
"You've got to be kidding me...Lucifer," said Beelzebub. Lucifer in laughter says, "Beelzebub, that wasn't a joke; I'd exorcise him myself!". Beelzebub, with an angered and disappointed look, says, "Are you trying to make us go back to hell?! That's illegal!".

Lucifer's menacing look says, "I might as well be, aren't I, Lucifer?" Beelzebub, holding Lucifer's collar, says, "You…are...fucked...up...LUCIFER!" Lucifer, with an evil concerned look, says, "I thought you were one of, if not my closest friends..." Lucifer is sighing and then continues, "People who oppose shall be perished, not going to lie..." Beelzebub angrily says, "You little piece of pride..." Beelzebub then punches Lucifer with all his might.

"Ohh, this is entertaining; I might just sit and watch." Beelzebub looks back and says, "Belphegor... Never listen to this fucking piece of pride..."

Belphegor appeared to be a bit short, roughly 5'2. He had a skinny fat physique; his clothes were not really worn properly and were wrinkled; he had long hair, which wasn't styled, and had two small black horns.

Belphegor takes a seat and says, "Sure, whatever you say, buddy.". Lucifer kicks Beelzebub's stomach as Beelzebub is not looking at Lucifer. This gets Beelzebub off guard.

Beelzebub is knocked off; he is lying on the floor, looking at the sky, hoping that someone comes. Lucifer disappointedly says, "Huh, not you, Belphegor..." Lucifer summons his trident and tries to attack Belphegor.

The trident is picked midway. Lucifer, shocked, sees that it was Beelzebub's hand. Beelzebub, heavily breathing, says, "Just... don't...". Lucifer attacks with a trident. Beelzebub kicks the trident. The trident hits the wall.

Beelzebub summons his arrows, kicks Lucifer, knocking him to the ground, and then points the arrow directly at Lucifer's mouth.

Beelzebub shoots the arrow. But Lucifer manages to catch it. Lucifer stands up in a fighting pose, while Beelzebub also gets in a fighting position. Lucifer attacks first, punching the chin of Beelzebub. Beelzebub then kicks the legs of Lucifer.

Lucifer falls, and then the door of the meeting is opened again. Now a short-haired person walks in who hasn't buttoned his shirt, has jaguar pants, and has the Taurus constellation tattooed on his neck on one side and the Capricornus constellation tattooed on the other side.

Belphegor says, "Hey Asmodeus! Have a seat! They are fighting!" Asmodeus replies, "First I was the 69th here, and now there is a sexy fight. Hell yeah!"

Asmodeus sits.

Asmodeus then says "What even is the matter eh?", Belphegor says "A neutral guy, Beelzebub wants him to give the job so he came here, But Lucifer straight up wants the guy to have people to exorcist him"

Asmodeus says "Well, It's fun now, I hope no one ruins the fun", Asmodeus's mood is quickly disappointed as Lucifer and Beelzebub are now just standing. Asmodeus says, "Fight???," Beelzebub sits next to him and adjusts his tie and sighs, "Demons these days...".

A dead silence comes. Then the door is opened again. There walks in a man. He had smooth, glowing skin with a light blue scale pattern till about half of his neck and said, "Why are Lucifer and Beelzebub exhausted?"

Asmodeus leaned back in his chair, looking behind, and said, "These two had a fight!". Leviathan, Envious says, "Wha...You saw that! I'm envious of you!".

Asmodeus says, "Well, I also missed it, so yeah..." Leviathan sits. "What is it?" Says Leviathan.

Beelzebub, taking out his phone, Shows a mail and says "This person just interviewed today, They are neutral, which means they are from nowhere where making the law that people from other nations can't interview in another nation"

Leviathan, in a jealous tone says "That has to be too rare! I envy you!", Beelzebub says "Just give your opinion goddam it"

Lucifer says "Let's wait fo-", Beelzebub says "Shut up you piece of shit"

Beelzebub stops, then resuming "Where the hell are Satan and Mammon?" Belphegor says "How would we know?", Beelzebub says "Yeah..." 10 minutes pass by, Lucifer and Beelzebub are staring at each other angrily, Asmodeus is watching porn without shame, Belphegor is sleeping and Leviathan is playing games on his phone.

The door opens. A well-dressed man comes in. He had business attire with a suitcase, his shoes polished, wearing gold accessories, and his face given wolf vibes.

Lucifer says, "Where the hell have you been, huh? Greed Country is close to Pride!"

Mammon says, "I was busy deciding which of my hundred million karma suits to wear! They are 200 in total, Gotta look fabulous!"

Mammon sits between Asmodeus and Lucifer. Beelzebub says, "Only Satan remains." Mammon, laughing, says, "He has entered the mansion; that bastard went to the wrong side!"

Asmodeus also starts laughing, saying, "What? Hasn't that guy been here the most?! What a bastard!" Leviathan says, "The Prince of Wrath making us wait is crazy!" Asmodeus says, "I know, right—"

A door comes swinging at Asmodeus. Asmodeus mad says, "What the hell, man!" Satan says, "What the hell are you talking about me, eh?"

Satan had ripped shirt and pants and had spiky bands on his hands, legs, and neck. He was a 9-foot-tall giant and was extremely jacked with scars all over.

Mammon says, "How was the prank?". Asmodeus says, "What the hell to you too, man!". Mammon says, "Anyways, why do you call us, Lucifer?"

Lucifer says, "Beelzebub will answer that.". To that Mammon replies, "Eh? You were the one who called us!" Beelzebub says, "It's because of Gluttony Country. A person named Zen, Zen Kaneshiro, is a neutral, and he just applied as an envoy and checked out every category, but since he is not a person from Gluttony, the law says that a person of a nation can't apply to another nation."

Mammon says, "That's an issue...Any ideas, anyone?". Lucifer proudly says, "We can exo-.". Beelzebub says, "NO! WE ARE NOT!". Leviathan, scared, says, "From Prince of Gluttony to Prince of Wrath?". Beelzebub says, "Maybe I am!"

Satan, grabbing Beelzebub's collar, offended, says, "You? You are not!". Beelzebub says, "I'm not actually going to!". Satan lets go of Beelzebub.

Leviathan, envious, says, "Why doesn't anything happen to me? I don't want to be observing. Satan punches Leviathan, saying, "Happy? "Leviathan says, "More like it! "

Belphegor wakes up saying, "Neutrality reminded me of the rebellion...I hate that; I support Lucifer."

Beelzebub says, "Not you too...Why? "Belphegor says, "I was neutral during the rebellion and got damnation. Doesn't it make sense for Zen to get damnation and be sent to hell by exorcism? " Lucifer says, "That's my man! "Beelzebub, concerned, says, "Not you too... Belphegor...Is anyone on my side?"

Belphegor says, "Duh...don't you know what happened in that rebellion? I just didn't pick a side and got damnation for life. It wasn't my fault; I didn't want to pick a side! If I get damnation, so does that neutral bastard! "

Mammon replies "Well, you got helped by God, God sent Concord after thinking that it was wrong for him to send you to damnation, You are the reason why we are respected"

Leviathan says "If we sent him to damnation, We lose that respect and send back to damnation and so does all this billions of people. This would turn the economy upside down! I am against Lucifer on this one,"

Beelzebub says. "Now we are talking! " Mammon says, "Me too; I don't want to be sent to damnation! "

Beelzebub excitedly says, "I am winning! What about you, Asmodeus?! "Asmodeus replies, "If he is hot or sexy. Then sure." Beelzebub opens his phone and shows Asmodeus the picture, but before Asmodeus could see properly, a trident destroys the screen of the phone. It was none other than Lucifer.

Beelzebub angrily says, "What the hell is wrong with you, huh? " Lucifer says, "He looks very bad, Asmodeus, too bad to be shown!" Beelzebub says, "He doesn't look bad, Asmodeus. Trust me, please, and also it has important stuff in it, Lucifer!"

Lucifer says, "Do I look like I care? No!"

Belphegor says, "Man, look, I'm at your side, but wtf?? You can't just sabotage him like that; only he knows what Zen even looks like!"

Lucifer replies in a commanding tone, "I decide what happens and what doesn't. I am morally the correct one here, aren't I? "

Beelzebub, angrily says, "You are lost in your ego, aren't you? Maybe I should have just given him a job without involving you!"

Lucifer says, "You would be sent back to hell, that's for sure! "Beelzebub replies, "Maybe I will! But still better than dragging my friends and co-workers back to hell! On top of that also sabotaging the half the population and putting them to misery and making the world hate me so I can be satisfied!"

The argument goes on and on for 30 minutes straight. Belphegor and Satan are chanting "fight, fight, and the others are annoyed.

Asmodeus, pissed off, says, "I have gotten bored! I'm going, bye! "Asmodeus leaves. Leviathan also leaves alongside Mammon. Beelzebub says, "See what you did, Lucifer! I am also leaving and going to inform Michael; he would help for sure with others, unlike you, Lucifer!"

Lucifer is pissed off and says, "He is more wrong, Beelzebub!" Beelzebub says, "He wouldn't cause half the world to get damnation because he doesn't want to give a guy he is not even related to a job like a crybaby!"

Lucifer, more pissed off, says, "Cry baby? You are the one crying. Get out of my sight! "Beelzebub says, "Maybe I should leave a crybaby! "

Beelzebub leaves. Satan says, "You both disappointed me! Y'all were fighting like crybabies? I expected war" And leaves.

Beelzebub arrives at his castle and goes to his room and thinks, "My phone is broken...That piece of shit. Thank God I had saved data on a pen drive; I just have to find it."

Beelzebub starts looking and receives a knock; Beelzebub opens it. A maid walks in holding a phone, the same brand and colour as Beelzebub's.

Beelzebub, confused, says, "Phone? "To it the maid replies, "It came from a parcel dropped from the sky; it said, 'From God. I don't know why, but it is given to you."

Beelzebub says, "Thank you, Lord. My phone got broken. It is my new one." Beelzebub opened it; the wallpaper and everything were the same. Beelzebub said, "You can go." The maid left.

Beelzebub thought, "I think I'd get the search team to find that pen drive...I should tell Michael now." Beelzebub messaged Michael, saying, "Hello Michael, there is a neutral guy in Gluttony who applied as an envoy. Since he is nationless, would he get the job or not? "

Michael quickly replies, "Have you discussed this with all the princes? "Beelzebub replies, "Yes, I did. We weren't able to agree", Michael says "Hmm, This sounds like a debating topic, We will make a meeting at your place."

Beelzebub agrees and messages all his employees saying "Decorate the castle, especially the meeting hall, guests will come."

The next day comes.

First comes Michael, He had halo, was blonde and was wearing a suit with a pair of wings.

Then came Mammon.

Then came Azrael, He was tall, also wore a suit and had a bunch of wings covering his back.

Then comes another angel, Uriel, He had wings like any other angel, He was reading some sort of book and wore a yellow suit.

Then came Leviathan.

Then came Satan.

Then came Gabriel, A glowing skin with brown hair, he was busy in a call.

Then came Lucifer.

Then came Belphegor alongside Asmodeus.

Then came Raphael, He was an Albino, Looked slim but muscular body.

Then came Cassiel, had worn a suit, had a halo and wings and had a big beard.

Then came ramiel with enormous wings, he had scales with claws.

Azrael starts off , "So Kaneshiro is a neutral man", Beelzebub confirms. Michael gives a suggestion "We should help him pick a side", Lucifer says "That's what I'm saying!"

Beelzebub says, "I doubt he would pick a side." Gabriel says, "Let him be. Neutrality is purity, after all." Belphegor stands up and says, "Yes! It's pure!"An awkward silence emerges; Belphegor is embarrassed and sits down."

Lucifer says, "He is going to chase problems then!". Satan says, "In that case, it's Wrath. It goes to me!"

Michael says, "You are right, Satan." Everyone agrees but Lucifer.

Lucifer says "Michael you are always wrong!", Michael says "Well...I did support god in the rebellion...So I ain't always wrong, Lucifer!", Everyone aggress Lucifer replies "Huh?? That means you are wrong! I was the one right!", Everyone disagrees.

Michael says "Well, You see, You are filled with pride, inrespect your views, but I must say one thing, you are becoming wrath!" Everyone agrees Lucifer says "Maybe, I'm!" Everyone disagrees Michael says "Well, I don't think that's allowed..." Everyone agrees.

Lucifer says "doesn't matter! I'll kick your ass first you son of a-" everyone disagrees Michael says "Oh my! Your language!" Everyone agrees Lucifer says "Are all you gonna support him?!"

Michael says "And why fight me, So many years ago, in the rebellion, you remember what happened, you see Lucifer, You are my friend, A person I respect with my heart, you are close to me, why tarnish that?" Everyone agrees.

Lucifer says "Friends? You are my archnemesis!"

Michael shocked says, "Archnemesis? I didn't know you hated me like that!"Beelzebub says, "I thought you considered me the archnemesis! "Michael shocked says, "Aren't you too close friends, if not best of friends? What happened?"

Beelzebub replies, "Lucifer wanted Kaneshiro to be an exorcist and sent to hell! He said he doesn't care if we end up in hell with half of the world population and ruin Limbo's economy!"

Michael shocked exclaims, "Oh my, Lucifer, I will let you go on this one, but if you think of that again for another innocent soul, I might have to step in! "

Lucifer replies, "He has no place in here! "Michael says, "That doesn't mean you'll put him in endless suffering! "

Beelzebub says, "Leave that. Does anyone have any ideas?"

"So, I have an idea. What if Zen works but represents no nation and gets paid by the international money? "said Gabriel. Everyone agreed except Lucifer.

Gabriel then said, "So I tell God to pay Zen with the international karma? "Beelzebub says, "Yeah! Lucifer isn't going to agree". Everyone agrees" .

Gabriel flies towards the sky, reaching Heaven in an instant while everyone leaves. Beelzebub thinks, "Wow! That was short..."

God asks, "What do you want, Gabriel?" Gabriel replies, "There is a neutral in Limbo.".

God is shocked and says, "Huh, that's rare. What about it?". Gabriel says, "Lord, we have decided to give him a job as an envoy. We will pay him with international money.

Please tell the system to pay him." God says, "Accepted."

Zen receives a message from a numberless person. Zen is confused and asks Devlin about it. Devlin says, "It's God's Number! What does it say?"

Zen says, "It's saying 'Hello Kaneshiro Zen! You have been selected as an Envoy. You are ranked one, rank one of the neutrals. You will start from Monday with Devlin and see the facility of an unhealthy district that runs the punishments. See how many escaped and report them to the police. Also catch all the first levels."

Devlin says, "Awesome! We are paired up!" Monday arrives.

Zen is wearing a blue jacket with a scarf and camera. Devlin is wearing a hoodie, a black one.

Devlin says "Man you gotta love the color blue! You came with a blue jacket, wore a blue suit and now another jacket which is blue, what's next?"

Zen says "How about a Low Taper Fade with blue hair." Devlin "Don't add anything else-" Zen disturbs saying "And I started streaming Castlenite in twitch with the name Ni-"

Devlin interrupts saying "That's it! Let's just go!" Zen says "Anyways, Whats Level's?"

Devlin says "It determines the amount of punishment one gets, It ranges to 1 to 10, 1 is 6 hours a week, 2 is 9 hours a week, 3 is 12 hours a week, 4 is 18 hours a week, 5 is a whole day, 6 is 2 days, 7 is 3 days, 8 is 4 days, 9 is five days and 10 is eternity!"

Zen asks "What if you defeat that sin, then?" Devlin says "Well...It depends on life before death, so you are not free, tho you might get promoted to a level down, like me, although it's rare" Zen says "What's yours?", Devlin replies "Level 1, They show me some fast food, inject me so I feel it's like oxygen, Mine comes every Thursday"

Zen says "So starting as a level 2?", Devlin says "Yes, Mine was 12 at the night of Thursday to the noon of Thursday, Now it's 6 in the morning to noon!"

Zen asks if there is anything else he should know. Devlin replies, "The punishment item is also dependent on the level. For level one, it's the thing you can somewhat resist, like they showed me cupcakes when I was level 2, they showed me donuts; if I had reached level 10, then they would have shown me a Margherita pizza."

Zen says, "Ohhh, I feel bad for level 10. Imagine you can't have the thing you loved the most; now it becomes an oxygen-level thing, but you can't have it for eternity!"

Devlin says, "Around ten thousand people come here; out of those, barely 10 get level 10. On average, a person gets level 5, like our neighbor next door." Zen says, "Ohh...We should go out!"

They reach the facility and enter it.