2nd Prince Of Hell


{Congratulations on completing your first task}

{Reward: Necromancy Magic}

{Spell unlocked: Soul Contract}

Silas' rage subsided as a series of messages popped up on the panel, leaving him slightly confused.

{Bonus reward: Spirit companion; Ruth}

{Do you accept?: Yes/No}

"R–Ruth?" Silas mumbled under his breath with a confused expression.

He wondered if his eyes were playing with him or if this thing was real. He glanced over Ruth's corpse—still lifeless and cold.

Could this thing bring back his sister?

"Yes." He mumbled nervously.

A notification sound rang on his head followed by a cold breeze. Silas watched as green energy sipped out of his body and converged into a sphere. A stone's throw away.

The green sphere spiraled at high speed for a few seconds before it exploded, and what appeared to shake Silas. It was a two-foot-tall version of his sister, made of this dark energy.

{Name: Ruth}

{Race: Demon}

{Status: Soul companion}{Upgradable}

{Hp: 1/1}


{Ghost: Ruth is a spirit companion capable of existing in the physical and spiritual plane at once. It is non-existent to everyone except the user, and can only reveal itself to others if the user commands it.}

Before Silas could react, Ruth flung herself on him and buried her face in his blood-stained shirt. He was shocked at first but quickly regained his posture while his trembling hand timidly patted Ruth's back.

He stood there for nearly a minute and let her cry to her heart's content. He wasn't sure why, but he was certain this was Ruth—his little Ruth.

Ruth backed away after crying—her green color turned crimson in seconds. Her sorrow was replaced with anger as she glared at the body before returning her gaze to Silas.

"We can't let him get away with this. He shouldn't be allowed to rest in death!" Ruth's voice was filled with venom.

This was a stark contrast from the sweet girl he could remember, but Silas didn't care. As long as Ruth was here now, nothing else mattered.

"Oh?" Silas' response was simple as his attention shifted back to the first set of messages he received.

{Necromancy Magic: Necromancy magic is a high-risk, high-reward element that takes just as much as it gives. Be prepared for the backlash that comes with this power}

{Soul Contract: The caster forcibly binds a wandering soul to themselves, turning it into a servant. However, the taint of death is not easily controlled—each bond weakens the caster's soul, spreading corruption that can consume them over time.}


{Soul Corruption: Each bound soul erodes the caster's essence, leading to madness or decay.}

{Loss of Control: If the corruption grows too strong, the enslaved souls may rebel or possess the caster.}

{Painful Feedback: Binding a powerful or unwilling soul can damage the caster's mind and body.}

{Incarnation: By will unbroken and fate entwined, Rise once more, your soul is mine. Bound in shadow, serve my call, Loyal until the darkness falls!}


"That's it… Use it, use it, use it!" Ruth growled viciously, and Silas' eyes reflected her crimson flare.

{Soul Contract activated: Kar the Orc}


The world rumbled as emerald energy poured out in staggering quantities and engulfed Kar's body like a cocoon. Silas' aura acted like acid and dissolved Kar's organ, leaving the empty husk of the orc squeaky clean.

As the excess emerald aura retreated, a few strings were left behind—sewing Kar's dismembered body back together. While this happened, a gray soul wisp fluttered out of the orc's chest, and immediately, green chains erupted from Silas' body and bound it.

The soul wisp wiggled but failed to break free—instead, it was getting wheeled in. As soon as the soul struck Silas' chest, it turned an emerald shade while a tattoo burned into his left shoulder, causing him to jerk back in pain and fall on his butt.

Silas held his scorched shoulder with a pained expression and sweat-soaked face. He watched as the soul descended and phased into the chest of the dead orc, causing its toes to twitch.

The next morning was quiet and peaceful. Silas sat beside the grave where Ruth was buried, and she sat on the pile of rocks, swinging her legs.

Behind the duo was Kar, the orc grunt—the most basic orc soldier you will ever meet. It's once blazing green eyes were now pitch black with a hint of emerald dot in the center, and its body seemed like it had been ripped apart by a wild beast before getting stitched together.

{Name: Silas}

{Age: 18}

{Race: Human}{Sub-race: Cambion}

{Sin: Wrath}

{Level: 1}


{Str: 0.5}

{Agi: 0.5}

{Vit: 0.3}

{Int: 0.2}

{Cha: 0}


{Next level requirement: 003 /100 FP}

{Devotees: 3}

{Armory points: Locked}

{Upgrade points: Locked}


{Tier 1: Soul Contract}{Necromancy Magic}

{Name: Kar}

{Race: Orc}{Sub-race: dog}

{Status:Orc Grunt }{Upgradable}

{Hp: 10/10}

{Str: 1.0}

{Agi: 1.0}

{Vit: 1.0}

{Int: 0.5}





Silas blinked at the stats in confusion, wondering why he could see three stats—himself, Ruth, and Kar. 

"What is all of this?" Silas asked.

"Power, power of the demon lord… You are now the second prince of hell… We need to get stronger, or we will die again." Ruth sighed heavily.

Silas was still confused. While he was certain this person sitting beside him was Ruth, he could also tell something was different about her.

"Stop worrying about anything. You have the power and I am your guide. Just do as I say, and we will win on earth and in heaven. Once you become the demon lord, no one will ever be able to hurt us again!" Ruth's green color revealed a crimson shade.

It felt like her personality changed alongside the color.

At this moment, shuffling sounds could be heard approaching, but Silas didn't move. Kar picked up his battle-ax and turned around to protect its master