On a snowy grassy field the cool breeze passes through everything it touches. At the far distant Hilga is seen running away from a winter boar. "I thought you said this game was easy and fun!, this is not easy or fun!" Miyami is watching the scene unfold in front her, she scratched the back of her head trying to come up with an answer. "I mean it usually is. Maybe you need some guidance" she takes a battle stance then in a blink of a eye dashed towards the winter boar attacking it with her sword.
Feeling the attack the winter boar stops chasing Hilga and turns its attention at Miyami. Seeing that she managed to get the winter boar attention she smiles. "Alright I'll give you a little tutorial on how to use combat skills okay" Hilga nods her head, watching Miyami very closely. After a few seconds the winter boar rushes toward Miyami at full speed. She takes a deep breath relaxing every muscles in her body, waiting for the perfect opportunity to make her move.
As the winter boar gets closer, Miyami takes one step forward and in a instant appeared in front of the winter boar almost like she teleported. She slashed the winter boar 4 times depleting its health down to zero. "See easy and fun. Don't think too much and just envision your targets with lines where you want to attack" Miyami drew a boar in the dirt with stripes on its legs, neck, body and belly.
Hilga tilts her head a bit as she tries to understand what Miyami means. Unfortunately her brain was not meant for this type of game. "Alright I can see your having a hard time understanding what I'm saying. Just close your eyes for me" she closes her eyes as Miyami instructed her.
"Now imagine a practice dummy in front of you holding a sword a few distance away from you"
"Okay now what?"
Miyami walks to stand behind her continuing to guide her. "Now imagine red lines where you want to attack and whenever you're ready, just do it"
She starts swinging her sword using a downwards slash, leftwards slash and a finally she thrust her sword forward. Miyami starts clapping her hands seeing her friend doing some sword techniques. "That wasn't so hard was it, with a little bit more practice you'll get the hang of it. Alright then let me add you to my friends list, what's your ID number"
"9254492922, did you get it" after inputting the digits Hilga's profile appeared in front of Miyami, the first thing that caught her eyes was her in game name. Seeing her name Miyami couldn't contain her laughter. "Pfftt hahaha really your name is Ling hahaha"
"Yes, it's my mother's name. I'm half Chinese remember" catching her breath Miyami looks up at her.
"Oh right I forgot, you have a full German name that's why I found it...a bit weird" Hilga looks at Miyami's profile seeing that she has a unique skill. "Weapon equipment? What type skill is that?"
"Hmm, oh it's let's me equipment different types weapons like sword, daggers, spears, any weapon really. It's my rare item I got for the boss the developers wanted the beta testers to defeat" after checking their profile they added each other to their friends list.
In the far distant there's a rift in the sky, two unknown objects come flying out of it.
[Alert two unknown objects have entered the universe. Scanning unknown objects, scanning...scan complete. First objects mob, species unknown. Second object, species human, name unknown, class unknown, level 20. Analysis completed]
Miyami and Hilga were trying to level up by killing some mobs until Hilga saw something in the sky. "Huh? Oh look a shooting star!"
"What? Shooting star?...that's not a shooting star" the two objects flew over their heads crash landing not too far from them.
They both are running in the direction where the two objects crash landed. While they are running they got a notification from the game.
[The World Of Destiny will go globally in 5 minutes]
They both saw the notification. Miyami knows that they won't make it to the crash site in time, so she came up with a idea to get there faster. "Well seeing that we won't make in 5 minutes, this is a good time to teach you how to use light step" Hilga nodded her head, seeing her nod her Miyami smile widely.
She pointed to a specific spot in front of them. "You see that rock over there, focus on that spot there and imagine yourself appearing there like a flash of lightning before taking a step" she takes one step forward as her whole body glows brightly and just like a flash of light she vanished. Hilga's eyes widen, she looks forward where the rock is and sees Miyami materialises there like a flash of light.
Hilga closes her eyes and focuses on the spot where Miyami is. And just like her, Hilga's body also starts glowing and vanishes in an instant then materialised behind Miyami. They both smiled at each other as both of them started light stepping towards the crashed site. As they got closer they saw a man over 7 foot tall covered in dust, the lower half of his white and the upper half black as he's in layers of cloths looking up at the sky. The both of them stop just a few meters away from him.
The man hearing them behind him turns his head slowly in their direction, looking at them from the corner of his eyes. His face covered by a white mask almost like its made of bones. Miyami open her mouth to speak but before she could finish her sentence the man vanished.
"Are you okay..."
Their eyes widen with surprise at his sudden disappearances, they didn't even time to process what just happened as he suddenly appeared behind them.
The both of them turned their heads looking back, this time their eyes showing fear. Their bodies frozen with fear as none of them dare to move a muscle. As the man stared at them his mask suddenly started forming crack lines all over.
Crack...crack. Crack
His mask cracked opened into small pieces as they withered into dust fading away revealing his face. His left eye covered by an eyepatch and wearing a neck gaiter that's covering his mouth and neck. "Whe...where...am i" he said in a low soft voice.
Miyami gulp before speaking, her voice a bit a shaky. "T-the s-snowy lands"
he sighed a deep relieved as his body collapses on top of her. "That's...good"
She catches him trying to hold him up as he whispers in her ear. "Do you have any water" the suddenly whisper made her shiver giving her goosebumps.
"Ling can you give him a healing potion, the game gives everyone at least 5" she opens her inventory looking for a healing potion. Searching for about 30 seconds she finds the healing potions in the item section. She presses on it and one manifested in mid-air, grabbing it and hands it to him.
"Here you go...um sir?"
He looks at the potion then takes it, popping it open and drinking. Finishing he looks at Ling. "It's Mystagun not sir"
"Oh? Mystagun I'm sorry"
he started dusting himself off and ripping the cloths off as the both of them introduced themselves to him.
"It's nice to meet you Mystagun, my name is Ling"
"And my name is Erza its a pleasure to meet you" Erza extended her hand to him for a handshake. He accepted her handshake with a firm grip.
Ling suggested that they added Mystagun in to their friends list. They showed him how to open his menu screen. "Oh wow your from Korea, looks like you guys are going to be good friends Erza"
"Huh? Just because we're both Asian doesn't mean should..."
"I never said that, all I said was you guys can be friends. Your the one who let your mind run wild"
The three of them added each other in their friends list.
"Well it was nice meet you Mystagun but I need get going, I have a meeting soon" Ling tried to log off but she couldn't find the log off button. She went to all the other options but still couldn't find it. "Um...Erza can you help me find the log off button I can't find it"
"Hmm? What are you talking it right...here. Huh where the hell is!?"
As they were searching for the log off button they suddenly got a notification from the game.
The three of them got the timer notification of the global lunch. As the timer reached zero their bodies stared glowing brightly blinding them. Regaining their sight they see other players everywhere, everyone are looking confused at what's going on and why they all got teleported to the Central Plaza of the the Town Of Level Zero.
Chattering could be heard everywhere as everyone is trying to understand what's going on. A group of barbary doves were gathering in the sky forming a huge white hooded avatar. All the players attention were now on the white hooded avatar.
"Welcome players to The World Of Destiny, as you all may have found out that the log off button is nowhere to be found. This not a glitch, as this is how the game was made"
"What?" A female player said gripping her staff.
"What is he talking about?" A male player said as he starts sweating.
"Some of you might be wondering who I am, I'm the Game Master but you all know as Hak-kun Jeong"
Hearing who he is shocked everyone. Some of the players believed him while other were still sceptical. He continued speaking to them.
"All of you are here for a reason you may accept it or not it doesn't really matter, this world you're in right now is called Chronos. Your new world, your new home...your new reality. Meaning that if your HP reached zero that is the end for you, you die here you die in real life no second chance and if you think outside help will come, it won't. They'll will only make things worse"
Some of the players started to panic not wanting to believe what he's saying is true.
"What the fuck are saying!, is this some of sick joke!" A male player spoke up to him in anger.
"You don't believe me, well then how about I show you this then" two hologram screen materialised beside him, on the left one are the pictures of a few players and the right one are numbers. "These are the pictures of the players that have already died in this world. Some of them by their HP hitting zero and other by people trying to remove VR cyber glasses, you see the electromagnetic waves the glasses are sending to your brain is also programmed to sent a high voltage. And out of the 5 million players that joined, 6000 of them have died in this world"
"What? He lying right, there's no way that many players died already" Ling's entire body suddenly got cold the reality of it all entering her head.
Mystagun looks at the Game Master with a serious expression. "No he's not lying he has no reason to"
"Some of them died due to their friends, family or lover trying to remove the VR glasses. However there is a way to escape this world, all you have to do is defeat every boss in this world starting from level 1 all the way to level 100 and complete the game" he explained to them knowing that they are shaken by the death of the other players.
"So now all I have left to say is, good luck on your journey and welcome to your new reality" all of the barbary doves started flying away one after another as he leaves his final message for them. "The names and the avatars you've chosen are your new identity, the males in female avatars and the females in male avatars this is who you are now"
Everyone is left speechless as silence hangs in the air, only the cool breeze could be heard. The scream of the players broke the silence as everyone started panicking and running all over the Central Plaza.
"Fuck this shit am not dying today!" A male Knight ran towards the safe zone of the Town Of Level Zero.
"This can't be happening!" A female thief and her friends went the opposite direction towards the NPC market.
Erza grabbed Ling's arm as she stood there frozen, dragging her away from the chaos in Central Plaza. Mystagun was still looking up while everyone else is running pass him before turning around following Erza and Ling.
On the East side of the Town Of Level Zero a few players were gathering mineral crystal on a plain field, screams of the players reach their ears. Some of them continued picking up mineral crystal while the others started leaving with what they have.
A male player wearing a green bandana spoke to another male player with shark like teeth. "What do you think is going on over there"
"I don't know"
Looking at the man with shark teeth his face held a tired expression on, almost like he has no energy in him. "Here take this" the man with the green bandana offered him a small knife. The man with shark teeth looked at the small knife before taking it from him.
"Why are you giving this to me"
"Well seeing as there isn't enough mineral crystal for all us, I decided to give you another option to make some money. There's a cave not to far from here it should be some rare herbs that you can sell to a trader at the market" he grabs his bag and walks away.
"Thank you"
"No need to thank me" he stop walking turn his head to look at him. "My name Target, what's yours"
"Target? That's a weird name. Jo...it's Jiraya. Call me Jiraya" he said walking towards the cave.
Target smiled to himself as he continues on his way too. 'Jiraya huh? I'll remember that you for next time we meet'
Tips: You can get full health when you level up.