**Chapter 15: The Crises Of Public Opinion**  

Ellie's past had become a media spectacle and part of the public narrative for quite some time, but the invention of stories began a frenzy that even tabloids, gossip blogs and mainstream media couldn't afford to ignore. The negative shift in reputation was like a rollercoaster with the fabricated stories and manipulated photographs smashing her reputation to pieces. Every time she picked up her phone or flicked on the television, she was faced with what could only be described as a deluge of accusations and hostility. The social media that she once cherished had become a platform of hateful comments. A walk down the street to gain a breath of fresh air was no longer a tranquil experience. Instead, Ellie was unrecognisable. Ellie felt like she was bound within a dizzying nightmare while being stalked by ghouls that mocked her. But she always made it a point to ensure that she did not let it overwhelm her. Nothing was powerful enough to shatter the reality that she had worked too harshly to earn her standing, so why should she let anyone take that away from her. Determined to seize the day regardless of the ruthlessness of the world, she made it a point to show up at the office, tired. But her supervisor, Lucas, streamlined to his office before she could get too absorbed in work. "Miss White," he stated coldly, his tone watching moments in silence. "Sit down." Ellie opted to remain silent and clutch her hands in her lap to avoid fidgeting too much. Lucas remained silent for what felt like an eternity, somehow, Ellie always sensed it more with him, and then muttered, "I need your complete cooperation with aiding me in a very sensitive matter regarding the public disgruntlement that I know you are talking about." 

"I appreciate you, Mr. Hunter. Recently, I've been attempting to formulate a strategy to tackle these accusations and safeguard my reputation." 

His brow lifted slightly, suggesting that he was rather interested. "Continue." 

After taking a moment to calm herself, she proceeded with her exposition. "To start with, we need to publicly make a statement where we deny all allegations and make known the actions to correct the matter. We also need to capture materials to disprove the allegations such as statements from my friends and ex-colleagues. Lastly, we ought to sue the people and institutions that are responsible for the wrong information that was disseminated." 

Lucas analysed her for a few moments as he looked at her, his face showing no emotion whatsoever. "That is a reasonable proposal, and I believe it can work. But still, it fails to provide a satisfactory outcome." 

Ellie forced herself to remain in control, regardless of how disheartened she was. "Which other issue are you concerned with?" 

As he spoke, he shifted forward and directed his glance towards her. "We need to put out our message aggressively. We need to start displaying the real Ellie White to the public first - the hardworking, talented, and committed professional who was and is an asset to the company." 

The tips of Ellie's toes felt as if flames were licking them, however, she managed to maintain some form of control over her body. 'Okay, and how do you suggest we do that?" she asked. 

"A press briefing is what I am proposing." He said, while settling once more in his chair.

We will tackle the allegations head-on and provide the evidence we have gathered. I will be there to support you and attest to your integrity."

Ellie's heart raced for a moment, but she forced herself to maintain a façade of calm. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Wouldn't it just make the situation worse?"

He watched her for a while, inscrutable. "Sometimes, to deal with fire, it is necessary to apply fire. We must seize control and show them we have the courage to address the situation."

Ellie blinked her eyes. "Okay. I will do it."

He nodded curtly, then waved her off with his hand.

On her way back to the office, Ellie felt determined.

Ready for a fight. 准备好战斗了.

The rest of the week flew by. Ellie sifted through what felt like an endless pile of papers looking for value, ran her statements by various analysts, and even put together a mock press conference.

The day of the press conference finally arrived, and she was a bundle of nerves, yet oddly resolute.

As she stepped into the conference room, she was greeted by waves of cameras and reporters from all sides.

Ellie noticed that Lucas was already at the podium with his cue cards in hand, wearing his signature disinterested expression.

Remembering what she had prepared, Ellie stepped up to the podium and slowly inhaled.

The room was quiet before she uttered a word.

"Good morning," she managed to say, her nerves calming thanks to her steady voice. "I have come here today to address the allegations that have been made against me. I would like to state that these allegations are completely false. They are a concerted effort to tarnish my name as well as the name of Hunter Fashion Group."

She paused momentarily, then continued. "I have put immense effort into building my career and making a mark in this industry. I take pride in the effort I have invested, and no one will be able to take that from me."

She then presented the material they had compiled together, including testimonies from her friends and former colleagues, as well as documents that disproved the claims.

Lucas stepped forward, his gaze focused on the cameras. "I would like to affirm that Ellie White is an asset to this company. She has worked tirelessly to help us achieve our objectives. For this reason, I respect her both as a person and as a professional. These allegations are unfounded and seek to cause harm, and I do not hesitate to tell you that if we are not treated justly, we will ensure that those behind this face the consequences."

Like a disturbed beehive, the room began buzzing with question after question, and while Ellie and Lucas remained composed, the two began addressing them.

After the press conference concluded, Ellie felt a wave of relief wash over her.

She had done it. 她做到了.

She faced the storm head-on and emerged victorious.

As they were leaving the conference room, Lucas looked at her, his expression difficult to read.

"Miss White," he said, his voice devoid of any hint of emotion. "I suppose you handled that... adequately."

Ellie blinked. "Thank you, Mr. Hunter," she said, unsure of what to say.

He glanced over his shoulder and nodded curtly before walking away. Ellie was left staring after him in silence, shocked.

It is not the greatest of compliments, but it is the closest thing to praise I have had all week.

And for now, this is enough.

She has survived the public sentiment crisis.

And she is poised for what lies ahead.