Chapter 2

Years 60,

In the one of the house make by the earth magic and furniture of woods,

The man hold the baby and kiss baby in cheeks, Oh my son's I love you so much , say the man. He holds the baby and looks outside with sads eyes. Sons your are my light in this darkness ,our situation of survivors is grime. The male needs go outside to explore and identify the danger place and safe place for explorers.

The women coming inside room and looks at male with burning eyes,

Smith why you talk nonsense towards our child's!!

Anna ,I no talk nonsense towards our child's , the only hope I can do is he growing safe and become stronger.

Anna we must protect the builds more tunnel and sees the more opportunities. We already has mapping 10 km in our surroundings . However ,that makes we feels in despair because we not strong enough. We knowns the orcs territories, wolf territories, green territories and bats territory.

Smith I knows your stress about our survival situation . Your are our leader ,however don't bear everything to yourself. We can make discussion of in meetings of tomorrow.

We can survive in grims future and belief that we human survive and be strong enough to conquer everything.

Thank Anna gives courage, because that I choose you as my wife and my assistant in my jobs as leader of humans. Anna we have 5,000 human survive the structure is the leader, every 1000 people has the oversees that choose by people,below oversee is watcher 500 people and below watcher is chief of group manage 100 people .

Many things I needs do things say smith. If I knows become leader is hards . I will not accept it's position. The leader position is the position sme of other positions but scope responsibility bigs with many past oversee don't wants take big responsibility and all oversees and below level leader agree make me to become leader.This jobs is exhausting, I hope we have better technology. The only we have is knowledge of spells , we learn from elf and dragons. In early our fathers days , even though elder in all people in this place want have injections of serum ,however the resource makes serum is scarcely and place get the resource is dangerous. We resort to inject elder whom has more knowledge and stronger warriors for training future generations.

Smith mumbles to himself ,he come to reality

Anna what to your think ,we name our son's .

I think we name him John Smith.

I think that is goods ideas .

They leave the John in beds.

John wake up and says where am I .

He looks at his smalls hands and looks at unfamiliar ceiling.

I think this called reincarnation in some webnovel I read ,however what cause my dead.

In the last memory ,he cross road and the car come towards direction crash to him with the faster speeds.The last think I feels I feels likes fly and towards something's and close my eyes. I thinks every reincarnated people has golden fingers. I says systems ,status windows and what keys words I needs to says to activate system. He hear the parent says and sees harsh really of this life. I want to survival but how's.

Tha system hears host intentions and key words is detected.

The survival system activated.

Hello host, welcome to survival systems.

The survival system is simple to let's host survival. Everyday host get 1 survival points per days,host do something related towards survival hosts get points.

He feels the hurgry and he cry loudly,

Anna comes and opens his shirts and the inner clothes and gives milks towards his baby. John feels ,his eyes heavy and close his eyes.