Your Twenty-Three?


sydney jumped off spence's back, Are you sure he's here? .... at a police station?

*sniff -Ye-ye-yes, he's here for sure, his scent just keeps getting stronger and stronger the closer I get. What is this place any? I've never seen anything like this in my entire life, I've never even heard of this place.

Ofcource you've never heard of this place, you live in the woods, in the middle of nowhere,*whisper- with wolves and no technology nor humans from miles.

*ignore uh! and what is it this smell? *vomit

W-W- What's wrong? Are you okay? le-let me get you some water.

*Grab her hand- I'm okay, let's just go and get Alex and leave this place.

- Rush In -

Hello I'm here to collect a friend

Okay calmly tell me your friends name and can I see some ID's ?

His name is alexander and here is my ID.

Wait, what's his last name? -uhm, and your twenty-three? - yes, you don't look twenty-three little miss, -uh! I find your comment very offensive and sexist, I do not appreciate that at all.

How am I sexist? I'm a woman, -that doesn't matter your-

- Door Opens -

The Office has alexander in hand cuffs, alexander is sweating like crazy.

Sydney runs over to both alexander and the police officer.

Hello office, my name is sydney reynolds and I am here to pick up my friend who is obviously sick.

Okay, *uncuff get him some help.

Alexander then fainted

Hey is he okay, let me call the ambulance for him.

No, it's okay officer he's okay, - but he literally just fainted, -No,no,no, he's okay he's just resting his eyes.

Oh,Okay, go,go,go, and don't let me see you kids here again.

Hey kid, here's your ID, -Oh, ha! thank you.

They all left the station and went back to sydney's grandfather's house


Alexander changed back to his original form then he started to cough uncontrollably.


Sydney took a step back, wait what's going on here? are you guys witches or warlocks or something? why are you guys not saying anything he literally went from a hot you man with silver hair to some guy with regular black hair.

Spence holds and slaps alexander in the face, hey alex are you okay, stay with me here, give me your potion.

Alexander ignores him and dropped his head back.

So Spence went into alexander's pocket and took out his potion, come on now take your potion. I hope we're not too late.

He opens his mouth, then pour the potion down his throat while alexander is still unaware of the situation due to him been unconscious but conscious at the same time.

Spence backed away, while he and sydney watch the potion does it's thing.

Five Minutes Later

Uh! he holds his face, brr! I feel so weird, then he shaked his head, woah! the effects of not taking that potion on time really did some weird things to me mentally, I felt like I was on a river of rolling stones, yeah I know weird.

Sydney looks at him with her mouth opened wide. -What? he asked

How did you do that? hoe did you change your hair colour and appearance like that? and also I've been waiting for a while to ask this but, how do you guys turn into wolves and then back into humans?

Alexander stood up from the couch, I don't know we just do it, cause we can.

She whispers, you don't have to say it like that.

What did you say he asked, nothing - that's what I thought.

Spence walks up to alex and said to him, you can't leave without us again, and you should have taken your medicine earlier. This can't happen again, maybe you won't be able to change back again next time.

I know, I know, it's - uh! it's just that i didn't want to be alone, especially in a place I've never been to before, so I'm sorry for troubling you two okay.

Aw! you felt lonely that's so cute sydney says mockingly.

Hey don't do that, I'm not cute I'm strong.

Okay, ha!ha!ha! - Alex gave her a smile.