Ch 2

Whilst Tadano is in the bathroom he mulled over and had a thought.

"Now that im thinking about it if this is "that" world that means she's here too. I guess i will be seeing the revered goddess Komi-san"

With that in his mind he also remembered how he spent his time in his previous world.

Back in his past life whenever he have time to spare he like reading a LOT until in one morning he stumbled upon a manga and from that on he was addicted that he even sacrificed his day of examination just to read what's gonna happen next.

After arranging his thoughts Tadano turned the faucet on and washed his face wih cold water then he went to the dining room. There he saw his family.

"That must be my mom" He thought.

"Good morning Hito-chan come take a seat breakfast is ready" a woman with a short black hair called out to me, being called like that sure is a strange feeling.

Tadano looked at the table which consists of a food that is omelettes and coffee, he thought.

"I often saw this in animes which is pretty normal but not surprising considering who i have reincarnated into"

Tadano's Mom felt something feels off she then peek at the time and flinched and with a sense of urgency warned her son.

"Hey Hito-chan won't you be late for school?!"

"That's right Onii-chan isn't today's supposed to be your first day of school?"

Tadano's eyes widened and he suddenly remembered he have to got to school and he forgot he is a student at this time. also for some reason I don't want to be late I guess seeing this world excites me for a reason.

"For some reason I don't want to be late and I guess i want to see this world. Ah! SHIT IM GONNA BE LATE!"

Tadano stopped with his daydreaming and immediately rushed to the bathroom and took a quick bath.

"It felt like I scraped my skin a bit"

With his rushing he wore the wrong pair of socks.

After a bunch of mishaps here and there Tadano took a piece of bread and bit it he looks a bit silly as it looks like it came straight to a romance anime. Then he rushed out of home.

"Be careful on your way Hito-chan!"

His Mother waved him goodbye along with a bright smile and a tear in her eyes as if she is saying goodbye for her child that won't be back for a long time.

Tadano seeing this sweated a bit and ran to school, It took him 10 minutes to reach it. After he arrived he was stunned

Seeing the cherry blossoms gently swaying and falling and

a bunch of students chatting no doubt about it he's back in highschool.

Itan Private High School an elite school in japan that is housing lots of unique(mental) people this was even called arkham college because the amount of unique(mental) students here.

"Damn this school is massive and that's a lot of people, It seems like I wasn't late thank god"

Tadano heaved a sigh of relief and took a good look at his surroundings, a mischievous face adorned his face as he thought.

"As expected of an anime the girls are all stunning putting even models on earth to shame, but the question is, is Komi really that beautiful?"

"Maybe I'll get smitten by her? Huh maybe things work differently here of course Im curious but.....I guess I'll see later"

Tadano shrugged and went inside the campus strutting his way towards his own shoe locker.

Suddenly clamor and uproar were heard by Tadano outside while he bent down to get his school shoes.

"That must be Komi seeing as how they started to react like monkeys" Tadano shook his head expecting that this would happen.

Suddenly a sense of excitement washed to him. This is the first he's gonna see a character from his favorite manga but to be honest who wouldn't be excited?

As he reached for his school shoes a silhoutte of a tall figure beside him appeared and he glanced then he stared then suddenly he jaw completely dropped.

Long beautiful legs wrapped in black stocking, an upright way of standing, Smooth and silky jet black hair that was flowing freely also a milky white like smooth skin, plump peach lips and a jet black eyes that looks like an enchantress's and i swear that face is shaped like a golden ratio! No! Everything about her is a golden ratio!

Finally Komi Shouko has appeared!

"Holy shit..."

Seeing the beauty beside him he couldn't help but blurt out a curse out of his mouth. It was a loud enough curse to be heard only by her.

Suddenly Komi's body shook like a leaf and all her aura transformed as if she is harboring a deep wrath and her face turned extremely intimidating that even tadano got a bit intimidated.

"It is indeed scary but, what they said about her is not a baseless claim she is GODDAMN BEAUTIFUL!!!"

Tadano didn't realize as his brain kinda short circuited seeing Komi Shouko but he's been staring at her for a good while now even when shes wearin her school shoes and after she immediately zoomed off in a distance whilst still shaking.

"If i didn't know any better I would have thought she loathed me or something...."

My gaze stared for a moment at the place where she left and muttered.

"That was Komi huh, Ah"

After he said that he then realized the thing he did he got flustered and he panicked

"AHHHHHH! My first impression!"

"I need to apologize later...." Tadano sighed, after his mulling he got up and headed to his class.




"Lets see hmmm...this is my class"

After a while of walking throught he hallway Tadano found his class and before entering he said.

"First impression matters! with it you can make friends easily but uhh in my situation it seems to be the opposite of that"

Tadano opened the door and a bone chilling sensation assaulted him as well as a buffet of glares, envy and death threats, Tadano sweated a bit.

"That fucker is Komi-sama's seatmate?

"It should've been me not him!"

"Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die"

"Of course it is because of that"

Tadano who saw Komi sitting beside an empty seat he grinned.

(Considering im the last person to arrived then...that must be my seat, Lucky!)

Tadano walked towards his seat and while walking a bright flash twinkled and a shuriken came flying and ALMOST hit his toes.

(What the fuck?! I did expect this but damn! This is that serious? For real?! Thanks to my enhanced senses I didn't get hit, if it were to hit me.....)

He just shrugged and resumed walking on his seat and didn't dare think about it any further.

He sat on his seat and confirmed that there are no more mishaps but with his enhanced hearing he can't help but sweat a bit because he still keeps on hearing death threats.