Hailey drag her feet on the floor as she slouches to class.
A long foot came forward and she stumbled on it falling to the floor.
"Ouch!!" She grunts and a light chuckle echoes. She raised her head and her anger intensify on seeing who just tripped her.
"Hey matdog do you have a death wish?" She sent him a death glare which he only took lightly.
"If I do, then will you grant it for me? By removing yourself from this world?" He asked back with a smirk.
"I'll really kill you" She grits but he shrugged.
"And you visit the jail again. And guess what? This time you'll spent the rest of your seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades and all the time you have left for breathing in jail. Well you've already been there once so, going again wouldn't be a hard nut for you anymore isn't it?"
"Get lost...I don't wanna spend anymore more time with you" She warns walking away.
"Then you prefer to spend it in jail? Why? You've come to love it there?!!" Matthew shouted after her.
Hailey stops and turns back. Before he could utter another word, she bent and took off one pair of her shoes. Matthew took on his heels immediately while she chases after him.
Hailey entered her class only to find it different.
"What the heck! What's happening here?" She asked no one in particular.
"Hal!!" She heard behind her and turns back only to see Webby running towards her.
"Oh!, girl I knew you would be here. Follow me" Webby grab her hand pulling her to God knows where.
"TADA!! Welcome to our new classroom!" Webby claps on pulling her into a new classroom.
"Where is this? And why are we here?"
"This will be our classroom from now on. The principal had us moved"Webby replied.
"Is he promoting us?"
"No dear...he demoted us"
"Come in. I saved a seat for you" Webby pulled her inside towards a seat at the back of the class.
"So what's going on?" Hailey asked in confusion.
"I was just as confused as you when I came in this morning. The test results came out already...have you checked the notice board?"
"No...why? Did I do bad?"
"You've always did bad. And this time. You did worse friend"
"Really?? 91?" She asked.
"97" Webby replied.
"What? 97? No way Mom would kill me!"
"Aren't you curious about who got the last position?"
"Am.i supposed to? I just dug my own grave"
"Well then I guess I'm already lying in mine cause I'm 99" Webby said simply.
"Are you? Your mom would roast you alive"
"I would make a sweet barbeque don't you think?" Webby winks.
"I bet you will. But why are we here seriously.
"Because of our grades. Everyone you see here are ranked from 70 to 100. They formed a special classroom for us...the dullards" Webby explained.
"Hey don't you have a better vocabulary for that. Saying that makes me feel like I'm really dull"
"Well aren't you?"
"I'm not. Unlike others I just have too much water in my head"
"Silly. Non_literate. According to what I heard, the principal doesn't want us to affect the brainy ones with our dul_ no illiteracy so he separated us from them"
"Hey...this is just like the scripture you know the parable of the weeds" Hailey said.
"No I don't. What's that?" Webby asked.
"You fool" Hailey slap her arm.
"Listen. In the Bible, Jesus said the parable about the weeds being separated from the wheat. First the weeds was left to grow together with the wheat until harvest then later the weeds are being uprooted and burnt. We're being uprooted right now and very soon we'll be burned also I'm sure...that cunning principal" Hallelujah said.
"I'm not sure I understand a thing you just said but...I know it's not a good thing" Webby nods.
"It's not entirely bad, Rhett isn't here at least"
"He took the 89th position. We're in this together" Webby smiles.
"Wow...your mother is gonna murder you two"
"Exactly...whoa... I'm so happy" She grinned clapping her hands.
"But what happened? I couldn't get to you all through the whole weekend. I thought Easton caught you and probably raped you to death" Webby said sarcastically.
"Ohh...spare me the story. I got locked up"
"Your mom grounded you?"
"Nope! She locked me up in the police station. I spent the night there"
"What? I don't believe you"
"I can't believe it either...was my Mom always that heartless? It shocked me also"
"Why? Why did she do such a cruel and life threatening thing!" Webby exclaimed.
"It was all his fault...the Agama looking soldier!" Hailey seethes.
"Agama soldier? Who is that?"
"Someone...I would like to murder when I get to meet him again"
"You sound scary...let's just drop it." Webby waves it off and she sighs.
"At least Easton and Eloise aren't here so it's cool...K.O.D not bad" She smiles.
"What's that?"
"Kingdom Of the Dullards...sounds cool right?" Webby wiggles her brow.
"Shut it"
"Hey...the principal is here" Webby quickly sits right so as every other students in the class.
"Hello my amiable students" Mr Cole, the principal grinned showing off his golden teeth whilst the students all groan.
"My eyes hurts everytime he opens his gob" Webby whispers to Hailey stifling a laugh.
"How was your holiday? It's none of my business but it wouldn't hurt to ask right?" He asked again with a smile.
"I won't beat about the bush. I'm here to clear the air about the sudden situation you found yourselves. As you must all have figured out, everyone present here are all here because of how poorly you performed in your tests. You're already in your third year and it's such a crucial time for you all so we just couldn't sit and watch you all go ashtray. So we organized a special classroom for you with special teachers to be taking you from now on. Take this opportunity and reconstruct your life. If you do well In the next assessment you'll be promoted back to the intelligence class but if you don't...then you die here." The principal rambles.
"Till kingdom comes!!" One of the students shouted arousing laughters from all angles.
"A_hem!" The principal clears his throat.
"That's all I've got to say for now...your new teacher will be coming to take you so behave till then. Good day" He said and rushed out of the class. Noises boomed out immediately he did.
"I'm gonna take a nap Mom didn't let me catch any sleep...she was annoying the first thing in the morning. Ugh! I can't understand her really" Hailey grutch.
"All Moms are like that. You can't believe my Mom in the night would be like ' Sweet dreams Hun. I love you' and the next morning she turns to a complete witch shouting ' Wake the f**k up you lazy b*tch! Take up your books and read you useless thing! Gosh! You don't know how annoying that could be" Webby chipped in.
"At least you weren't locked up in a cell for a whole night" Hailey mumbles placing her head on the desk.
"You're right. Guess I'm lucky. Take a kip. I'll keep watch for you" Webby said. Hailey yawns widely with her eyes closing. Within minutes, she dozed off.