investigation in Japan

In a private airplane two figures we're discussing about something going in Japan

A boy named max was sitting on a chair and in front of him was his mentor Miguel.

Max: so why are we going to Japan? And I can tell that it's not just a free vacation.

Miguel: yeah it's not here. I want to see this.

He handed him some files and max opened them and read them.

Max: what is this about mental shutdowns?

Miguel: well the EXO branch of Japan wanted our help in figuring out what's going on.

Max: they didn't find anything? Like at all?

Miguel: well one of them has the ability to enter people's subconscious but they reported that there was nothing left like some just switch the lights off.

Max:mmm. so how bad is the situation is it like something that the public doesn't know or-

Miguel: unfortunately this HAS gone public and the exorcist branch in Japan is asking for our help since all other branches are busy with their own business and plus I owe someone a favor.

Max: oh who?

Miguel: that's not important now.

Max: so why am I here why isn't Jonathan or Thomas taking the job?

Miguel: because I need you to go undercover on a school.

Max: you want me to go in a school undercover? Why?

Miguel: well some undercover private investigator in the Japanese branch who used to work as teachers reported that the school has a questionable history. But what caught our attention was that the principal is getting financial backing from an unknown source and not just that they reported that his behavior is unusual.

Miguel opened a file on the principal of shujin academy and read out loud so that max could understand why this undercover assignment is important.

Miguel: kobayakawa first name unknown principal of shujin academy which is claimed to be the best school in the country and that's all we have on him everything else is unknown.

He opened another file and it was about shujin.

Miguel: shujin before kobayakawa was actually an abridge school but when he took over students have been reported to acts of harassment,bullying and harsh treatment from the teachers and some student left shujin to look for him other schools.

Max: is that all?

Miguel: no. not just that some also reported that he had a criminal record and he was bailed out by someone who saw him as a likely guinne pig why a school no clue.

Max: so you want me to collect dirt on this guy?

Miguel: yeah the matter of mental shutdowns are mine if I need your help I'll let you know.

Max: so do I have somewhere to stay? I don't want to just live in the streets.

Miguel: of course not kid the Japanese bought a private house for you to stay in luckily you don't have to pay rent they will pay for you.

Max: thank god. So anything else I should know?

Miguel: no that's all received from the Japanese branch. Just to be sure you packed your luggage right?

Max: yes sir.

Miguel: okay then hope you enjoy your stay in Japan kid this country has a lot of questionable things.

Max: yeah like bending machines that have underwear and condoms?

Miguel: yeah like those things.

Max: so am I starting tomorrow or some day else?

Miguel: you'll start tomorrow lucky someone in the Japanese branch has the ability to shapeshift and they posed as your parent to get you assigned.

Max: okay that's wierd as hell and I feel like if I see there faces I would punch them.

After a long flight they got to Japan and max took a cap to go to his private house and it wasn't fancy good enough.

He started to organize his stuff and checked around the house it had a bathroom, a small kitchen, a living room and a bedroom.

This gave max the feeling of living a rich life style he wasn't sure if he liked it but he is just staying here until the job with the mental shutdowns is resolved.

However when he got to his bedroom he saw a box that had a note on it.

" this is your shujin uniform Miguel sent us your size and we hope that it's to you're comfort"

He put the note down and unpacked the box and tried the shujin uniform and if he is being honest he doesn't like it.

It's too plain for his taste he took of the white high collar part of his uniform and put on his t shirt with a white peace symbol.

Moline: you look like an edge lord big bro.

Max: oh shut up moline.

now he did some modifications to his uniform he took it off and went to bed since it was dusk when they came and max was mentally exhausted.

The next day it was his first day in shujin and he put on his own take on the uniform luckily he read in the rules is that the school didn't care much for the dress code so he should be fine.

When he was making his way to shujin he noticed how students were looking at him like he was an alien.

He guessed that not many foreigners come to shujin but he wasn't here to study he came to gather dirt on kobayakawa.

He was told that his teacher was someone named kawakami thank god that his mom taught him Japanese or else he was screwed.

He headed toward the teacher's office and meet kawakami who didn't look happy to see him.

Kawakami: oh are you max McKnight?

Max: yup that's me and you are kawakami right?

Kawakami: yes that's me come on follow me to the class room.

While he was walking with kawakami he heard her muttered that at least he didn't came late like the other students.

He had no idea what's with that comment but he wasn't going to ask that wasn't his problem.

They finally made it to the class room and she told him to wait until she tells him to come in.

While he was waiting he heard comments from the students that he was either dumb or say bad things just because he wasn't Japanese didn't care what people thought of him but he will make sure that they know not to mess with him.

When kawakami told him to come in he open the sliding door and he let out a massive wave of killing intent that had all the students in the room frozen in fear.

And every step he took it increased the heart rate of some students one in particular with black hair and glasses noticed a white silhouette of a snake with red eyes.

Akira: is he like me?

But as soon as the killing intent came it vanished and max was in the front.

Max: I'm max McKnight nice to meet you all.

They students were still stunned by his wave of killing intent but when kawakami spoke to take a seat behind akira they all snapped back to reality.

While max was walking towards his seat he crossed glances with akira and they both felt something odd about each other but max quickly walked by him thinking that it was just a stray feeling.

He went to his seat and class sat but he was thinking about ideas on getting dirt on the principal.