moment. He'd have to find some other way to figure things out.
"Sorry, I didn't know it was that expensive," he said, turning to leave.
But the guy didn't seem to want to move out of his path—which he had conveniently blocked.
"Don't be so hasty, mate. Tell you what, I'll knock off eight Sickles just 'cause I see how bad you want it," the attendant said in a cheery and overfriendly voice.
Even Magnus, who had been planning to squeeze past him, found his dull mood lighten a little.
"No thanks, mate, I ain't got that much. May I pass?" he said in a friendlier tone, not wanting to come across as rude.
Still, the guy appeared determined to sell him something he could clearly not afford.
In a way, Magnus felt a pang of guilt at the waste of charm. The guy's bubbling enthusiasm would burst once he found out how bad his case was.
"Hang on, pal. I get it. Personally, I feel like they've overpriced this year's edition. But worry not—for half the price, I'll let you have this."
Magnus hadn't heard him utter any spell like 'Accio' book or anything like that, but an almost identical book to the one in the display flew right into the guy's hands, and he tossed it casually to Magnus.
Caught unaware, Magnus had no choice but to grab the book—if only to save it from falling.
"That's last year's version, but don't let it fool you—it's just the same as that one," he said, pointing his wand toward the book in the window. "Only difference is, the Flame Chasers were knocked out of the league last year, so they're not in this year's edition. But I'm guessing you're not a fan of the lot?"
"No… I'm not a fan of anyone… And this is expensive too… I only wanted something like a guide… just the basics. Sorry."
If Magnus had expected that to water down the guy's enthusiasm, he was wrong. The guy was like a jinxed Bludger, determined to knock him off his rails.
"Ohh, shoulda said that right away, mate. This section's for the hot picks, but don't fret."
Another book materialized in his hands.
"Two Galleons, mate. It's a beginner's guide to Wizarding Pokémon Battle League."
Magnus felt his heart jump.
'But that is exactly what I want.'
His hand automatically reached for the book.
At first glance, it looked more like a small comic book—nothing flashy compared to the one in the display window.
But that was exactly what he wished for. It meant it dived straight to the point.
Magnus now found himself appreciating the guy's persistence which just a short while ago, he had found annoying.
"Thanks, mate," he said as he joined the fast-dying queue with his two Galleons in hand.
"At your service" the attendant bowed charmingly already heading towards the next customer.