The bright moonlight is currently shining above japan, It is 9:00 pm, still the same day Tadano became Komi's first friend and now he is currently inside his room sitting on his bed with his hand pressed on his chin posing like a philosopher.
Well he indeed is thinking about something and that is because he wanted to fully understand his powers that is in his possession.
He didn't got too much time to delve deep about it earlier and so he just went with the flow and took it as it is but now that he have time, it is time to discuss it.
"I wonder how does this work...If I am average then all of my abilities should be average too but why does it feel not average? and if my body does indeed got enhanced that means my strength, endurance, speed, healing factor, stamina too"
"But by how many times did it get enhanced exactly is it by 2 or more? And also why can I perceived things slowly and my mind too, they feel extremely sharp I feel like I can multitask easily and I feel like I have the memory of an elephant too"
One question after another provoke Tadano's mind that he couldn't help but get excited when he listed off the things that he possibly can do.
After a series of a hundred question he concluded that there is only one way to get an answer and that test it.
Tadano vigorously sprang up then he clenched his hand, along with a determined face that longs for an answer he said.
"I'll get to the bottom of this!"
"What are you doing Onii-chan? Did your chuunibyou complex come back?
Tadano froze stiff and comically looked towards the widely opened door, he got too immersed at his brainstorming that he didn't realized that his little sister is staring at him with a deeply concerned look on her face.
"Oh, H-Hitomi...since when did you get there?"
Tadano sweated at this moment and for some reason he got embarrassed being seen by his little sister, feeling like he got caught red handed doing something suspicious.
"Since your pose like a greek philosopher you must be thinking of something so profound that you didn't notice me and I thought it would be fun to scare you or something and so I waited then suddenly you stood up and clenched you hands It was funny though cause it is as if you're-"
"Okay okay stop I get it!"
"Heh, it's fine Onii-chan no matter what happens we'll still accept you"
"Haaah, im going to bed first" Tadano slumped down.
"Goodnight Onii-chan" Hitomi smirked
"Un, night"
Tadano plopped onto his bed feeling extremely tired with what happened so far on his first day.
Inside his mind before he slept he formulated a plan to test his abilities and that is by performing the super duper ultra mega killer 10 kilometer run 100 push ups 100 sit ups and 100 squats workout regimen.
He totally didn't copy a certain caped baldy, nope nope.
(I hope I dont go bald)
And then he drifted towards the sweet, warm arms of sleep.
It is 2:00 am in the morning, inside the room Tadano is grunting and gasping a lot alongside it he is also greedily sucking for air and his whole body is glistening with a waterfall of sweat trickling down his body and face and his bed for some reason keeps on shaking in the midst of the the wild shaking it slowly woke Hitomi up.
Hitomi in her groggy state slowly opened her eyes and heard suddenly it turned wide and her whole being woke up completely as she realized something she then thought.
(Ah, I see so that's how it is huh, well, Onii-chan is at that age after all so i dont blame him not one bit and with that. Let me just go back to my sleep and ignore what happened at this very moment, this for the good of my health)
Hitomi went back to her peaceful sleep.
1 hour and 30 minutes has passed, the shaking didnt stop rather it only got worse. Hitomi's blood spiked and she got pissed that she decided to peek at her brother to tell him to stop whatever the is he doing.
Hitomi leaned over to the wooden railings of their bunk bed what she saw just made her even more pissed off.
"Oi you stupid brother!! it's been hours since you went at it at least let me sleep!!...what the hell?! what are you doing?! seriously you're doing push ups?!"
"Guh...and that's the last one, finally done, Oh, Hitomi good morning?"
"Don't you damn go good morning on me can't you see I'm having a hard time trying to sleep?!"
Hitomi reached for her phone and looked at the time.
"It is 3:33 am in the morning for christs sake! Don't you need to sleep?! your class is at 8:00 am and why are you even doing pushups in the first place and even at the dead of the night??
"Can't do it I have to jog"
Hitomi felt her mind go haywire when she heard what her big brother said her mind felt like it floated off to space she just can't comprehend what came out to her brother's mouth.
"Huh, are you my brother? Who are you..."
Hitomi stared at Tadano with great concern and got wierded out by him.
(No, wait, in the first place why is Onii-chan even doing a push up did he suddenly hit his head or he got motivated or something? but by what or.....whom)
At the same time Tadano sat down his bed and slip on his jogging shoes and wore a comfortable black polyester
t-shirt then he grabbed his phone and looked at the time, He spoke back to Hitomi.
"Of course Hitomi I'm your one and only brother and I just felt like exercising, I didn't think it would be this much fun, okay time to go, go back to sleep Hitomi" Tadano gently said.
Hitomi just nodded feeling extremely surprised at the sudden change of her brother, her eyes shedded a tears of joy when she saw her brother finally do something to change himself she then felt extremely proud of her
Onii-chan that she immediately slept soundly after 5 seconds.
Tadano went out of his room and out to his home to perform his 10 kilometer run.
During his jog he saw a messy haired man wearing a white shirt jogging alongside an old man that is chasing him while riding a blue motor scooter.
2 hours has passed and it's now 5:19 am when Tadano came back to his home, after stepping inside he immediately went to the bath and he bravely rawdogged a cold and bone chilling bath.
After dressing he sat on the sofa on the living room and laid down on it then he thought, he still have a lot of time to spare and so why dont he kill time by cooking for his family a delicious breakfast.
"What if my skills gets enhanced too? Hmmmmm...there's only one way to find out!"
Tadano went around poking in the kitchen trying to find some ingredients fortunately he found a pancake box and so began his honing of the skill called cooking.
Tadano mixed and poured until 8 pancakes is made then he felt that something very important is missing.
"The maple syrup! but when i looked earlier i couldn't find no syrup but only honey, jeez why does this family not have a maple syrup but honey, seriously?!"
Tadano harrumphed at his family because in his mind the pancake can only be called pancake if it's syrup is maple syrup!
"Meh, I guess honey will have to do, haaa"
(I'll make sure to ask them to buy maple syrup later!)
Tadano added in his mind.