"How could you! How could you, Rino! You're the one quickest out of all the people there! You could've saved Sassan!"
Rino's face turned from the slap. Everyone there saw it happen. His face turned red in anger and embarrassment.
"Damn ungrateful, bitch!"
Rino threw a punch at Yna's face. Yna fell to the ground and went unconscious.
"I will never risk my life for someone as worthless as him! I despised him ever since he joined. Always sulking and lazing around even at crucial moments!" Rino yelled at the top of his lungs. "E-rank porter! Hahahaha, you want me to risk my life to save an E-rank porter!"
"Force Bolt!" Jay exclaimed as he spread his fingers wide towards Rino. A near invisible energy propelled from his palm and struck Rino on the jaw with force equivalent to a pro-boxer, knocking him out.
"You dare strike a woman? I don't care if you didn't bother to save Sassan. It was a Lesser Scarlet Dragon after all. But you crossed a line. Rino, as leader of this party, I will remove you from the group! Effective immediately!"
Rino's eyes would've widened if he was awake. He devoted most of his years to the growth of this party.
In another hand.
"HUWAAAAH. FUCKING HELL! WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE SO MANY SPIDERS!" Sassan screamed as he jolted out the tunnel. He seemed to find himself in an underground dungeon within the mist dungeon.
It has been three days since he fell down. Sassan survived despite all the injuries he received.
"Huwaaaaaaah!" He ran like his life depended on it.
Wait, his life did depend on it!
"How the hell am I supposed to deal with this shit! I'm only E-rank! And what's worse! I'm only level three!"
Sassan took a right turn and passed a hole in a wall. He noticed the hole, went back, got inside and hid on the corner.
He could feel the ground rumbling upon as hundres of spiders ran on the path he was just on.
An hour later, it became peaceful.
"Sigh. When will this ever end." Suddenly, at the corner of his eye, he saw a pedestal.
He went to investigate and found a gauntlet aloft.
"J-jackpot! I found an artifact! I'm rich! I'm rich! I can buy exp potions! Maybe I'll be able to treat my siste... My sister. Fuck."
One of the reasons Sassan became a ranker was because of his bed-ridden sister. His sister luckily isn't alone since they both live at their mother's house. The only problem is, Sassan's mother is already old and can barely handle anymore responsibilities.
"I have to get back fast and sell this piece of junk." He exclaimed.
His eyes fell on the gauntlet, eerily glowing eldrich glimmer. It seems impervious to be seen but taking a closer look, it has a dark glimmer.
"A right gauntlet, huh. Too bad that dragon ate my fucking arm. Well atleast that matter ended." He said as he jokingly propped it to his missing arm.
"Hehehe, feels like a prostetic. Wait... Argh! Argh!" He tried pulling it out but it got stuck.
Suddenly, the gauntlet's parts moved. It made metalic sounds. Moving, transforming, fitting more perfectly. Until something similar to an metalic ye moved on the gauntlet. A metalic mouth appeared and smiled!
"HUWAAAAA! Get this fucking thing off me!"
Sassan began striking it, pulling it, biting it, and even stepping on it to pull it out. But nothing worked. When he slapped it one more time, the mouth moved from the back of his hand towards the arm and bit Sassan's hand!
"Rowdy piece of shit. Is this how you treat an ancient artifact!"
"Ahhh! Shut the fuck up and get off me! You devilish son of a bitch! Unghhhh!" The mouth continued to bite him.
"Okay! Ah! Okay! Okay!" He repeatedly exclaimed.
"Now, will you calm down?"
"Like, do I have a choice? What are you."
"Like I said, I'm an ancient artifact. I was once weilded by a master from another world, and I hold many secrets and techniques of culti-"
"Demonic Spirit has been detected on the artifact. Exorcise?" A system informed him.
Without hesitation he answered.
"Wait no! I'm an ancient artifact! I can't teach you about---puff" A cloud of smoke exited the grooves of the gauntlet.
"What was he saying. Did he say he knew about culti something? Culture? Well, I'm don't like listening to histories anyway."
"Wait, my system functioned? It never did that before!"
"Status open!"
Name: Sassan Higan
Title: None
Rank: E
Level: 10
Combat Status
Str: 1 Agi: 4 Dex: 3 Int: 3 Vit: 3
Magic Learned
Skills Learned
•Level Cultivation (EXP Gathering State, First Step)
•Immunity Level 1
"Wait, I'm level 10? How is that possible! I haven't slain any monsters. Could it be? When I exorcised that thing outta me?"
"Level Cultivation, huh. How do I do this?"
His voice echoed through the underground tunnel system.
It did nothing.
Still nothing.
Cricket noises.
"How the fuck is there even a cricket underground!"
Sassan felt frustrated. He sat cross-legged and lost in a train of thought.
He repeatedly though the word level Cultivation.
"Level Cultivation. Level Cultivation. What the fuck is level Cultivation. Level Cultivation."
He was so deep in his thoughts that he failed to realize that his body was glowing nor his levels were gowing down at a fast rate.
So deep in his thoughts that he fell asleep.
When he woke up.
He screamed.
"I'M LEVEL ONE! OH GOD! GOD DAMMIT!" He kicked a rock.
Name: Sassan Higan
Title: None
Rank: E
Level: 1
Combat Status
Str: 1 Agi: 4 Dex: 3 Int: 3 Vit: 3
Magic Learned
Skills Learned
•Level Cultivation (EXP Gathering State, Second Step)
•Immunity Level 1
"Wait, my stats are the same. What happened? Could this be a glitch?"
He began contemplating and got into one conclusion.
"This must be Level Cultivation. Somehow, first step turned to second step as well. I have to figure this out. But first I have to get out of heeeeeere!!"
The ground rumbled. All those screaming that he did won't leave unnoticed. Surely those spiders caught on.
He ran again.
A spider caught up with him. It jumped and latched on his back and bit his neck.
"Fuck! It's over! I'm poisoned!"
"Poison nullified. Immunity has leveled up."
His eyes widened in joy!
"I have immunity!" He turned and faced the upcoming spiders. "I can handle this!"
Then countless eyes gleamed in the dark as the ground continued to rumble!
"Hell no! I can't handle this!" He turned his back and continued running.
The spider kept biting his neck and it felt painful. He grimaced and tried punching it but he had no power. His strength stat is level one afterall.
It suddenly came to him. He was oblivious but he used his right arm, that was supposedly chopped off, grabbed the spider and crushed it in one clutch. He had full control of the gauntlet.
He was so focused in running for his life that he didn't notice that he had crushed the body of the spider that clung unto him. Its head still attached and biting his neck, still it was already dead.
Sassan just thought the spider was still alive and just didn't bother to deal with it at the moment as he was dashing forward.
"There! It seemed elevated!" He ran with all his strength.
Finally he arrived on the second floor of the dungeon. He opened the massive dungeon door and never dared to look back.
He sighed in relief.
But it was fleeting. His body jumped from the ground as it shook again and again. It was a giants step.
A cold sweat fell on his forehead.
"A fucking golem. When will it ever end?"
It was a dungeon 2nd floor boss.