Days passing like a minute , soon a month passed.
Islands are stabilized , barrier become strong , building are renovated and guardians are organised the beast and animals on the islands . soon islands become more dangerous and mysterious.
Central island , Grand hall
On the grand hall , where have many painting and murals are organised with luxurious decoration and magic lights .
At the central of grand hall the long table made of ancient magic peach tree and 13 chairs made with different meterial and different symbols on it.
12 members are already sitting on the chair that engraved with there symbols , like dragons, whale , cat and towers .
Power emitted from each one is different from other one , some like a fire , some like cold , some like deep , mysterious and powerful mana spread everywhere.
Soon A man with foolish smile appare on the head chair , and see everyone seriously face clapped his hand , everyone control the mana emitted from them , look at him .
He just smiled lightly, speaks ,
it seems you are all sleeping well for last few thousand years so I think , it's time to open the island ,
Shall we start .*
1, Ash infinity - principal, ( ancient magic, void and time magic , creation magic , unknown....)
2 , Alex dragina tempest - vice principal , (dragon magic , earth and thunder )
3 , Oceania cyclone - guardian Lord,( weather magic, water and light)
4, ancient cat luck - chief coordinator ,( transformation magic,shadow, and darkness)
5, Rose firetail - master of fire mountain ( ancient fire magic, demon transformation magic )
6 ,lily icetail - master of ice mountain ( ancient ice magic, demon transformation magic )
7 , elnor wildwind - master of wind canyan ( ancient wind magic, sword sage )
8 , ragna thunder - master of lightening and thunder mountain ( ancient lightening magic , Spirit transformation,thunder )
9, Hendry hammer - tower master of forging and innovation ( master of forging and alcamist , fire and earth magic )
10 , violat serpent - towers master of life and death ( master of potion and poison, water and poison magic )
11, sarena forestwood - princess of forest( master of Tree magic ,spirit magic ,wind magic )
12 , zayan - towers master of sword and saber ( weapons master , sword and saber saint )
13 , Noha lionheart - beast tower master ( beast language, summing magic, earth magic )
"On the god's island , status and ranking are strictly maintained "
Rank name Stars
1. Ash 13
2, angela 12 peak
3 , lords of island 11
4, " mountain lords and 10 peak
grand guardians". &10
5, " Lord of towers and 9 peak
inner guardians ". &9
6, outer guardians. 8
7, island lives . Mixed
** Angela World wood ** - previous vice principal and guardian lord, ( world Tree magic, demon magic , spirit magic, Time magic)
*** Power system and it's arrangements ***
(Major system and common )
1-3 star - apprentice
4-6 star - master
7-8 star - grand master
9 star - legendary ( well known peak of current world )
( Above legendary, rare )
10 star - Demi god's
11 star - God
12 star - Great god
"Same for the KNIGHTS and MAGES other professionals"
(*#* 13 star - ultimate or transcend*#*)