Ch 4

The whole class was stunned that the profanity and degradation stopped temporarily and even Komi was shook her eyes widened when they saw the most normal average guy do a complete 180° turn of his personality they didn't expect this not even the teacher.

The tension turned to an all time highest the atmosphere evolved from most to extremely hostile everyone was pissed at Tadano when they heard his bold statement.

While it's all happening Tadano glanced at his side and saw Komi shivering her body was shaking out of fear not only because of Tadano but because of every single one, Tadano realized the thing he did and thought.


When Komi glance at Tadano she accidentally crossed eyes with him and immediately she once again turned her head away as fast as lightning her body trembling and pretended not to see.

Tadano retracted his hand a hand mark is clearly imprinted on the wooden desk. When he scanned his surroundings everyone turned their heads away albeit some still keeps on cursing nobody wants to mess with him seeing the desk got done in even if it's just a fluke they don't wanna take their chance no thanks.

Well there is always an exception though, to a bunch of certain idiots that is and the first idiot is...

A fair skinned brown headed girl in overall she is beautiful she'll be close to perfection if only she doesn't have a rotten personality.

Her name is Yamai Ren.

A person with twisted personality and is extremely obsessed to Komi Shouko she will do literally anything and everything just to please Komi Shouko.

She stood up arrogantly while crossing her arms and stared down at him as if she's looking at the most filthiest piece of garbage to ever roam the planet she smirked at Tadano and spoke with a mocking tone.

"Huhhh? Who the fuck do you think you are to spout bullshit be honored that you're even born, your parents must be crying and regretting their choice for bringing you here. Honestly you should just drop dead."

With her most venomous tone she told him but Tadano not backing down smirked then he said with his own mocking tone.

"Say what's the difference between two dicks and a joke? You cant take a joke you dumb whore your mother should've just swallowed you while shes still active as a prostitute, oh by the way Satan has invited you in his home why dont you kill yourself?"

They went at each others throat fire blazing and sparks flying they glared at each other marking each other as the his/her greatest enemy.

"What the fuck did you say?! How dare you bring my mom to this, I dare you to say that shit again!"

Yamai Ren slammed her desk and stood up extremely pissed off her face turning red with extreme anger, veins appeared on her forehead if only eyes could kill, Tadano's already dead over 100 times by now.

Her fragile ego was shattered by Tadano's even more insulting words and rushed him but before she could move she was restrained by 2 nearby students.

Tadano is just standing and worded something in his mouth.

(W-H-O-R-E) Tadano chuckled and smiled then he sat down.

Yamai Ren got so pissed off it took them an hour just to calm her down and with the teacher using her authority to threaten both of them to stop disrupting the class or else she's gonna report them and have them expelled from the school.

Naturally with Tadano getting the last laugh he complied easily but for Yamai Ren....she just quietly gritted her teeth and only she knows what shes thinking.

Now returning back to introduction the rest who introduced themselves only got a lukewarm reaction because of the scene from earlier then after the introduction class started.

Tadano was staring at blackboard bored out of his mind lookin the board it seems like even his memory recognition got enhanced too now he has a photographic memory and his brain is working twice as fast thats why he just slacked off and slept on the class.

His classmates saw him being bored and labeled him as a crashout and thus he was outcasted by the class and is now a certified loner.

Well Tadano didn't care seeing as how they already hate him when even before he took a seat might as well be hated to the fullest yeah? He has a cool ass abilities anyway so why care?




Lunch came and Tadano awoke from his nap looking at his surroundings he had a validation that this is indeed his new reality now as seeing his body is still here and he didn't woke up as if everything is just a dream or something.

Tadano saw everyone is clamoring and talking it seems like they're now getting acquaintaned with each other. However when he glance at Komi Shouko she's just sitting there quietly and he thought.

"That's weird, knowing her reputation after class ended shouldn't she be already swarmed with people why is no one talking to her?...that's odd"


"Oh, That's right i didn't have a proper breakfast earlier man that omelette is looking hella delicious now, let's see what does the cafeteria have to offer"

Tadano's stomach roared with hunger he patted his stomach and left the classroom wondering what he should get.

The moment he did, with his enhanced hearing he heard an immediate swarm of footsteps towards Komi Shouko and a bunch of soothing words for komi because of what happened earlier some is even inviting Komi as well as slanders about Tadano.

They keep on saying how they would protect her in exchange for their life from Tadano, naturally Komi Shouko with her communication disorder shivered and adorned the death face again and glared at everyone even though it's unintentional. Everyone thought she really is angry at Tadano.

"So it really is about me huh" Tadano sighed

He then went to the cafeteria and had a crowd war on getting a yakisoba bread it was easy for him to get it by cutting in crowds and he always wanted to taste this ever since.

Tadano went back to his class and still has time to spare before reaching his class the loud uproar still hasn't died down, Tadano opened the door loudly.

"Geh he's here"

"Wrap it up everyone fun times over"

"Tsk! killjoy"

"Man im hungry wanna go to cafeteria?"

The students around komi that is swarming her dispersed when they saw Tadano that was approaching his seat they dont want to be near him.

Komi heaved a secret sigh of relief when she saw the crowd thinned out but felt a sorry for him she thought she indirectly cause this she shivered again.

Tadano sat on his seat and ate the yakisoba bread, he abruptly stop when he heard something growl.


"Hmm? Growl?"

Tadano stared at Komi, she lowered her head in embarrassment and blushed unil the tip of her ears she's so embarassed that she wanted to find a hole and bury her head there.

Tadano's face formed a shit-eating grin.

"Here Komi-san if you dont mind you can have my yakisoba bread's other half?"

Komi slowly shook her head. It only roared louder.


Komi is hungry but with her disorder she can't buy food in the cafeteria or rather she's having trouble communicating and so she thought might as well sit this down.

"Here Komi-san I insist" Tadano smiled.

In the end Komi devoured the Yakisoba Bread fortunately the bread is big like half a forearm big so it satiated both of them apparently he bought a deluxe edition.