Chapter 3 : Elsa the Bowels Hunter

"GUARDS!!! Someone! Please, I need a man!!--- No!! Stop, don't touch me!! I can't hear you! You're not being sincere enough!!!"

Kyoko suddenly stopped her track, making Reinhard also stopp his track too. She's looking back, trying to found where the source of those voice.

"Reinhard, you hear that?"

"Yes. I hear that."

Without exchange many words, two of them run towards the source of the voice. They entering the dark alley, only to find three thugs about to attack the one guy.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!!!" Of course, Kyoko isn't someone who patiently asking the identity of enemies. She take her katana that still sheated and throw it towards the thug instantly.


Her katana point, directly hit the middle thug's forehead and immediately knocked him out, send powerful wave of winds. The thugs group and the victim was shocked and stunned how easily Kyoko take down the thug.

"What's happening here?" Then, Reinhard take this chance to intimidating them.

Isn't that kind late to ask, Reinhard?

"Red hair...." The biggest body thug look at Reinhard with terror as he scanning the knight from bottom to top, "And a knight's sword with scratches made by dragon claws. It's can't be... Reinhard!? The Sword Saint, Reinhard!?"

Oh? Sword Saint? That's not how he introduced himself to me.

"Looks like I don't need to introduce myself----"


Before Reinhard can finish his words, the group of thugs already escape for their lives as they carry their unconcious friend. Reinhard was speechless a bit before he recovered back.

"Sword Saint?"

Reinhard look at Kyoko who currently confusing and pouting right now, "Ahh... My apologies. I thought it's better for you don't know my identity. For a while, I just want to enjoy talk to someone without looking my title."

"Well, since you said politely, your excuse accepted." Kyoko said instantly without thinking for second. She's walk to her katana in order to get it but something unexpected happens.

The victim, the guy who being attacked by the thugs, looking at Kyoko with widened eyes and tears. Black hair, brown eyes that look sharp and white black tracksuit jacket. He's look familiar.... Very,very very familiar....


Natsuki Subaru, the son of Natsuki family and Kyoko's brother.

Kyoko was shocked with Subaru's presence in this world. Because he's shouldn't be there. If he's here, what will happen to her parents?

"K-K-Kyoko!!!!!" Suddenly, Subaru jumped out of there and hugging Kyoko tightly, making she lost balance and fall into ground. Luckily, her head don't get hit but her butt still hurt like hell.

"What the---- ouch!! You motherfucker, why the heck you do that---- Wait, Are you crying?"

"NO, I'M NOT!!!" Said the one who crying on his sister's shoulder.

Kyoko sighed as she give several gentle pat on her brother's back, "There, there, there.... Crybaby."

"I'm not!! Wuaaaaahhhh!!!"

"Stop crying, idiot. Your voice is unpleasant."

Reinhard returned to Kyoko after gathering her katana and give to the owner. He don't ask nor said anything about this situation, perhaps he's someone who good in read situation.

After stopping Subaru from crying, Kyoko throwing Reinhard's handkerchief to her brother's face rudely.

"Wipe your tears. Such a disgusting scene."

"Hey!! Can't you being more gentle!? You don't know how much hard I going through because of you!?"

"Why am I being one to blame out here?"

"Because you're disappeared for 2 months!!"

Kyoko's eyes widened open as she was shocked about Subaru's claim. She look at her brother's eyes in case he lying or pranking her, but no. His eyes telling truth.

"2 months? Are you fucking idiot? I'm going hiking with my friends just yesterday."

"Huh!!? The heck you talking about!!? You're missing for 2 months!! Do you know how crazy our dad become after you don't come home!!?"

The scream, the sadness, and the concerns. Everything is real. Kyoko can feel how lonely her brother despite don't understand what's happens.

"Okay, okay, okay. I get it. I'm missing for 2 months, dad going crazy and you're here. Aren't that worse than before? If I missing, that's okay. BUT RIGHT NOW, WE BOTH ARE MISSING!! JUST WHAT THE HECK YOU'RE DOING HERE!!?"


"Umm..." Reinhard suddenly raised his hand, "Sorry for interrupting your reunion but perhaps both of you come from beyond the waterfall?"

"Beyond the waterfall?" Kyoko and Subaru repeating again.

"Oh? Am I wrong? In this world, there are endless waterfall at the end of world. In the past, there're case that people claimed from beyond the waterfall."

"Is that Japan?" Kyoko asking straightforward only to receive confused look from Reinhard.

"Let's just said that we're from there. That's mean we're in other world, Subaru. Do you understand? ISEKAI. You know Isekai?"

"I'm fucking know that. It's cool but sis, since when you're become strong?"

"I don't know. Suddenly wake up in this world with this katana and when I throw it, it's flying like a bullet."

"That's not fair! I want superpower too."

Kyoko calmly handle her brother tantrums as she take out her cellphone, "Stop being brat. Your cellphone still working?"

"No. I can't make any call."

"Well, it's kind useless but still..."

Click! Kyoko suddenly take pictures of Reinhard, leaving the guy startled by the flash light, "It's working for my hobby."

"That's so fucking creepy, sis."

"Said the one who keep their waifu pillow in his room." Kyoko place back her cellphone in pockets before look back at Reinhard.

"You must have many questions, right?"

Reinhard chuckled before give a gentle smile, "I do but I don't think it's right time. You have someone to handle right now."

"Don't mind him. It's just pieces of trash in my family."

"That's so mean, Kyoko." Subaru slowly stand and place his right hand on his waist while the other thumbs pointed to himself, "My name is Natsuki Subaru! I'm her little brother. Thank you for saving me!"

"It's pleasure to meet you, Subaru. My name is Reinhard Van Astrea. Just call me Reinhard."

Subaru grabbing his sister and whispering, "Woah. Sis, he's so dazzling."

"I know right."

"Well, It's nice to meet you too, Reinhard!--- But this isn't right time to have lovely introduction!!" Subaru's suddenly change behaviour making both of Reinhard and Kyoko confused.

"Kyoko, Reinhard, would like you two come with me to goods warehouse.... No, nevermind. Forget what I said."

"What the heck is wrong with you?"

"Nah. I just have small problem

I will handle it, somehow. I'd appreciate if you two can deliver a message for me. I don't know her name but have you seen a girl with white robes and silver hair around here?"

Kyoko and Reinhard look each other before look back at Subaru.

"White robes and silver hair?" The red hair guy place his hand under his chin and repeated Subaru's key words.

"She's extremely gorgeous!!"

"No, I haven't. I believe your sister also experienced same thing."

Kyoko response by nodding her head without words as she agree what Reinhard said.

"Then, if you see her, tell her to not come near the goods warehouse, not matter what happen. I'll find what she's looking for and bring it to her myself. So, let's meet again at apple store this evening."

"Subaru, did you steal something-----!!!" Without hearing what his sister saying, Subaru already run away, leaving them alone.


"Kyoko, I think we should trust Subaru. Perhaps he need to do something that we shouldn't interrupt."

"Ughh.... Such a headache."




As they spend time together by patrolling, Kyoko don't realise that sun already set. She should find her brother before something bad happens.

"Subaru said don't go near the goods warehouse. Do you know where is it?"

"We're already here."

"You mean, this slums?"

"Yes. It's must unpleasant to see how my country have this."

"No. There's no perfect nation without slums. I know that because I also saw several homeless people in my world. To think how corrupt my nation's government too, it's not shocking when greed people being the highest ranking."

Reinhard remain silent after hearing Kyoko's words. The current government ruled by The Council of Wise Man after the king's death and all known members of royal family. In recent years, his country has been going through an economic downturn, further exacerbated by a recent great famine. People was desperate and trouble with their unstable finance while the government busy searching for new monarch.

"I thought you're going being disgusting when we walk to this place. Perhaps I shouldn't judge based on their appearance." Said Reinhard with small smile yet happy.

"Excuse me? I don't know if that compliment or insult but thanks for admiring my beauty. I know, I know. I'm so beautiful like a princess."

Without shameless, Kyoko open her arms and praising herself as she admiring how extraordinary she is. That's one of her unique traits, overconfident.


"Are you laughing?"

"No. I'm not."

"You lying, aren't you?----"

Suddenly, both of them hearing a scream afar from there.


A blonde hair girl running towards of them, tiredly as she lost her strength slowly, only to be catch by Kyoko when she falls. The girl looks pale, with sweating and heavy breathing in Kyoko's arms.

"Help!! The old man Rom!! And that black hair boy!! They're going killed!! A crazy woman try to kill them!!"

"Black hair boy....!!!?" Kyoko's pupils become smaller when she realized something. She's immediately get up and running towards the path where the girl come from.



