"Come on, open it, it doesn't bite you know " George probed Magnus, who was staring at the letter reluctantly.
The four were seated at the still-crowded Leaky Cauldron, waiting for the twins' father and brother to arrive.
Magnus, however, was lost in his thoughts.
He should have seen it coming... I mean, what else did he expect being eleven years old and waking up in Harry potter
Now that he was thinking about it, he decided that the school must have gotten his information from the hospital.
That thought, however, was not so consoling.
It also meant the Ministry knew his whereabouts, including the fact that he had run away from the hospital. If the school could pinpoint his location this precisely, why couldn't they? I mean, the Ministry had better resources and manpower.
"Oh alright, I'll open it for you!" Before he could stop him, Fred had grabbed the envelope and torn it open.
Magnus wanted to protest; he hadn't wished to open the letter while in the company of the three. what if Dumbledore knew he wasn't from this world?
But then he let it go.
If that was the case, then it wouldn't be a Hogwarts letter he was receiving but a Ministry of Magic summons.
lee and George gathered around Fred as he produced the letter and began to read it aloud.
"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chief . Warlock, Supreme Mugwump... blah blah, just the usual stuff, as if we don't know Dumbledore is a brilliant lunatic)."
"Dear Mr. Magnus Magnus,
This letter comes to you late due to your unique circumstances..."
The three looked up briefly but immediately buried their heads back in the letter as if hoping to uncover what those circumstances were.
"...We are nonetheless pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 August.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress."
Disappointment was evident in all of their faces as Fred returned the letter back into the envelope. Magnus knew they had been hoping to uncover what these unique circumstances were that had led to the late arrival of his Hogwarts letter.
on his part, he was somehow glad for the vagueness of the letter.
he couldn't help however feeling curious about what it was that the school referred to as "unique circumstances." was it the coma or coming from another world
But again, he decided that had it been anything out of the norm, it would have been a Ministry inquiry.
"What does it mean... I mean, these unique circumstances?" George asked, voicing the question that was certainly on all of their minds.
Magnus hesitated, considering whether he should wiggle his way out of this one with another lie. But then, there was no need. If the school knew, there was also a chance that they would soon find out.
"I was in a coma in St. Mungo's."
"What... why..." the twins exclaimed together.
Magnus was feeling uncomfortable under their scrutiny. He was now hoping something would happen to divert their attention from him, but... well, he was out of luck this time.
"Blew myself up... accidental magic. At least, that's what they told me. Anyways, I don't want to talk about it, guys."
His discomfort was so obvious that all three stopped their train of questions.
"Oh... sorry, mate," Lee said.
"Yeah, sucks," said Fred, "but that means you have a busy week ahead, dude. First of September is in two weeks, mate. You might want to ask your parents to do it from tomorrow because the back-to-school week is usually hectic."
"Oh... yeah, thanks," Magnus said absentmindedly.
"But his parents are Muggles, Fred. I heard usually they send a staff member from the school in case of Muggles, you know, to explain things," Lee added.
Magnus was aware of all this protocol... but, well, the school had no record of him or his non-existent parents. The only information they had was his name, which he had given to the healer before escaping. But then, he had no doubts they would find him if they wished to.
The thing was, they might not know he was Muggle-born... I mean, the only reason the three knew was because he told them.
That, however, wasn't even the problem. The problem was that Magnus had suddenly realized how bad the timing was. I mean, if the first of September was in two weeks, that meant he did not have nearly enough time to save enough money for school supplies.
True, he currently had 63 Galleons, which, a short while ago, had seemed like a massive fortune. But now, with the arrival of the Hogwarts letter... well, it was a meager amount.
Out of that, he had to set aside money for a room in the Leaky Cauldron for at least two weeks, and then there was food for the same period. I mean, even though he didn't know the exact rates, his guess was he would have to part with half of his winnings.
That left the school supplies. Magnus wanted to fetch out the other list, which had the supplies, but decided not to. He would have to do that when he was alone.
Maybe the presence of Pokémon in this world had altered the items required, but even if it hadn't, there was no way 30 Galleons would be enough to cover the entire list.
"Too bad the Pokémon League is over," Magnus thought. He would have certainly made a fortune with his knowledge.
"Dad?" George exclaimed, snapping Magnus out of his thoughts. He looked up to see Mr. Weasley striding toward them with Ron trailing close behind.
Magnus was surprised to realize he wasn't as excited as he thought he'd be at the sight of two more fictional characters. It felt like he'd been part of this world for so long now that everything around him seemed... normal.
"There you are, you two! I thought you'd wandered off. Merlin's beard, your mother will kill me—we're already running late. Hello, Lee... and who's your friend, George?" Mr. Weasley asked as he shook hands with both Lee and Magnus.
"Oh, Dad, this is Magnus, the guy who..." Fred nudged his twin, and George quickly changed what he'd been about to say. "...the guy who just received his Hogwarts letter."
Magnus could tell George had been about to mention the seventy-two Galleons he'd won from the three of them, but Fred had stopped him just in time.
"Is that so?" Mr. Weasley asked, his gaze flicking to the envelope lying on the table.
"Odd... Ron got his nearly two months ago."
The twins snickered, casting amused glances at their youngest brother, who was now staring at Magnus doubfully
"Yeah, Magnus here had some... unique circumstances. And stop gawking at him, Ron. We know he makes you feel like a house-elf at a Quidditch match," Fred said with a teasing grin.
"Exactly," George chimed in. "Honestly, Dad, standing next to him makes me wonder if we should start watering ourselves. Maybe we're just stunted."
Fred nodded solemnly, playing along. "We could try hanging upside down like bats. You know,... heard it works."
"Or maybe brew a growth potion," George added with mock seriousness. "We'll call it 'Extend-o-twin.' Only downside is, it might just stretch out our noses instead."
Magnus and Lee burst into laughter, Even Mr. Weasley couldn't help smiling as he shook his head at their antics.
"Alright, enough joking, you two. I still need to pick up some things for your mother. Lee... and..."
"Magnus, Dad," Fred interjected with mock indignation.
"Right, sorry—Magnus. It was nice meeting you," Mr. Weasley said, shaking Magnus' hand again.
"Oh, I'm coming too," Lee said, standing up. "I'm meeting my dad in Diagon Alley."
"Well, goodbye, Magnus," Fred said as he stood as well.
"See you in two weeks, mate," George added. "And make sure you're a Gryffindor."
"Bye, Magnus," Lee said, patting him on the shoulder as he handed him the Beginner's Guide to Pokémon League he'd been flipping through.
"Goodbye, guys," Magnus called after them, feeling a strange pang of regret as he watched them leave.
"Come on, Ron, and can you watch where you're going?" Mr. Weasley called out, glancing at Ron, who was still sneaking glances at Magnus.
"Bye!" Ron finally managed as they headed out of the pub.
"Bye," Magnus replied, waving as the group disappeared through the door.
He turned his attention back to Tom, the innkeeper.
He had some haggling to do.