A Reuniting Vow




Due to their combined attack having been destroyed by Platiknight, the rock troll and Bunsen burner robot were stunned due to the energetic backlash produced by such an event.

As such, they were positively helpless as the giant shield of Platiknight came crashing down on them, and it didn't help that this giant slab of metal was being accelerated by the shining knight's kick.

Now, this would've been the part where Platiknight's attack rendered the rock troll into a bloody pile of rubble and the Bunsen burner robot into a pile of burnt scrap metal, but that didn't really happen.

As familiars contracted to a magi and a mechanist, respectively, the two aforementioned monstrous beings were unable to truly die unless their contractors died.

That didn't stop them from feeling the pain of death though as they exploded into showers of energy that returned to their respective masters.

"Trobol! Ah!"

"BB-09, no!"

Not only that, but because of the nature of their contracts, Bjorn and Farran had to face the consequences of allowing their familiars to be defeated. And that consequence came in the form of a contract based feedback that shocked the two users down to their very core and forced them to feel the last moments of their respective familiars before being defeated.



Needless to say, the sheer shock of the pain they were feeling had battered them to the brink of unconsciousness. But before its sweet embrace could take them, their respective Systems had decided to deliver them some terrible news.

[Alert! Familiar: Trobol has been defeated. Applying appropriate penalties to Arcanis User: Bjorn. A recording of your defeat has been sent to your guild leader for appropriate judgement.]

[Alert! Familiar: BB-09 has been defeated. Applying appropriate penalties to Machina User: Farran. A recording of your defeat has been sent to your guild leader for appropriate judgement.]



The shock of this announcement was enough to push the two of them over the edge, as they understood that the reaction to this news was going to be...less than pleasant.

Not that the instigator of this reaction was aware though. He was too busy being shocked that the System's advice had actually worked.

"Holy shit...you weren't kidding about that being his super move...," SK muttered in disbelief at the sight of Platiknight's victory.

[No duh,] the Superhero System replied with a smug sounding tone of voice. [Props to you though, user. I didn't expect your energy reserves to be this deep.]

"Really? I feel drained as a motherfucker though..."

SK didn't know if it was mana, spiritual energy, life energy, qi, aether or whatever, all he knew was that when Platiknight performed his Platinum Comet Crash, the power necessary to activate it came from his energy reserves.

He was fairly tempted to pass out right there and then, but he needed to be conscious for two reasons.

First, he had to drive that security guard over to a hospital.

Second, and more importantly, he wanted to properly introduce himself to Platiknight. After all, their first meeting was anything but proper.

"So...what's his deal exactly? Is he summoned from another world or..."

[Why don't you just ask him yourself?]


With this mind, SK opted to finally approach the shining knight as he stood in the aftermath of his victory.

Standing amidst the flaming wreckage and over the defeated System users, Platiknight made for a rather gallant figure.

Almost intimidatingly so.

However, this didn't stop SK from getting into speaking distance with Platiknight, but once he did, he realized that speaking wasn't necessary.

He could feel that his soul was quite literally connected to this superhero, and that this bond was a two way street.

SK could feel and know what Platiknight was thinking at any given moment, and Platiknight could feel and know what SK was thinking at any given moment too.

But this didn't stop the literal knight in shining armor to make a display of loyalty appropriate for someone of his station.

"So, I guess we don't need to-"



Before SK could even convey a thought or a word, Platiknight had already scooped him up for a hug.

From an outside perspective looking in, SK looked like a teddy bear in comparison.

"Haha! It's been a long time, my liege!," Platiknight said in a warm tone of voice. "I can't believe how much you have grown! I remember when you were just a chubby little thing that was no bigger than a turnip! Actually, I think that was her majesty's nickname for you!"

"Wait, wait, wait! What?!"

 When SK was informed that the System was bringing his imaginary friend/first superhero to life, he had assumed it was just going to be one of those situations where the being created was an entirely unique being that just so happened to look like how he designed them.

So the fact that Platiknight just dropped information that only SK and his mother would know about, implied that Platiknight, this Platiknight, was actually his imaginary friend given real life.

Needless to say, SK was confused and needed answers.

"System, what the hell is going on?," SK asked while trying to wriggle out of the bear hug he was in.

Unfortunately,the System had decided that now was the best time for it to go silent.

Thankfully, Platiknight was willing to provide answers in its stead.

"Ah, right. I should probably explain myself and do this properly."

Once he had finished hugging SK, the six foot tall superhero knight placed him standing on the ground before taking a knee and using his shield as a support instead of a sword.

"From the depths of your mind I was given form, but through the [Superhero System], I was given life and a chance to change the world to suit your vision."

"Oh that kind of makes…wait a minute, what was that last statement?"

"And I swear here and now to be your shield and hammer. To serve as your guiding light and guardian until the end of time itself," the knightly superhero continued without missing a beat.

Understanding that he was probably not going to get any answers at this time, SK decided to keep his mouth shut and let Platiknight finish...whatever he was doing.

Platiknight stood to his full height after saying his earlier words, and knocked an armored fist against his chest plate in order to add emphasis to his next and final statement of the even. 

"I am Platiknight, the Precious Metal Paragon!," the hero announced while raising his fist into the air."And I promise to be able to protect you this time."

As soon as he said this, Platiknight transformed into wisps of blueish energy that circled in the air for a bit before surging towards SK's hands.


The next thing SK knew, he found himself holding a long, thin card that had a stylized image of Platiknight on one side and a stylized shield emblem featuring his intitials...until the card disappeared from his hands.

He was worried for a split second that the first superhero he ever created had disappeared into some parallel dimension, until he saw the System status windows explaining that Platiknight was simply resting after exerting himself this evening.

If he ever wanted to see him again, all he had to do was to pull out his card and summon him.

After that, SK let out a massive sigh of relief.

"Holy hell, I seriously thought I was going to die this evening...didn't expect...all of this."

Looking past the unconscious weirdos that were controlling those monsters from earlier, SK could see that the entire shipyard was now a great big mess.

A mess that SK was ill-equipped to handle at this time.

That was, until he realized that he had yet to check the rewards he had received just moments ago after Platiknight's victory.

"Oh hey, maybe there's something in those rewards that were mentioned earlier that can help clean this all up."

With this in mind, SK focused his mind and summoned the System's windows so that he could review exactly what this system could do.

Of course, he still had to pass through all of the recent notification messages.


[Notice! User has defeated Farran of the Machina System. Ability points and rewards have been sent to the user's inbox. Please retrieve at your earliest convenience.]

[Notice! User has defeated Bjorn of the Arcanis System. Ability points and rewards have been sent to the user's inbox. Please retrieve at your earliest convenience.]

[Notice! User has managed to defeat two opponents that were above the user's current level. Additional rewards have been sent to in-box, alongside a title. Please retrieve both at your earliest convenience.]

[Notice! Due to the user and the familiar having extreme compatibility, new features and items have been unlocked. Please review these unlocks at your earliest convenience.]


"Oh...I should probably wait until I'm somewhere safer before looking over this stuff…meaning I'm going to have to leave this mess behind…oh boy…"