A word that terrifies humans.
The absence of life, an inevitable universal process that occurs in all living things.
For Crystal Myers, her death was just around the corner. She was diagnosed with a congenital heart disease when she was a kid. Her family consulted the best doctors in different countries but they always had one answer: "It cannot be cured even with surgery".
She chose to live her life to the fullest, doing everything she wanted. She went to a university with a doctorate degree in mythological studies, and always believed that her fated one was her boyfriend, Brad. He was the heir to one of the biggest hotels in the country — a perfect match for an heiress like her.
"Are you excited?" Amanda, her best friend, asked.
She nodded and smiled. "Of course! This is my dream. I can't wait to be his wife."
Six months ago, Brad asked her hand in marriage and she immediately agreed. She prepared everything for their wedding, making sure that all would be in perfect order.
"I'm really happy for you. You finally found the owner of the other end of the red thread. You'll be his wife in a month." Amanda commented.
They both believed in the myth of the red thread. She studied mythology with Amanda during college and ended up being obsessed with their destined partner.
"But aren't you scared of leaving him? Did you talk to him about your illness?" Amanda asked.
She nodded. "I told him about it, but he said he'll do everything to find a cure for me."
She knew it was impossible to find a cure, but Brad reassured her that in sickness and in health, he would stay beside her.
"By the way, are you done with your presentation?" Amanda asked.
She made a frown and shook her head. "Not yet. I forgot about the deadline."
"You know we need to finish the research. The team would like to explore the cave as soon as possible. It cannot be done without your presentation." Amanda reminded her.
A month ago, a cave was discovered by a group of mountaineers in the Burnham Forest. There were signs of ancient relics and carvings at the entrance so a team of archaeologists and mythologists were called to investigate.
But the mayor in the area where the cave was discovered stopped them from digging further.
"That mayor should be handled by someone higher. The cave is not his property." She pouted.
"We know that but we still need permission to get inside. And he's just doing his job. His reasons are acceptable. What if something happened to us? Or to his people. If we have the approval from someone higher, he won't be blamed for anything if something happened. He's protecting his name." Amanda explained.
She knew that, and their team wasn't really what's inside the cave. It could be something dangerous or could be just an empty space.
But on the day of their investigation, she felt weird when she entered the cave. Chills ran down her spine, as if someone was watching her.
As she studied mythology, she would always rely on books, but still she believed that those creatures really exist. She knew that there were immortal beings, guiding humans on either good or evil.
Her phone rang, disturbing her peaceful afternoon with her best friend. She was unsure why she suddenly felt uneasy looking at her phone. Amanda noticed a hesitation on her face.
"Why won't you answer it?"
Glancing at Amanda as if she was asking for help, she took a deep breath before taking the call.
"Hello? Who is this?"
Amanda couldn't hear what the other party was saying, but from the look of Crystal's face, it was bad news.
"Hey, who's that? What happened?"
Crystal's tears fell as she stared blankly at Amanda.
"It's Brad. He's breaking up with me."
Amanda frowned. "What do you mean?"
She couldn't stop herself from crying, and was already feeling nauseous.
"The girl. She called and said he would never marry someone like me. That I am only going to cause him pain if I marry him. Then Brad whispered that he's breaking off the engagement. The wedding is off, Amanda!"
She felt a pricking pain in her chest. It was getting harder to breathe as she gripped her heart with her hand. She was too weak and suddenly felt too tired to move. She knew that it was already the day she was waiting for.
"Crystal! Crystal! Help! Please help!"
Amanda shouted, looking for someone who could help her. She didn't expect Crystal would suddenly fall on the floor and lose consciousness.
The people in the cafe started to get closer, but no one was actually trying to help them. She took her phone and was about to dial 911 when a man in a black shirt kneeled on the floor and checked Crystal's breathing and pulse.
"What happened?" The man asked in a husky voice.
"She suddenly fell. She has CHD." Amanda answered.
"I'm a doctor. Don't worry she just fainted. Let's bring her to the hospital."
Without thinking, the man quickly carried Crystal outside.
"Do you have a ride? Never mind. Let's use mine."
Amanda wasn't able to answer. She has no choice but to trust the handsome guy to help her friend. He wasn't bluffing though when he said he was a doctor.
He brought them to North Grove City Health Haven Hospital, one of the world's best hospitals. It specialized in treatment of complex cases and was known for its commitment to its patients.
"Is she okay?" Amanda asked, worried.
"She's fine. She didn't have a heart attack. Her breathing is perfectly normal. She just fainted. Did something happen? Something that stressed her out?"
Amanda wasn't sure if it was appropriate to tell the doctor what happened, but she had no choice if it would help her friend's condition.
"I see." He simply answered.
"Will she have to stay here? Is her heart okay?"
The doctor sighed. "I believe she already has a personal doctor telling her what or what not to do. I called her and requested your friend's files to be transferred here."
Amanda frowned. "What? But why? And how? You need consent to do that right? It's her privacy."
"Well, since she fainted when I was around and took her to this hospital, she's my patient now. And I never let my patient die in front of me."