In Ataranos.

I looked at the thing, it seems to be a robot that's around 25 dejes tall, holding a 30 dejes long montante in its hands. It slashes the sword at me once again, I stepped backward and look around for something as I dodged its attacks.

I spotted a structure that seems to be made from stones and magic. I ran towards the structure with the robot following me from behind. I entered the place and stepped on its floor and it brightens the inside up with light. The way inside separate into two ways, right and left. I chose to go to the left with the robot still following me from behind, there's a room at the end of the way. I quickly ran into the room and spot a big round metal shield. I grabbed it and put my left arm into the leather strap, with my sword drawn out, I turned to face the robot that is coming at me.

It slashes its sword at me, this time I use the shield to block its strike, then thrust my sword into the gap between its right arm and body. I used magic to strengthen my body and thrust harder, my sword pierced through the gap, tearing its right arm off from its body, then I quickly backed away from it. It slashes at me once again, I used the shield to block its strike, then thrust hard into the gap between its left arm and body, tearing its left arm off. The robot is disarmed, so I backed away from it, then bash my shield at it, making it fell over, I thrust my sword at the gap between its head and body, tearing its head off. The robot, with its head and arms torn off from its body, it stopped moving.

I grabbed the sword that the robot was holding earlier, it's ridiculously long for a human to use, the sword looks to be in perfect condition which is unbelievable. I grabbed the scabbard from the back of the robot and sheath the sword into it. Now that I am here, I should explore this place first.

The room I am currently in, has an old bed and an empty armor stand, this place is probably made for a temporary stay. I walked into to the room on the opposite side, it has a table, on the table is a blueprint of that robot, the top of the blueprint has "R-01-703" written on it. Maybe 703 is the year this blueprint is made? Maybe the robot is meant to protect this place? I had just destroyed it, so I don't care.

I walked out of the place after I explored it, the populated areas in this continent is its southern part, so I head south. After walking for around an hour, I see a town, I walked up to a house and knocked on the door, an innocent-looking boy came out to greet me.

The boy: "Hi, mister stranger, do you need any help?" The boy asked with a cheerful tone.

Lessori: "My name's Lessori. I want to know what is this place called?"

The boy: "This is my house, this town is called Tiapem." Tiapem huh? Never heard of that.

Lessori: "What's your name, kid?" Let's chit-chat a little then.

The boy: "My name's Mark." The boy said cheerfully.

Lessori: "Do you have any siblings?"

Mark: "I do, his name's Marcus, he is my little brother, he's a bit shy. Hey, Marcus, can you come here please?" After he said that, Marcus came out, he also looked innocent.

Lessori: "Where are your parents?"

Mark: "They are currently in town, but they will come back soon."

Lessori: "Alright, thanks for answering my questions, see you later, kids." I said then pat their head with my hands out of adoration. Mark seems comfortable with it while Marcus seems reluctant but accept it anyway. I walked away after I am satisfied with patting their heads.

Now that I think about them, those two remind me of myself and Austeritius when we were kids, those times were the sweet memories of my life. I walked down the street and found an inn, I entered the inn and walked up to the receptionist.

The receptionist: "Hi, mister, how can I help you?"

Lessori: "I want a room here, a room that will please me with its austerity." After I said that, he pulled the drawer out and grabbed a key then place it on the counter.

The receptionist: "Good choice, here is the key, mister."

Lessori: "Thank you." Before I grabbed the key, someone grabbed my right shoulder, I turned around and I was shock with the unexpected beauty before my eyes.

The unexpected beauty: "Are you satisfied with the staring now?" After she said that, I stopped myself from looking at her, though she looked very familiar, I can't put my finger on it.

Lessori: "Oh, I apologise for staring at you."

The unexpected beauty: "No need to apologise, I don't mind the staring." Wait, what?

Lessori: "Oh, alright."

The unexpected beauty: "Mind staying in my room?" Wait, what? What? What?

Lessori: "What? What did you just say? You are not serious about that, right?" What? What? What did she say?

The unexpected beauty: "You clearly heard me."

Lessori: "I don't mind, absolutely won't mind at all, I would never."

Lessori: "Sorry, man, but I already got myself a room, as you can see."

The receptionist: "No problem, mister." He said then put the key back into the drawer. The woman then took my right hand into her left hand, then walked towards her room.

Lessori: "Young lady, mind telling me your name? Mine's Lessori." We reached her room.

The unexpected beauty: "My name's Grace. Lessori? I thought your name is Ordinaire." She unlocked the door to her room. Ordinaire? Where did she heard that from? Wait a minute.

Lessori: "You are the lady I helped two years ago?"

Grace: "Yes, I am."

Lessori: "That's unbelievable." We walked into her room. Grace lit up fire on her right hand's index finger with magic then point it on the ceiling and the room brightened up.

Grace: "I also think the same."

Lessori: "You are taller than me, it seems." She looks to be half a dej taller than me.

Grace: "Yes, I am." She walked to grabbed a notebook and hand it to me.

Lessori: "What?" I grabbed it from her hand.

Grace: "Read page 99." She released my hand so that I can hold the book comfortably. I opened page 99, it reads

"If love are coins, then I will have millions;

If you are mine, my heart would just explode;

If love for you, I have over trillions;

If you live far, I will fly far abroad.

I have seen such of sea water so clear,

But they are stained, compared to your laughter.

The sun that shine, such light ward out such fears,

It can't compete, against your smile forever.

The day you helped me from the blade of death,

It makes me feel so grateful for your care.

I love you so, so much I could not hate.

With you around, all of devils won't dare.

I hope one day, we will meet in heaven.

My love won't fade, unless bad things happen."

Lessori: "Thanks." It took a little while to read page 99.

Grace: "Do you like it?" Oh, absolutely.

Lessori: "Of course, I do." I would rather face death instead of saying no. I closed the notebook and hand it to her. She grabbed it and place it back on the table.