Chapter 5

It was a close-up view of Asuna's groin covered by stockings, with one significant distinction.

The stockings' crotch region had been intentionally ripped, revealing her soaked vagina to everyone.

The man's penis was also pressed against her abdomen and appeared quite impressive in that position.

'That's going to enter my provocative fiancée's snug vagina…'

The moment of truth arrived just a minute later. This time, rather than a picture, he was gifted a fifteen-second video clip.


Kazuto hardly noticed the text that came with it, so captivated was he by the scene in front of him.

Rika maintained a distance that allowed her to perfectly fit both in the shot.

Asuna sat on the arm of a two-seat sofa, her legs apart and one hand holding her pussy lips open in a gesture of invitation, while the other hand rested on the back of the couch.

It was an incredibly alluring pose, and he recognized that she wasn't making any effort; being sexy was simply innate for her.

He could gauge her excitement from the quick rise and fall of her chest as he finally pressed play.

She was reclining on the couch, and her breasts sagged low and broad due to their weight.

The clip began with her flashing a brief smile at Rika and the camera while her partner came towards her, his large penis leading the way like a battering ram.

He spread one leg and struck her exposed clit with his sizable head.

Asuna gasped, glancing down at her lower body as her partner thrust his dark penis into her snug vagina.

Asuna attempted to continue observing the foreign intruder pull her apart and delve deeper than anyone had ever done, but she couldn't prevent herself from tilting her head back and releasing a profound moan of pleasure.

The insertion was met with applause from captivated spectators as the man cautiously moved further into his fiancée's remarkably expanded quim.

Ultimately, he appeared to reach his limit with roughly half of his enormous member situated in her passage.

The clip went on as he carefully withdrew, Asuna's lips hesitating to release the thick invader as she gasped, getting ready for him once more.

The video concluded with his rosy-cheeked fiancée emitting a cute squeak as he applied a bit more pressure, ensuring he halted before going too deep and causing her pain.

"I'd be pleasuring myself if I weren't getting oral pleasure while filming." Are you caressing yourself, Kazuto? (o´艸`)'

Kazuto was passionately masturbating while he replayed the video of Asuna being penetrated by the massive penis.

His gorgeous, provocative, flirty, flawless Asuna was miles away experiencing the best sex ever, and he couldn't recall ever feeling this aroused in his life.

Kazuto responded not with words, but rather in a similar manner. He shared a brief video of himself masturbating before going back to the clip of Asuna.

"Mmm, you're quite the filthy deviant."

"And your texting skills are absurd if you really have someone pleasuring you while you engage in all this…" he mused with a chuckle of amusement.

Soon after, he was blessed with another clip.

Asuna remained on the arm of the sofa, leaning against its back, while her partner held an ankle in each hand and spread her legs wide, thrusting into her repeatedly with precise technique—hitting the perfect depth each time without causing her any pain—demonstrating his clear expertise with his cumbersome tool.

Asuna wrapped her arms around her partner's neck for stability, and the two looked into each other's eyes like infatuated teenagers.

The clip concluded with the man letting go of Asuna's ankles, allowing her to entwine her stocking-covered legs around his waist and draw him in for a passionate kiss.

Kazuto also mentioned the mirror in the background for the first time, which showed Rika near the rutting duo, entirely bottomless.

A bare man was kneeling before her with his head placed in her groin.

One hand was caught in his messy hair while the other was clearly holding her phone horizontally to record the steamy moment unfolding.

He viewed the video repeatedly, gently pleasuring himself to nearly orgasm before slowing down and holding back his release.

He experienced this cycle multiple times without receiving another message from Rika.

He was beginning to fret that the girls had completely overlooked him when he eventually got an update twenty minutes later.

'Apologies for the wait, it's not just Asuna-chan who's having a great time ( ̄ω ̄)'

The following picture was taken from another perspective. Asuna was no longer perched on the armrest but was seated on the couch.

Rika captured this image from behind Asuna's shoulder.

He observed her large breasts swaying loosely, her abdominal muscles tightened, and her hand – the one adorned with her engagement ring, Kazuto felt a rush of excitement – appearing to be gently rubbing her clitoris.