"W-Why won't anybody pick up_" he yelled in the car as he had dialed and dialed every number of every person in that house, and no one was picking up.
She's alright, She's alright, he kept on telling himself. She had to be. But then he remembered telling himself these same words on his way to his house that wicked day too, and Ara wasn't alright when he got there.
Just thinking of it now made his fear multiply.
"SOMEBODY PICK UP THE GODDAMNED PHONE!!" The phone in his hand went crashing to the floor of the car and frustratedly he punched the back of the car seat in front of him.
"Just calm down, I'm sure she's alright. She's smart and strong and you know it." Marco, who was driving the car said. He had forcefully sat himself in the driver's seat because he knew the state Zeno was in, he could end up killing himself before he saw Luna.
He was driving as fast as he could, but it felt like they were in slow motion.
In a few minutes, Marco pulled into the compound. The car had barely come to a halt when Zeno flew out of it, racing into the building, fear in his heart.
She's okay, she's fine.
He kept on saying it in his head but found it hard to believe those words.
"Luna!! Luna!!." He called out.
"Papa… Grandma Maria!!" He yelled for his godfather and the woman who had taken care of both himself and Luna when they were children.
Running as fast as his long legs could move, kicking open every door that stood in his way, Marco following behind him.
"Luna! LU_" as he kicked open the next door, her name sank back into his chest. His knees trembled as he moved closer. Edoardo and Maria were both there, and, and…
"Lun—" At that point, he felt his entire body burning up, and at the same time felt like he was in a tub of ice. Balls of sweat ran down his head, his stomach rumbled, and he was suddenly feeling sick.
His hands wearily went over his forehead and then over his entire face, wiping the sweat off, trying to calm himself as he took closer steps to the bed where she lay.
"Zeno," Edoardo called, but he couldn't hear a thing. He couldn't see Luna's face because Maria stood there.
"Zee?" her voice passed through every nerve in his system, giving him the strength to quicken his steps and move forward, and she was there.
She was okay. She wasn't covered in blood like Ara, she wasn't lying lifeless. She was fine. She looked fine, but he still couldn't compose himself. His body still trembled no matter how much he tried to control it.
"What are you doing here by this time of the day?" she wondered out loud as his figure came closer to her. She could see his fingers trembling, and she could tell he too must have seen or heard about the attack.
Slowly, he crawled up next to her on the bed, his shaking hands reaching for hers. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? How are you feeling? D_Does your head hurt? Why are you not in a hospital? What even happened? Ar_are you feeling pain anywhere?" He instantly bombarded her with all the questions that came to his head, turning her body in every direction, checking for himself to see that she was perfectly fine and that she had all fingers and toes complete.
"Zee" she called, but he just kept on frantically searching every part of her body for even the slightest bruise or cut. "Zee! DK!!!" She yelled out the name that only she called him, grabbing his huge arms with her tiny hands, and forcing him to keep his gaze steady and focused so he could see her clearly with open eyes. So he could take a minute and catch his breath.
"I'm fine DK. See." She turns her head left, right, and center.
Turning and twisting on the bed so he could see her and know that she was fine.
"I'm fine." She assured him again, and for the first time in almost an hour, he could feel his heart returning to its rightful pacing.
His cutting breath was evening once again, his fingers still trembling from the shock he got. He'd never been more terrified in his life. The thought of losing her too, was enough to make him run mad.
After Ara, Luna was the most important thing in his life, even though he never said it, she meant a lot to him.
They grew up together. When he had lost his parents and moved in with them, she was his best friend. She meant everything to him, so he couldn't help but love her as his major family, as his little sister.
And now that he was thinking straight, he was going to ruin whosoever orchestrated the attack on her.