Chapter 1: It meant he would have her to himself

Chapter 1

It was summer, the school year had ended, and Alan had finally graduated from high school. He had turned 18 last month, finally defining him as an adult.

Alan felt like the world had changed, and not at all, with the turning of this year. This was also what made Alan decide to finally act out his dreams. 'I only have two years left of my teens, and after that, it will be impossible,' is what he thought.

Alan's dream was pretty simple, yet seemed unattainable. He wanted to be his mother's slave and serve her in any way possible.

Alan's mother, Alicia, was 35 years old, and a certified MILF.

She was 5' 8", 4 inches shorter than Alan. She had long, black hair, sharp, brown eyes, a small nose, and beautiful, thin, pink lips. She had hyperopia, so she often wore glasses, at least when she was home. Alicia had fat in all the right areas, making her body appear slender, yet soft. Her butt was round and perky, with wide hips, making the eyes of men sway back and forth with every step she took. Her chest was petite, not particularly full, but perfectly round and perky.

Even though she had already turned 35, she could easily pass as being five years younger. The signs of age only amounted to her being more full-figured than in her thirties, and her face having a more mature definition.

Alan's father had been quite the average male in comparison. Alan didn't have any specific memories of him. All he could remember was that he was very quiet and worked all the time, and that he and Alicia had gotten divorced when he was five years old. It wasn't sparked by any betrayal or disagreement; they both simply agreed that the love wasn't present any longer.

'Pretty casual', is what Alan had thought when he received the news. It made him wonder if they even loved each other in the first place.

Alan wasn't particularly sad when this happened, maybe because he was too young to understand. But he personally thought it was because his father never seemed like a father to him. He didn't partake in most of the family life, leaving Alicia to take care of anything that had to do with Alan.

The thing that hurt the most about it was his mother having to take on more work to better handle the burden of being a single mother. It seemed she didn't want to involve herself with my dad after the divorce, choosing to take care of me by herself. It often led to her coming home late, tired after a long day at work, which caused a prickling feeling of pain to sprout in Alan's chest.

Alan knew that Alicia didn't have much free time because of him, which led to her not trying to find a new husband before she was 35. Now, this wouldn't be a problem with Alicia's looks, yet there was one quirk about his mother that most men disliked. She was stone cold, especially her face. Alan wouldn't be exaggerating if he said he could remember every smile he had seen on her face in his life, since it was such a rare occasion. She never showed any emotion on her face.

All the dates she went on had failed, either because the man became insecure and equated her lack of expression to that of disinterest. Or they became annoyed and angry, taking my mother's coldness as a sign of disdain.

It might not have been a massive problem, as some men might take the chance with such a beautiful woman, but that would only be true if she had been a few years younger. At the age of 35, most men who were dating were looking for a serious relationship with a clearcut future, unwilling to risk a few years of their lives on someone, when it seemed there were no prospects of any happiness. At this age, love had taken second priority to stability.

Alan's mother had thus been single for the past five years, and lately, she seemed to have stopped trying, it being at least a few months since her last date.

Even though Alan felt bad for her not seeing any results after trying so hard to find another man, deep inside he felt slightly delighted every time she returned early from her dates. It meant he would have her to himself, at least until the next date.

Coincidentally, soon after this, his mother began ordering Alan to complete chores around the house since she felt he was old enough at this point to start contributing to the household.

The first chore he received was to wash the dishes after the two of them had eaten dinner. Of course, to Alicia, it seemed she had only asked Alan to complete a small chore. Yet, to Alan, it was much deeper. He felt like this was his opportunity to make his mother happier.

The chores only started growing after that, going from cleaning the dishes to making dinner. The breaking point was when Alicia had given Alan the chore of doing the laundry.

Alicia was delighted that he had begun doing more chores around the house, giving her more free time in her busy day to be herself. This also gradually showed on her face, which became less exhausted after getting home from work.

Alan also noticed this, which filled him with joy.

Therefore, seeing his mother seem less fatigued made Alan even more motivated to help his mother. When he became 15 and began high school, he also began to take work besides school, giving most of the money earned to his mother. Alicia had at first refused to accept this money.

"Since you have earned this yourself, honey, you should spend it on yourself."

But after Alan kept coercing her, nearly begging her to take the money, she felt she had no other choice but to comply.