"Cẩn thận,Cẩn thận" I said to my Vietnamese co -worker.
I learnt a few words of Vietnamese while working in this fast food joint.
He was picking up so many bowls at the same time I am afraid he will let it all fall down.
"Dhin,Cẩn thận" I said as he picked all the bowls and made his way through.
I woke up startled.
The car was halted. Lisa and Mr. Blackwell had their heads turned around to look at me .
"Are you okay ?" Lisa asked concerned.
"Yeah."I smiled sheepishly, "I thought Dhin would break the bowls"
Mr. Blackwell had turned around while Lisa looked confusingly at em .
I do make no sense.
"I had a dream," I smiled awkwardly. "I am okay."
"Good, Anyway I am leaving. Good night." Lisa opened the car door to step out of the car. Mr. Blackwell stepped out as well.
I quickly removed my seatbelt and got out with her flowers and bags.
"Let me help you take these upstairs."
we were in front of Lisa's apartment. The vicinity looked nice but since it was so late in the night, she would have to carry these all by herself upstairs.
"Oh no no , it's okay. I can carry these. Otherwise, I would have called Henry down."
Mr. Blackwell nodded as well. He leaned forward and hugged her with one hand to say goodbye.
"Take care ,Bye."
She took the bags from my hand and headed towards her building.
As soon as she was out of our sight , I turned to Mr. Blackwell.
"Well Sir, I will take my leave as well."
"You stay here too ?" Mr. Blackwell asked raising an eyebrow.
Pufff, I wish.
"No, I will go to the nearby Bus station ."
Because it is too awkward to sit with you silently in the car.
"I don't want to impose on you. The bus station is nearby. Its fine. I can take the bus."
"It's 1 a.m. What bus runs at this hour ?"
Oh Dang, its 1 a.m. What bus runs at this hour ?
"Your house is on my way . I will drop you off. "He made his way to the car.
How does he know where I live ? My information in the company records!
I followed him to his car . Now that Lisa's gone, I will have to sit in the front or else it will look like he is my driver. Where do you see a driver who is richer than his Master. But he would sure look good as a driver and calling me "Master."
I am still drunk, aren't I?
I got in and grabbed the seatbelt. It's stuck. I pulled again. Not working. Again.
Mr. Blackwell was waiting for me to put on my seatbelt to start the car.
There was undeniable pressure now . I pulled with all my might again.
"You let it retract a bit and pull again."
"Not working, its stuck."
I will have to change to backseat. Maybe he can be my driver for today. No one is looking at us anyway.
As I was about to put my hand to the door, Mr. Blackwell leaned forward to my seat.
What is this scenario again? It looks straight out of a romance movie.
Hero leans forward to heroine to adjust the car seat and their faces close in and they ended up kissing each other.
He is that close. If I lean forward, I can touch his lips. My intrusive thoughts are pushing me to lean forward.
He looks me in the eye ,one had supporting my headrest and the other tugging at the belt.
Dangerous. This is so dangerous. My heart is pounding.
Quickly ,I turned towards the car window to avoid his gaze.
He dragged the belt and leaned back and stuck it in the socket.
I nodded as a thank you and looked straight ahead. I need to calm down first.
I cannot meet his eyes right now. I don't even like him like that. But why is my heart about to explode? Is it because of Alcohol.
God, I will never drink again.