Ren Nakamura was starting to think Yuki Hoshino was a problem.
Not the kind of problem he was used to dealing with—the ones he could ignore or intimidate until they went away. No, Yuki was a different kind of trouble.
Because no matter how many times he ignored her, sighed at her, or told her she was annoying...
She kept coming back.
Like today.
Ren had barely walked into class when Yuki slid into her seat beside him and turned to him with a look that was, unfortunately, way too expectant for this early in the morning.
"Did you use it yet?"
Ren blinked, adjusting his bag strap. "What?"
Yuki tilted her head, smirking slightly. "The pen. You know, the one you refused to give back?"
Oh. That.
Ren exhaled and slumped into his chair, stretching his legs out. "No."
She gasped dramatically. "Unbelievable. What a waste of a perfectly good pen."
"It's just a pen, Yuki," he muttered, rolling his eyes.
"Correction. It was my pen."
"Which you gave to me."
"Which you didn't even use." She sighed, shaking her head. "I should've known. Ren Nakamura, the boy who sleeps through class, refuses to take notes, and now hoards stolen stationery. What a terrifying reputation."
Ren scoffed. "You're way too dramatic for someone who just lost a pen."
Yuki smiled. "Maybe. But you're way too attached to it for someone who says he doesn't care."
Ren turned away, biting back a scowl. Why did she always have a comeback?
Before he could think of something to say, the teacher walked in, signaling the start of the lesson.
Ren let out a slow breath, slumping lower into his chair. Maybe today, he'd actually get some peace.
An Hour Later
Ren was asleep.
The world was quiet, comfortably distant, and for once, his mind wasn't racing.
Something poked his arm.
He twitched but ignored it.
Tap. Tap.
Another poke.
Ren exhaled through his nose. Ignore it.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
His eye twitched.
Slowly, he cracked one eye open and found Yuki staring at him, her pen poking his arm.
"Are you actually asleep or just pretending?" she whispered.
Ren groaned, rubbing his face. "What do you want?"
"You snored," she said simply.
He frowned. "No, I didn't."
"Yes, you did," she teased. "It was kind of cute, actually."
Ren blinked. "What."
Yuki smiled innocently. "Nothing. Just saying. Oh, by the way, you missed an entire lecture."
She huffed. "At least pretend to care."
"Because you'll fail if you keep this up?"
Ren smirked. "And?"
Yuki studied him for a moment, then leaned closer, whispering just loud enough for him to hear.
"Because if you fail, you'll have to retake this year. And that means sitting next to me for another whole year."
Ren froze.
Oh. Crap.
He glanced at her. She was grinning way too much for someone who had just made a legitimate threat.
"That," Ren muttered, rubbing his temple, "is the worst thing you've ever said to me."
"Then take notes," Yuki said sweetly, pushing her notebook toward him.
Ren stared at the open page. Her handwriting was weirdly neat, every letter curved just right. There were even tiny stars doodled in the margins.
Reluctantly, he picked up his pen—the one she had given him—and twirled it between his fingers.
Yuki's grin widened.
"You're welcome."
Ren sighed.
He was never going to get rid of this girl, was he?
Lunch Break – Outside the Classroom
Ren had barely taken three steps into the hallway before Yuki appeared at his side.
"So, where are we going?" she asked.
Ren gave her a flat look. "We?"
"Yes, we," she confirmed cheerfully.
"I eat alone," he muttered, adjusting his bag strap.
"Sounds lonely."
"It's peaceful."
"But wouldn't food taste better with good company?"
Ren sighed dramatically. "You're not good company."
Yuki gasped, clutching her chest. "Ouch. I'm hurt. Deeply wounded."
"But I'm still coming with you," she said, completely unfazed.
Ren stopped walking. "Why?"
Yuki tilted her head. "Because I feel like it."
Ren let out a slow, exhausted breath. This girl.
"Fine," he muttered. "But don't expect me to entertain you."
Yuki beamed. "Oh, don't worry. I'm plenty entertained just watching you suffer."
Ren scowled. He had seriously underestimated how much of a menace she was.
Still, for some reason... he didn't tell her to leave.