Unraveling Intrigues

Chapter 4: Unraveling Intrigues

Morning, arrived in Arcana-Vale as the sun rose, stirring the capital city from its slumber. Two peculiar individuals stood out as the bustling streets gradually filled with life. Walking side by side, their exhaustion was concealed beneath composed exteriors, giving away nothing to the passing townsfolk. Only these two men, Prime Minister Foust and Bureau Chief Arlen Desmarais knew the depth of their fatigue hidden behind their formal facades.

"though, it was I who asked you to speak to His Majesty directly, it would be for the better if I accompanied you. After all, you did commit a rather large blunder. If His Majesty's mood sours, who knows what might happen to you," Foust remarked, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

An evil chuckle followed, hinting at the gravity of their situation. They eventually reached the imperial gardens, a serene yet imposing area where the Emperor often tended to his plants. Today seemed different, Emperor Draconis Seraphus Rex III was well-dressed and deep in conversation with a shadowy figure—a rare occurrence, as daily Affairs of state were usually handled by the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Foust and Bureau Chief Desmarais announced their presence with due formality. The Emperor halted his discussion and addressed them, "If it isn't Prime Minister Foust and Bureau Chief Desmarais. To what do I owe this pleasure? Is everything doing well in my Dominion?"

"Your Highness, the empire is functioning smoothly, but an urgent matter requires your attention," Foust replied. Meanwhile, Desmarais stood silent, barely contributing to the conversation.

The Emperor, noticing the Bureau Chief's expression, inquired discreetly, "By the look on your face, things aren't as they should be outside, are they?"

Sensing the discomfort, the shadowy figure requested permission to leave. As the shadowy figure did, Foust inquired about his identity. The figure responded, "My name is Seraphina Whisperwind, chosen representative of the Holy God Sovereign. Do keep that in mind. Until we meet again."

Silence followed Seraphina's departure. Foust pressed the Emperor for an explanation. "That individual is a One-Man Army. He could single-handedly take down an entire nation if he wished," the Emperor began. "He's here to establish diplomatic ties with Serpentonia."

"Then why not go through proper channels?" Foust asked, bewildered.

"They give little regard to other countries' laws and customs. They do as they please, and no one in Serpentonia can oppose them currently," the Emperor sighed. "The Helvetians have an edge in airship technology, achieved through ties with the Sky Kingdom and a mutual defence pact. However, Seraphina comes from a more powerful place, a bigger fish. He approached us unannounced, and I worry about their plans."

The conversation shifted to the reason for Foust and Desmarais's visit. They explained the recent events and sought the Emperor's guidance.

"How long until the stolen goods are within our grasp?" the Emperor asked.

"A few days, sir, if we proceed secretly," Desmarais replied.

The Emperor turned towards a shadowy figure lurking in the corner of the garden, almost blending with the surroundings. "It's time. You know what to do. Ensure our objectives are met."

The shadowy figure nodded and vanished without a word, leaving an air of mystery. Only the Emperor, Prime Minister, and Bureau Chief were privy to this figure's identity, adding an element of intrigue to their plan.

"Minister," the Emperor continued, "send him on this mission. Recover more intel and sabotage their new weapon. Gather our forces in the capital. We may soon march on Helvetia."

Meanwhile, at the Crafter estate, Sebeth Muller woke from a grave nightmare of the war where he lost his magical abilities—a cursed war with Serpentonia years ago. Shaking off the dream, he dressed and began his daily routine. Muller managed the attendants and internal security, ensuring everything was in order before heading to the training grounds for his ritual exercises.

Muller ran his fingers through his greying hair, the weight of past battles evident in the lines etched on his face. The dream had felt so real, and he couldn't shake off the lingering dread. As he entered the courtyard, his sharp eyes scanned the perimeter, ever-vigilant.

"Morning, Sebeth," greeted one of the younger guards.

"Morning," Muller replied, his voice steady but distant. "Anything to report?"

"All's quiet, sir," the Guard responded, but Muller could sense the unease lingering in the Guard's temples.

During training, a guard reported a missing lumberjack and his crew. Worried, Muller visited the logger's son, promising to bring his father back. Gathering a group of soldiers, they set out on a search operation.

"Stay sharp," Muller instructed his men as they moved through the dense forest. "We don't know what we're dealing with."

As they Ventured Deeper, signs of a struggle emerged—broken branches, bloodstains, and torn clothing. Muller knelt by a patch of disturbed earth, examining the scene with a practised eye.

"This wasn't an animal attack," he muttered. "These men were taken by force."

A faint cry for help reached their ears. They followed the sound to find a wounded survivor clutching his side.

"Help... us..." the man gasped.

"Easy, you're safe now," Muller assured him. "What happened here?"

"Ambushed... by masked men... they took the others," the survivor managed to say before losing consciousness.

As Muller's group prepared to move the lifeless man, a messenger bird arrived with a note from Captain Stross. Arc Crafter was injured, and the situation was dire. Muller's face hardened with resolve.

"We're heading back," he announced. "Arc's in trouble, and we need to regroup."

At the outpost camp, Captain Stross assembled a group of ten soldiers led by Lieutenant Clarissa, including the siblings Luto Arden and Lizzi Arden, Thomas Graydor, Ashley Strider, and Sherry Greenwood. The team also included three support crew members—Healer Lyra, Support Mage Kieran, and Scout Elara.

Clarissa addressed her team with urgency. "We need to get Arc back to the Crafter estate. Every second counts."

As they moved swiftly through the terrain, the group conversed, revealing their capabilities.

"Luto, Lizzi, your fire and sword skills will be crucial if we encounter resistance," Clarissa said.

Luto nodded. "We'll cut through anything in our way."

"Lizzi and I can handle close combat. No one gets past us," Lizzi added confidently.

"Thomas, your shield and spear mastery will protect us against frontal assaults," Clarissa continued.

"Leave it to me," Thomas replied. "Nothing's getting through this shield."

"Ashley, your dual blades and wind spells make you our swift striker. We need you to disrupt any enemy formations," Clarissa instructed.

"Got it," Ashley responded. "I'll be their worst nightmare."

"Sherry, your advanced magic tech and earth spells will support our attacks and fortify our defences," Clarissa said.

"I'll make sure we're covered," Sherry affirmed.

"Healer Lyra, be ready to tend to any injuries. We can't afford to lose anyone," Clarissa emphasized.

"I'm prepared," Lyra assured her. "I'll keep everyone on their feet."

"Kieran, your support magic will enhance our abilities and keep us fighting strong," Clarissa added.

"I'll give us the edge we need," Kieran replied.

"And Elara, your scouting skills will inform us of any threats. Stay vigilant." Clarissa finished.

"I'll make sure we're never caught off guard," Elara promised.

Their determination and urgency were palpable as they pressed on, each member driven by the need to save Arc and complete their mission.

Back at the Crafter estate, Sebeth Muller began to prepare a Small but deadly assault force of a hundred Strong Magic Knights comprising twenty-five essential medical Support Groups and seventy-five combat units. "Do not let anyone get in or out of the estate's premises until we arrive. Stay vigilant," Sebeth commanded a high-ranking officer, as the gates began to shut, Sebeth commanded his men to charge in haste.

In the imperial garden of Arcana-Vale, the Prime Minister and the Bureau Chief stood ready, knowing a storm was brewing. The Empire's fate hung in the balance as alliances swung and new hidden threats emerged. Unbeknownst to them, their actions would shape the future of Arcana-Vale and beyond.
