
At the start, there was nothing, but at the same time, there was everything.

There was no one anywhere. Yet, everyone was everywhere.

Without the existence of time and space, everything would be irregular. The world, or whatever that void was, was full of these contrasting characteristics.

Until there was a time, or it happened at the start of it all, that It was born.

A sentient existence is capable of thinking, feeling and most important of all, taking action.

The being was "born" with a strong sensation of change, to create order and maintain it.

So he thought of the surrounding void, and created space.

With a single breath, he created time, which flowed in a single direction endlessly.

But the space he created was empty, and the feeling of time passing without any event bored the existence.

So he created something to entertain him while time passed: Life.

To keep the order he so desired and adored, he created something to oppose it: Death.

The new world was beautiful, but it quickly bored the being again.

There was nothing new, there was no thrill. Death was so natural that life just accepted it with a smile.

Besides that, the Space was getting full because there was too much Creation, so he formed the opposite, Destruction.

Destruction and Death worked together to bring great excitement to the all-powerful being.

Since then, Life began fearing Death, joined Creation to protect each other.

From that point forward, their dispute brought forth a gigantic chain reaction.

New concepts were created and spread across all the space-time. Beings began understanding these concepts, beginning to become the concepts themselves.

A hierarchy of these powerful beings, from the All-powerful Being to the lowly mortals.

This chain of events was amusing to the First Existence, for a few billion Eons at least.

And now this existence is bored again.

It's gaze crossed numerous realms and several universes.

A single glance could easily perceive several universes, timelines and even more people.

Until he found them.

Every single one of them was weird. A mysterious force seemed to coil around them, a force that was out of his control.

What is it? It didn't matter. After countless eons, there was finally something interesting happening.

An idea passed through his mind. With a single thought, a new realm was created on a separate space.

This realm was shaped like a tree.

There was a world at its center, and from there, countless branches were formed. Each branch possesses a world.

From those branches, smaller branches were created, which also possessed worlds within them. On the Smaller branches, leaves were created once again, with worlds in them, but smaller.

With this new realm, the First Being was satisfied, a new stage for a play had been created, and it was eager to see it.

It once again glanced at the strange mortals.

The ones he had watched had already died during the process of creating the "stage".

The actors in this play were their grandchildren.

Now to set the actor on the scene.

An excited grin filled the cosmos, and the First Existence, Erstesse, snapped its fingers.

Their vision was covered in black.