Chapter 10: Zombies

Jack shot at the zombies.

Jack, seeing the zombies fall to vandella fire magic, got a burst of courage, confidence and rushed in with his crossbow in hand. He let out of cry in rage and began to fire bolt after bolt into the horde of zombies, taking them down one by one.


"THWACK!..." the sound hitting the target.

Vandella saw jack rushing in, and he smirked as he continued to cast his fired magic spells towards the zombies. The zombies were being burned to crisp or ash as the fire spell made direct contact with them.

"Hrrrrghr" the zombies scream.

As the zombies burned to ashes, they screamed in pain and agony. The fire magic from vandella spell was too powerful for them to handle. They were no match for the mage magic.

Andrew stands in the background watching the scene unfold.

"Your sin is not yet forgotten or be forgiven. God has not forgiven you, but I will. I'll now, send you back to hell where you came from sinner." Andrew said, while calmly pour fake holy water on the zombies head.

The zombies was already burned by vandella magic.


He pretends to use words to reason with the zombies, all while hiding his true sinister nature. He knew that vandella and Jack were too focused on the zombies to suspect him.

As Andrew watches Jack and Vandella fighting, he noticed that they were working together seamlessly, covering each other's backs.


While Jack and Vandella were distracted, Andrew's shadowy figures began to consume the leftover corpses that Vandella had created.

Jack was running while almost out of the arrows, then he suddenly noticed vandella sword laying on the ground among the zombies corpses.

Jack smiled, "Haha... Luck is on my side" he said, with a confident tone.

He rush towards the swords and picked it up, examining it with cursity.

"I got an idea!"

Jack suddenly had an idea. He thought about asking vandella to cast magic on the sword. He wondered what would happen if the sword was impued with magical powers.

Jack yelled at vandella, "Yo! Cast a magic on thy sword! With your magic!"

Vandella heard jack yell, and without hesitation, he cast a fire spell on the sword. The sword was immediately enveloped in flames, the fire dancing and crackling along its blade.

Jack eyes widened as he watched the sword become engulfed in flames. He couldn't believe that his idea had worked.

"Haha.. It works!"

Jack quickly raises the flaming sword and swings it with precision and strength.


The blade slices through the air, and the flaming edge made contact with the nearest zombie.


The zombie let out a horrific scream as it was engulfed in flames.

Another zombie in the back, he suddenly noticed that they were out-matched.

"HRGHRRR!!" A loud roared.

Suddenly, a zombie in the back let out a loud raored. The zombies stop and hear the roar, it seems the other zombies respond to the command, and they all started to run towards jack and Vandella, moving in a united and coordinate manner.

The zombies surged forward, attempting to pile on top of each other and bury jack and Vandella. The weight of the zombies threatened to crush them, and the horde seemed endless. The two were getting trapped, and being helpless.

The zombies continue to pile on top of jack and Vandella, threatening to completely bury them. The pressure from the weight of the zombies was intense, making it difficult for them to move or fight back.

Andrew in the back watches the scene unfold, a sinister smile on his face. He hoped that the zombie horde would succeed in burying them, sparing him the trouble of getting his own hands dirty.



As Andrew was watching the scene, a sudden flash of bright light erupted from within the horde of zombies. The light was so intense that it momentarily blinded Andrew, causing him to shield his eyes from the brightness.


Vandella shouted, "Brilliant light!" and instantly, a powerful flame erupted from within the horde of the zombies. The explosion was so intense that it sent the zombies flying in every direction, and a loud "KA-BOOM!" throughout the forest.

Jack and Vandella were protected by Vandella's magic shield, which was made of swirling flames. The shield had protected them from harm. They stood amidst the chaos, unharmed and relatively unscathed.

Jack stares at vandella, "Since when did you learn that?" surprised being alive and calm.

Vandella lied and said, "Pssh.. I learn this way back." his tone sounds convincing and steady.

Vandella just learned that trick today in the middle of being buried alive. Luckily he thinks fast, but he wasn't sure if it would work, but they were alive afterwards. Vandella put calm words, while hiding the truth.

In the background, Andrew watched as Jack and Vandella emerged unharmed from the explosion.

His initial satisfaction with the zombies attack quickly turns into irritation. He was annoyed that they had survived the explosion and were now standing before him, relatively unarmed and safe.

Andrew quickly realized that he needed to act and play his role. He put on a concerned expression and started to act worried about them.

"Oh, my heavens! Are you two alright? That explosion was quite intense!" he exclaimed, feigning worry and concern.

Jack and Vandella looked at each other and smiled, reassuring each other that they were both fine.

"Yeah, we're fine," jack replied, his steady and confident. "Thanks to vandella shield magic."

Andrew nodded, his facade of concern still in place.

"That's a relief," he said, pretending to be relieved. "I'm glad that your shield held up against the explosion. That could have been catastrophic if it hadn't."

Jack and Vandella exchange a glance, both sensing that something was off about Andrew overly concerned demeanor. But they brushed it off, not wanting to suspect him without any evidence.

"Yeah, it was a close call," Vandella admitted, "But we're tougher than we think."

Andrew observe both of their brief glance at each other, noticing the skepticism in their expressions. He knew they were onto him, but he didn't let it show on his face.

"Well, you certainly are tough." he replied, his tone slightly more guarded.

They continue their journey, moving closer to the cave. The path was rocky and treacherous, but they pressed on, determined to reach their destination.

They finally, reached the entrance of the cave. The darkness of the cave-loomed before them, and a sense of mystery and adventure filled with air. Andrew, who had following them from a distance, watched as they stood at the entrance of the cave.

Without a word, they stepped forward into the darkness, disappearing into the cave's depths.


As they venture deeper into the cave, the darkness becomes more intense. Vandella snapped his fingers, and a small flame erupted from his palm, illuminating their path with a soft, warm glow. They delved deeper into the cave, jack and Vandella couldn't help but notice the grim surroundings.

The walls were stained with dried blood, and the ground was littered with rotting corpses. The air was thick with the scent of decay. They both knew that something sinister had occurred in this cave, and they couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled in their bone

Jack said, "This is so mest up" his tone was horrified, and he felt shivers on his skin.

Andrew, who was still in the back of them, watched their reaction to the sight of the corpses and dried blood. He put on a terrified expression, trying to looked as frightened as possible.

"Oh, my god," Andrew said, his tone trembling slightly.

Vandella and Jack glance at Andrew, noticing his frightened demeanor. They exchange a skeptical look, but they didn't say anything, focusing on navigating the dark cave.

"Just stay close," Vandella warned, his voice firm.

Andrew couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at their reaction. He knew that he was getting away with his facade, and could not resist letting out a sly smile.

"Of course," he replied, his voice still shaky.

As Andrew follows them through a cave, jack accidentally stepped on a bone that lay on the ground. The sound of the bone crunching under jack foot echoed though the cave, creating an eerie sound.


Vandella heard the sound of the bone crunching and quickly turned to look back. He saw Jack standing there, his foot still on the bone.

The vampires heard it further deep in the cave.

"Hrrreghr... Intrudersss" they hissed

The vampires, who were lurking in the depths of the cave, heard the sound of the bone crunching. Their sensitive hearing picked up on the noise, and they started moving towards the source of the sound.

Vandella said, "Shit!"

They heard the sound of wings flapping loudly in the distance. The noise was getting closer and closer, and they knew that something large was approaching them rapidly.

Jack said in a hurry, "Van! Do something! Cast your flames to blow them all up." his tone panic and frightened.


Vandella quickly cast a large magic circle of fire magic, preparing to blast whatever was coming their way. The magic circle glowed brighter, and the heat was intense. He was ready to end everything in one fell swoop.

"Aaaah!" Vandella scream.

The vampires, who had been approaching, suddenly let out of collectively scream as they saw the magic circle of fire magic. They realized that they were about to be engulfed in flames, and they froze in terror.


The magic circle of fire magic activated releasing a powerful burst of flames that surge forward with incredible speed. The vampires, caught in the path of the flames, let out terrified screams as they were engulfed in the fiery inferno flames.

Andrew watched in awe as the magic circle of fire magic unleashed it's fury. He was taken aback by the sheer power and control that vandella possessed, and he realized that he was probably much stronger then he had initially thought.

"Not bad," he said, while impressed by his strong magic.

Despite witnessing his incredible display of power, Andrew still couldn't help but think that he was stronger. He had a secret power that he had yet to reveal, and he was confident that it would be enough to overpowered even the most powerful magic user.

"Now, you have to face what is ahead," he said, while his tone was firm.

Andrew, still feigning fear, shifted his focus back to the boss that lay further ahead. He knew that Jack and Vandella were on their way towards it, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. He wanted to see how they would handle this new challenge.

In the deepest part of the cave, the lord sat patiently on his throne, waiting for the intruders to arrive. He was calm and collected, exuding on air of authority and power.

The lord spoke with a bored expression on his face, addressing jack, Vandella, and Andrew, who had just arrived in the chamber.

"You're all late," he stated, hs voice cold and authoritative.

The lord gazed down upon them with a condescending expression, his eyes narrowing as he took in their appearance. He was used to being in charge and being obeyed, and he saw them as nothing but insects.

"This is ridiculous," he said, with a disappointing tone.

The lord had initially thought that these intruders would pose a challenge to him, but seeing as he looked at them now, he felt a sense of disappointment. They seemed so ordinary and weak, and he couldn't help but feel a little bored already.

"Entertainment me," he said, while his tone was still disappointing.

His higher guard flew in and attacked them.


Vandella, sensing the lords disdain, decided to take action. With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed a powerful burst of fire magic, incinerating the lord's higher guard.


The lord's higher guard, caught off guard by his sudden magic attack, was engulfed in the flames. They all let out scream of pain and terror as they burned to the death, their bodies quickly being consumed by the intense heat.

"Ahhhhhrrrrhhgh" their scream.

The lord watched as his higher guards were burned to death, and a sly smiled crept across his face. He was no longer bored; he was now intrigued by vandella display of power.

"Now, there is a rare scene... Ahahah... It seemed I overlooked your appearance." he said, while impressed.


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