On the central island , top of the huge mountain, there was a big castle ,

A man who sleeping well , started to wake up from his sleep .

while he started to wake up , the castle automatically repair itself and soon it's became a new castle.

Mmmmmm.. . How many years gone while i sleep , can I sleep some more time , mmm.. I think it's already time , may be island started to move on its own.

Mysterious man talking in the sleep 😴.

No response to his murmer, He once again started to sleep.

Soon a figure appear out of nowhere and jumped on him

Hey wake up meow... it's already 10000years , island already out meow .

Black cat sitting on him and speak.

He start to speak while sleeping in the lazy voice,

Who ask you to do that , really the island already out ,😴 how cames i feel anything , i wanna sleep more .. moo...

Back cat tells ,

it's you , who set the timer for this islands to reappear after 10000 year and it's your castle spirit made it that no one can distrub your sleep so you can sleep more .

come on wake up meow , most of the island are upto the surface , just few months it's will become stable meow .

He once again cover himself in blanket,

really i ruined my own sleep myself, ohh god , what to do ?

can we just send it back and start to sleep again ?

Cat didn't speak it's once again start to jumb on him more and more .

Wake up. , wake up ... Shadow claw .

Cat use powerfull shadow claw on him and send him fly out the window.

He was send out of the castle and fall from height and stuck in tree branchs .


He slowly open his eyes and see himself hangings in tree.

It's seen i can't sleep anymore , he comes down from tree branchs and removed leave on himself then he cast a spell , BRAND NEW ME while laughing foolishly

His dress start to change , forming black and blue line shirt and black pant , mysterious crown on his head .

He have a black hair and blue eyes and handsome face , with fit body. Then re appare on the throne of the castle .

Black cat luck appare on throne room .

What , are really wake up or it's just clone of yourself meow

Mysterious man smile and says it Me , really one .

10000 years passed ., i think many people forgot about us i think 🤔, what we do now .

Let's talk about later meow , first we have to organizer the island meow. Cat replayed.

Cat luck says, i think we have wake up that old dragon and guardian lord and masters and we have renovation the island barriers and buildings .

Mysterious man smile foolishly , there is too much work ., why don't you go and wake up that old boy and I go to that guardian guys .

Black cat feels omniose from his speach and asked , what are planing ? are going to sleep again meow?

Mysterious man shocked and say noo...

Hearing this , cat look into man eyes says ,

I go and wake up that old dragon and guardian lord meow , you repair the barrier and buildings ,

Black cat disappeared ,while leave mysterious man alone on the throne.

Mysterious man sadly left the throne and gose for the repair of the barrier

He sadly repair the barrier while crushing himself,

why I chose this islands as living place , there are too many islands and each have separate barrier and 5 large barriers and 3 overall barrier

I don't know how many days to repair every barrier and .. ....

He sadly gose to every island one by one with gloomy eyes

My sleep is gone , really gone , why? Why? I set timer just for 10000 yrs , it's better be 20000 years . Let set 50000 years next time .