Taylor thought that if you were naked and covered in cum, then you were still naked. Most of the class seemed to agree, with the way they were leering at her. Some of them were even masturbating. Sure, they said the semen of all these boys covered everything important, but Taylor didn't believe them for a second.
Taylor thought Emma had bought the entire class in on this beforehand. It was the only explanation for how thirty-odd people had all taken part in her humiliation. They wouldn't agree to do this just straight out of the blue, right? Not even to the girl lowest on Winslow's social totem pole.
It had started when the teacher, Mr. Brent announced they would be painting nudes today. Taylor didn't think that sort of thing was allowed in high school, but no one else had batted an eye. He had kept on going, and had asked for volunteers to be the model. Taylor hadn't believed her ears when Emma volunteered her to be the first and only model. The teacher hadn't even batted an eye, ordering Taylor to come up to the front of the room and strip.
Taylor had been frozen in her seat, unable to believe this was happening. Only a harsh command, and a threat of detention, had gotten her moving, mind racing to discover a way out. None came as Taylor slowly plodded to the front of the room, hearing her classmates whisper about her.
Taylor had stumbled to the front of the room, ears and cheeks burning under the weight of the stares and gossip. Her fingers felt like lead bars as she undid her clothing, piling on Mr. Brent's desk. Taylor thought she was going to faint as she held her panties in front of her like a shield, knowing everyone behind her was looking at her pale, bony ass. She had begged the teacher not to do this, or to at least let her have some kinds of clothes.
Mr. Brent had considered this (or acted like he was) before agreeing. Taylor had just enough time to smile and start to put her panties back on when her hopes were dashed. He asked the male students to come up and join them.
Taylor had been surrounded on all sides by boys. Boys who took advantage of the closeness to grope her, hands squeezing her rear or running along her legs. The teacher ignored this as he talked, explaining how Taylor was getting cold feet, and what he was going to do about that.
Mr. Brent's idea of preserving her modesty was to have every body in the class cum on her. He acted like this was completely reasonable and that Taylor was out of line for getting upset over it. Taylor had tried to fight back, but when he had threatened to send her to the principal's office, still naked, she had caved in.
Taylor had barely been able to fight back tears as she sat on the provided stool. She felt the gazes of everyone in the class burning a hole in her skin as the first boy stepped up beside her. Worst of all had been Emma's victorious smile. She had already started sketching as the boy started to grunt.
Getting cummed on was so much worse than Taylor had thought, and she didn't think it would be good. The warm splatters of seed landing on her, the smell, it was like nothing Taylor had ever known before, and, worst of all, was having to look down and see her body get defiled as guy after guy came up, pumped his cock, and covered her with more cum.
By the time the last boy had finished, Taylor's body was a mess. Her chest, flat as it was, was almost untouched, but her lower body down to her thighs, was an utter ruin. Taylor could feel cum dripping down in between her spread legs, covering her pussy with a thick, sticky film.
The rest of the class was busy sketching away, the sounds of pencil on paper filling the room. Every scratch was a nightmare for Taylor as her shame was immortalized. She hoped she wouldn't be asked to review the pictures once class was over.
Taylor didn't think much of art.
Taylor didn't think much of PE either.
Now, partly that was because Sophia took the class as an excuse to kick and slam into her. And another part was because of the hell of the changing room. But the newest, largest reason, made both those complaints seem small and petty.
Taylor hated PE because she got fucked in PE. Right now, she was wearing a cum-stained, fetishistic PE uniform. The red bloomers hugged her hips so tight, and were so short they had more in common with a bikini bottom. And the white t-shirt was both very thin, and very tight. Even if cum hadn't been plastering it to Taylor's torso, it would have been almost as tight.
Currently, the gym teacher was having Taylor work on her abs. Most of the boys in the class had volunteered to help, in their own special way. With the gym teacher's blessing, they had pulled Taylor's bloomers to one side. The first guy had looked at Taylor's wet slit (curtesy of Emma and her vibrator five minutes ago) and had taken that as consent. He had plunged in, impaling Taylor on his dick.
Taylor had thrashed around, but the rest of the boys soon put a stop to that. She couldn't do anything but watch a guy she barely knew fuck her. The worst bit was that as his dick slammed into her, it continued the work Emma's vibrator had started.
Taylor's arousal wasn't growing quickly, but it was growing. With every thrust, the fire in Taylor grew just that much hotter. She wanted this to be over with as soon as possible, so she didn't have to humiliate herself by having an orgasm as the entire gym class took turns fucking her pussy.
Some of the boys had been more interested in playing basketball than fucking her (and Taylor couldn't decide if she should be relieved or insulted) and had just masturbated over her, resulting in her cummed on shirt. Taylor was already familiar with what cum on her skin felt like thanks to art class, and having it soak through a thin t-shirt didn't feel that much better. At least they hadn't aimed for her face this time. Not that having her hard nipples poke out from her t-shirt, turned transparent from cum, was much better.
The first boy had cum in her, and was replaced by the second. The second came in her and was replaced by the third. So on and so forth, until enough boys had fucked and cummed in Taylor's pussy that a river of cum was flowing out of her stretched hole. The feel of all that hot liquid, and the repeated thrusts into her, had made Taylor so aroused she wasn't even worried about the boys deciding to sample a still tight hole.
Taylor finally came when the first boy came back for a second round. Her pussy tightened down around him, making him moan in appreciation. Taylor's hips left the gym floor as she shook in orgasm, her eyes wild in shamed delight.
Taylor's cry of orgasm wasn't very loud, but it was loud enough. She could see Emma in a gap formed by the boys. Her grin was so wide it threatened to fall off her face. Taylor looked away as her chief tormentor exulted in watching her get gangbanged on the gym floor. Emma gave Taylor a thumbs-up and mouthed something. Taylor didn't know what it was, but she also knew she had several more classes with Emma today.
Taylor certainly didn't enjoy gym class.
Taylor really thought that the hours she spent as school were enough. She didn't need to put in anymore at home, especially since her assignments never made it to the teacher's hand. But Emma disagreed.
"Come on, Mr. Hebert," she said, with a smile full of evil delight. "Don't you want your daughter to get all the nutrients she can?"
Taylor thought she already had a healthy enough diet. And that there wasn't any nutritional benefit to eating a man's cum. And that if there was, she had already had enough to last her a lifetime. But Taylor wasn't in charge here.
The same spell Emma had weaved over the art class, and the PE class, and the sex ed class, and several more, was also taking hold of Taylor's father. He was nodding in agreement, and looking at Taylor in a speculative manner.
Taylor shivered, kneeling on the kitchen floor. It didn't feel right to only be wearing her underwear in front of her father. Or, rather, Taylor knew it should feel wrong. But what she felt was a guilty excitement.
Taylor's thighs were pressed together tightly, which was a minor miracle, given that they had been spread so often today. Her third set of replacement panties felt too tight, sticking to her in ways Taylor found shamefully distracting. And her panties were all she was wearing. Emma had decided Taylor was flat enough she didn't need a bra. Taylor desperately wanted to cover up her breasts and hide her stiff nipples. But she kept her hands on her thighs, not wanting to find out what Emma would do if she saw Taylor 'acting like a prude' again.
The repeated fuckings Taylor had gotten today had imprinted themselves on her body. She didn't want to suck her dad off, but all her body knew was that there was a hard cock in front of her, and that hard cocks would make it feel good. Taylor's mouth watered as she tried to deny to herself what she wanted to do.
"Really, you'd be doing Taylor a favour," Emma said. "How else is she going to grow up big and strong if her own dad doesn't feed her?" Emma looked like the cat that had caught the canary.
"You're right," Danny said, after a long moment's thought. "Taylor, if you could open up?"
Taylor didn't, not wanting to give a blowjob to her own dad. It wasn't the worse line she had been made to cross today, but it was still bad. But a look at Emma's face convinced her this was the better option. It still felt awful, though. Awful and arousing. Taylor just couldn't press her thighs together tight enough to keep from leaking on the kitchen floor.
Taylor opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. She couldn't bring herself to look at her dad, so she just closed her eyes, listening to him unzip his jeans. Then she felt something warm and hard press against her face.
An electric shock ran through Taylor as she felt her dad rub his cock on her face. She felt tears start to form as she ran her tongue along his length. But even worse were the tears she felt starting to form elsewhere. Her hips twitched as she fought to keep them still.
Danny slid into his daughter's mouth. Taylor had had a lot of time to practice her blowjob skills today, and her body started automatically using them, not caring that this time, the thick dick inside her mouth belonged to her dad. Her lips, her tongue, her breath, her throat, she had become experienced in using them all. Taylor gave her dad a world-class blowjob.
Even as Taylor sucked him off, tears rolled down her face, And even as she sobbed in humiliation, her hands slid between her thighs, fingers going into her pussy. Taylor had been forced to learn that orgasms tinged with humiliation were so much stronger than normal ones. And giving a blowjob to her father, as degrading and humiliating as it was, still wasn't the most depraved thing Emma had made Taylor cum from today. Taylor knew she could orgasm from this. She didn't want to, but she was too weak to stop herself.
Taylor felt fingers dig into her hair. She couldn't tell if they were Emma's or her dad's, and she didn't want to open her eyes to find out. At least the hands stayed there, instead of making her go faster.
"See, Mr. Hebert?" Emma's voice came from behind Taylor. "Look how eagerly she's going. She must need a lot of it. You should give her your cum every day."
He didn't respond, though Taylor did. She moaned in despair and tightened around her fingers at the though of facefucking her every moaning before school. Or maybe even before she got out of bed. That would really be awful.
Danny was obviously very backed up. He came quickly, and he came a lot. With a groan, he thrust himself forward, burying his dick inside Taylor's throat. And then he came. Taylor spluttered and gagged as an endless stream of cum was shot down her stomach. She was already feeling full from all the other cum that had been pumped into her today.
Even when Danny stopped cumming, Taylor's work wasn't done. He pulled his hips back a bit, just enough to slide his cock into Taylor's mouth.
"Got to get every drop, Taylor," Emma said cheerfully. "You'll need a lot of vitamins if you want to be a growing girl!"
Taylor started licking her dad clean. Her mouth was filled with the taste of his cum as she licked the smeared seed off his softening dick. All the while, she kept on masturbating, even as shame surged through her. Was she really an incestual slut who got off on blowjobs? It seemed so, though daddy-diddling wasn't the worse thing she'd done today.
Finally, Danny pulled out of her mouth. Taylor's lips were left slightly parted, but, though a whine escaped, no cum did. Her body burned with need, but Taylor yanked her hand away. Somehow, it seemed so much worse to masturbate while two people were watching her than when she was giving a blowjob.
Even though her core ached with need, and a long string of arousal connected her fingers to her lower lips, Taylor rested her hands back on her lap. Finally, she opened her eyes. And looked directly into the lenses of a video camera.
"Great job, Taylor!" Emma said, from behind it. "I'm sure I'll get an A+ for that nutritional science assignment. And everyone would love to have you come when we all watch it."
Taylor could barely breathe, let alone speak as she looked into the merciless black eye of the camera. A disjointed thought flew through her mind as her mouth opened and closed.
School work should stay on school grounds.
Taylor had thought that by high school, people should have moved beyond simple story problems like this. Didn't some school offer calculus classes by the sophomore year or something? She was sure they did.
And even if Winslow didn't offer more advanced math classes, she was sure this wasn't the kind of story problem that should be on display. If it costs $1 to use Taylor's mouth, $1.50 to use Taylor's pussy and $2 to use Taylor's ass, how much money will Taylor have made after a class of thirty students uses her? Show your work.
And they were. A pile of coins and the occasional bill was forming in the bucket sitting next to Taylor. Every time she heard the clink of coins rattling against each other, Taylor knew she was about to get fucked again.
Strap-ons had been provided so that the female students could partake even if Taylor's mouth was busy. Taylor could recognize some of the toys from earlier. And she was becoming acutely aware of how different a tapered dildo felt inside her pussy than a normal human cock.
Emma wasn't taking part, directly at least. She was talking to the teacher, waving her hands around to illustrate some point. Taylor didn't know what they were talking about, but she guessed it was about her. Almost everything else Emma had said today had been.
Taylor's view was cut off as a husky Asian boy stepped up to her head. It was easier to just open her mouth than put up a fight that would end with her mouth held open anyway. The boy didn't seem to notice her submission, and just slid his cock inside her, making her gag as he hilted himself in a single thrust.
Both Taylor's ass and pussy were already filled, by one boy and one girl. The two of them were a couple, having a bonding experience with her. Taylor could hear them sweet-talking each other as they fucked her.
Taylor was forced to cum. She didn't want to, or at least thought she didn't want to, but she did anyway. The relentless fucking, the feeling of her holes getting stretched forced her over the edge as she was fucked in all three holes like a cheap whore.
Taylor shrieked around the cock gagging her, feeling a familiar starburst go off inside her. Her limbs moved as much as they could, beating against the bodies of her classmates. She could feel herself tightening down around the dildo in her pussy, and even around the cock in her ass. It was so shameful, and she was left feeling almost as aroused as she had been just before the orgasm.
Taylor was coming down from her orgasm when the guy came in her ass. A hot plume of liquid appeared, shooting deep inside Taylor's rear. She moaned around the dick filling her mouth as her body twitched, trying to handle the feeling.
Taylor wasn't given a long time to get used to having yet another load of cum shot inside her. The boyfriend was quickly replaced by another guy. The new guy seemed even bigger than the last, filling Taylor's ass. She had no idea how long this was going to last.
It lasted a long time. Almost the entire class period, in fact. Taylor was left slumped in the front of the classroom as the rest of the students (or maybe just the students) took their seats. Taylor couldn't muster the energy to sit up. She was too exhausted. Too many orgasm, and too many hard fuckings had left their toll on her. And it was obvious to see, too. Cum once again covered her body, just like it had for almost every other class today.
Taylor stared blearily at the bucket. There had to be at least fifty bucks in there. And it was for her, because she had fucked an entire classroom. There was a word for women who fucked for money, she remembered. It wasn't a nice word, but it fit her like a glove.
The math teacher cleared her voice. She looked over the class, forcing them into silence with nothing but her glare. The class quieted, waiting to hear the results of their hour-long question.
"I'm going to start by saying I'm disappointed in most of you. I received twenty different answers for this question, when there is only one correct answer. As such, we will be doing similar problems for the rest of the week, until I'm satisfied with the level of skill you display."
Emma raised her hand, looking every inch the eager student. The teacher nodded at her.
"What was the correct answer, Miss Henz?"
"I was coming to that, Barnes. The correct answer is nothing." There was a sudden murmur of confusion that the teacher talked over. "Hebert will not get any money, and all proceeds will go to the school Fun Fund."
Taylor was confused. Did that mean she was still a whore? After all, she wasn't getting any money. But she had thought she was going to. Should she ask Miss Henz if there was anything (and Taylor thought she knew what anything might end up being) to do to get the money?
A corner of Taylor's mind knew that she was just trying to take her mind off what the teacher had announced about future math classes. That part of her was wondering how many tries it would take for the none-too-smart students at Winslow to get the right answer.
Taylor thought there were better ways to learn math.
"Remember Taylor, snrk, this is an important-" Principal Blackwell broke off to turn away, clapping her hand over her mouth for a minute, "this is an important part of the teaching experience. So, ha, try to learn from it, okay?"
Taylor didn't have much of a choice when it came to if she wanted to learn or not. Or what she was going to 'learn'. The way she was tied up, the most she could do was close or open her eyes. Her mouth was held open with a ring gag, and her tongue had been pulled out, forcing her to constantly drool on herself. Tape had been wrapped around her fingers, forcing them into shape so she could give handjobs. And frankly excessive loops of rope had tied her legs to two stakes, keeping her lower body so pinned in place she could barely even twitch.
And her real punishment hadn't even started yet.
Taylor thought it had been a kangaroo court. Yes, she had been having sex on school property. Yes, the school had rules against public displays of affection. But she was still the only one here, with none of the dozens of boys and girls who had fucked her here.
But the principal hadn't wanted to hear it. She had taken one look at Taylor's cum-covered, panting face, and instantly decided on her punishment. From there, it was just a short trip out here, to the front of Winslow.
"And of course," Blackwell continued, "this is more than just punishment. With luck, the various gangs here will be less unruly with some stress drained off." She looked down to pat Taylor on the back, but couldn't see any spot that was clear enough of cum to do so. "I hope you take away the right lesson from all of this, Miss Hebert."
Taylor really doubted that this would calm the gangs down. For one, she had probably already fucked most of them today. In computer class, and art class and P.E. and literature and the lunch room and the gloryhole and history and math and just about everywhere else. If they still had the energy to fight after all that, then they'd still have the energy to fight no matter how much they used Taylor to drain their balls.
Furthermore, if that really was the purpose behind all this, there were better ways to do it. Even Taylor could come up with more efficient ways to make them cum. Really, her current getup was more about punishing her than rewarding others.
Taylor hadn't even known the school had a pillory. Much less that she would ever end up in it. Yet here she was, out in front of the school, where anybody could see her. Or use her. It hadn't happened yet, but Taylor had been positioned so that she could see the big clock on the front of the building. And it was steadily ticking towards when class would be let out.
Less than a minute after it hit the mark, a flood of students came pouring out of the doors. Blackwell stepped to the side, letting them all get a good look at Taylor's bent-over, restrained body. Very, very few of them kept on walking. Most of them formed a circle around Taylor, looking at her cum-splattered body. And then they descended on her.
Principal Blackwell was right. Taylor was getting the gangs in Winslow to put aside their differences. A skinhead was making Taylor deepthroat his cock, while an Asian kid in green had wrapped Taylor's cunt around his dick. And Taylor was pretty sure the two using her tied-up hands to masturbate with her in the Merchants. Members from all three of Brockton Bay's biggest gangs, and they were all using her body without fighting with each other.
Taylor didn't have much appreciation to devote to the multi-ethnic harmony on display at the moment. She was busy wondering if she or the ABB kid was going to cum first. Whoever did, she was sure that by then she'd be swallowing the semen of the neo-Nazi filling her throat.
Taylor was getting fucked so hard that her small breasts were jiggling as she got filled up again and again. If her mouth had been freed, she would have been moaning, the dick inside her feeling so damn good. Taylor wished she was in a position to let someone fuck her ass to. Not that she wanted to have three cocks inside her at once, of course. This was an unwarranted punishment that she didn't like, obviously. But if she was sealed airtight, Taylor knew she would have already cummed by now.
In retrospect, Taylor should have known that the neo-Nazi would want to cum on her face. He was a white supremist, after all. Even for a white girl like Taylor, he could still make her whiter. And either he hadn't used Taylor earlier, or he had some very productive balls. He absolutely covered Taylor's face, semen landing everywhere from her forehead to her chin. Taylor's sight was cut off as she was forced to close her eyes. And then she felt more cum landing on her, gluing them shut.
Taylor was given a whole thirty seconds before a new cock replaced the limp one. She should have used to try and get out of here, she later realized. Begging the crowds around her to release her, maybe promising to suck all their dicks if she was let go. Although they would probably have just laughed at her, since her ring and tongue gag would just make it gibberish. Maybe Emma (who had Taylor had briefly seen on the outskirts of the crowd, holding a phone and smiling) would decide she needed dictation lessons.
Taylor's musings were cut off as her orgasm started to wash over her. Her body shook as the pleasure peaked inside her, making her melt around the cock still inside her pussy. While she was still in the middle of her orgasm, a cock entered her mouth. The crowd didn't care if she was cumming or not. All they cared about was that they had a chance to use the school's sex toy.
Taylor, when thought, however hazy, returned to her, wondered if Blackwell was still watching her get punished. If she was, Taylor hoped she was taking notes. This wasn't a very good punishment, for anyone.
After all, Taylor only had two cocks in her. She could handle a lot more.