The inscription was written in grec, she read the inscription.
"Well my grec is not too good. Let me check on internet what it means"
She removed her phone from her bag and type the words.
"I belong to the underworld king" she said to herself. She lifted her eyebrow.
"Strange" she wondered to the phrase but she didn't really consider it. "It's à tourist who must have lost this " she added.
The town was a touristic town. The beautiful beaches, the relief of the nature attracted much tourists plus the high modernity of the town. Every year the town has atleast more 100k tourists.
"I will keep it, it will enter in my collection of founded objects"
Hyra , when she was still child a collected objects that she found and it was the activity that she used to do with her mother.
She finally decided to stay on that stone desk until the evening.
"It's time for me to go back home" she sighed heavily.
Her body was heavy, she felt lazy. She didn't want to go back home but she didn't have any choice. She left the beach and reached on the road to take a taxi. Her "nice" stepmother has removed the car , even the driver was removed from her. So, she's obliged to take a taxi, unfortunately for her they was no taxi around the beach at this time , she decided to walk a little bit to see if she found a taxi.
While waiting for the taxi, she heard noise in a hallway, she directed herself there and saw 3 man that was menacing another man.
"We found you, her highness search for you everywhere" the man with black coat said
"You will go nowhere today, we will kill you" said another with a brown coat this time.
The man they were menacing put his hand in his pockets, he then removed and started to touched his entire upper body as if he had lost something very important.
"Oh, you are looking for your scepter? You lost it? " one asked and then added. "It will be very easier.
Hyra knew that this affair doesn't concern her but she hates to see people been harassed because she knew what it was to be harassed.
She removed instinctively the only thing that could serve as a weapon to frightened them, the pen she just found.
"Heh you guys!!!!" She called.
They 3 men glanced at her with a menacing aura. Hyra was pointing the pen toward them fearless.
"Get away from him" she narrowed her face.
They turned toward her and smirked.
"If not? What are you going to do human?" He asked with a smirked.
"Human?" Hyra thought.
"You are going to stab us with a pen?" One continued.
They laughed.
The man they were menacing saw the pen , he was surprised then he smirked.
Hyra didn't flinched she was focused on them.
"If you don't disappear from here, your blood will be spread everywhere in this hall away"
"I said get away from him" she repeated.
"Come to me" the pen flew from the hand of Hyra to that of the man they were menacing.
Hyra eyes widened, a pen just flew infront of her. Then suddenly the pen transformed itself into a two face scepter in the hand of the man.
The three men was frightened at first but for second then they attacked him but just in no second he killed them and their body dissipate with a black smoke.
Hyra was stunned.
"What the f… Have you seen it? Their body had disappeared" she panicked.
"And you kill them. I don't want to go to prison. The policemen will say that I'm your partner in crime" she panicked, she rubbed her hairs .
"My life is first complicated and now I'm adding this to it. I should have better continue my way" she added
She looked at the person that was backing her .
"Heh! Are you listening?" She touched the man on the shoulder, he now turned toward her but at the moment she saw his eyes she blenched and made few steps backward.
"What's that?" She asked more to herself.
His eyes were entirely black .
"Your ey.. eyes" she stammered.
"Oh this?" He pointed at his eyes. "It's nothing" his eyes regain his normal color, it became whitish, the Iris became black.
"It's normal now" he said.
Hyra was dumbfounded from what she just saw. The bodies of these three mens disappearing infront her, the eyes of this man that wasn't normal.
"I want to thank you. If you didn't come with Calista those bastard would've me" he said.
"Yes, my two face scepter, my jewelry, my precious"
"You are given a name to your pen? It's not a pen but a scepter. How has it done to change into a scepter?"
"Calmly, calmly little human"
"Firstly Calista is not a pen but a scepter and yes I give a name to my scepter"
Hyra was even more confused.
"I don't understand, how could you even hold Calista? No human can hold it except if…" he paused as if something came into his head.
"Except if you are the one of the prophecy" He wondered.
"Which prophecy are you talking about? Are you in sect?" Hyra wondered . She didn't understand the words of this stranger.
"Yes, the prophecy that says that someone with a pure heart was going to help me to take back the control of my kingdom" he explained, his face brightened up.
"Pure heart? What nonsense are you talking of?"
"He must be mad. I'm sure the stress of been beaten up by those men had totally disturb his brain" Hyra thoughts
"I think we should bring you to the hospital. I think you're still in shock that's why you're raving" she said to him.
"I'm not raving. If I'm correct you may be the one that I was searching since the beginning"
"Stop saying nonsense and who are you even?"
He smirked.
"It's true . I didn't present myself. I'm HADÈS, the god of the underworld"