

It was the bi-monthly meeting night for the Kennel Club, and it was going to storm. The club was a group of five men that trained show dogs, more specifically Great Danes. They were all majestic dogs, superior animals in their breeds. Two had actually won a couple of championships.

The meetings were to acclimate the dogs to being around other dogs and to give the owners practice time working them through their paces. It also helped the dogs get used to being handled by people other than their trainer/owners.

It was always a good time. I looked forward to the meetings and watching the animals perform, it was a treat to watch man and beast working together. My boyfriend, Brian, had a brindled male named Marmaduke. What else? He was a goofy, 160 lb. 5 year old puppy. He was loveable and sweet and very well trained. Brian had studded him out a couple of times and had gotten a fair price for it. Marmaduke or Smarmy as we called him because of his smug lopsided grin, had taken a regional Kennel Club championship at 3 years of age.

The group had been meeting with the same dogs for about 2 years and the puppies had become good friends. It was awesome to watch those giant dogs playing in the back yard. Danes are a normally mellow dog with a good nature. There were 4 males and one female so there was an occasional snarl and snap which was corrected immediately by the owners. That was the purpose of these get together's, during shows any aggression was a demerit and could cost you a win.

I'm Annie and I'm a small woman. I stand 5' 3" and weigh around 110. Smarmy's back comes right at my waist, his head just below my shoulder. We're quite a pair to see walking down the street. I always feel well guarded with him. Brian leaves him with me when he travels, which is about every other week for 3 days. I spoil the dog, he gets to sleep in the bed with me. It keeps me from missing Brian and best of all, Smarmy snores less.

The other 4 dog owners were friends of Brian's; Ted was a co-worker and had worked with Brian on and off for close to 10 years. Ted was a big man, at 6'4" about 235, he actually was the only one there that made his dog look normal sized. Brian and I used to laugh about Ted's choice of Dane, Ted had dark red hair and so did Jimbo his dog.

Will had only been with the group a couple of years. He and Brian and Ted had met at a show and they had invited him to join the group to help him with socializing his Dane, Micky. Will was 5'11" bald with startling blue eyes. I suppose they wouldn't have been as startling if he had had hair. Micky was colored similar to the cartoon character Micky Mouse; black ears white face, black body with 3 white dots down his chest and white front feet.

Matt was Will's brother he was the shortest man in the group at 5' 7" and he had Mini, Micky's sister. Matt had hair, well a fringe of hair he let grow down to just over his collar, it was curly and ink black. It looked like fringe. He would have been better looking if he had buzzed it. Mini was marked almost identical to Micky but it was easy to tell them apart because she lacked the large swinging balls between her back legs. On occasion Matt had to miss a meeting if Mini was in heat.

Seth was the last to arrive that evening with Babe. Babe is a "blue" Dane, called that because their color is a grey and in certain lights has a blue hue to it. He was named after Paul Bunion's companion, Babe the Blue Ox. They are quite regal and Babe had piercing grey eyes. Seth is a perfect man, 6'1" nicely trimmed dark brown hair, lean toned body and he was a fireman. He was funny, intelligent and if he hadn't been Brian's younger brother and gay … well let's say I have secret fantasies about him. I don't think any one but his brother and myself knew he preferred men, at least not until that night.

Brian is 6' and about 200 lbs he stays in shape exercising Smarmy. They jog together every other morning. Brian's lush brown hair is graying at the temples and gives him an air of authority which sits quite well in the court room and has inspired the trust of many a juror.

So there you have the entire group, an impressive bunch of males with me and Mini being the only exception.

They were busy putting the dogs through their paces, the heel, the smart sharp turns, the stances, focusing and ignoring distractions. They were waiting for Seth to arrive to be the judge. It was his turn. Being the judge required him to give the dogs a physical exam by running his hands over their coat to check for quality and muscle tone. A hand between the front legs to measure chest depth and a hand between the back legs to test the balls for intactness. In the past some males had been neutered by removing the testis but leaving the sack giving the illusion of an intact male. The judge also feels for spay scars on the females. No one but me and Brian knew that Seth looked forward to his turn as judge just so he could fondle their dogs. I often wondered if he jacked off Babe now and then.

Occasionally I would be judge, to give the dogs variety, to learn the touch of a woman. I must say it was kind of exciting to run my hands over the well toned muscle of those animals, slip my hand between their back legs and feel the weight of their balls in my hand. The warm soft fuzzy globes were nice as was the long shafts of their cocks. I usually got hoots and catcalls from the watching guys when I reached this part.

Rain began to fall, just a few drops at first and everyone ignored it expecting it to go away. But that evening the wind came up as well and the rain grew harder driving every one onto the back porch. Training was done for the night. And one by one the guys fished out a bottle of beer from the coolers that lined the wall by the back door. I opened a bottle of wine. Stories were told of past shows and long gone but not forgotten past companions. Brian and Seth helped me move the dinner stuff into the dining room from the picnic table on the porch. Dinner was a success with lots of laughter and more beer. My bottle of wine was empty and I was feeling happy and light. I opened another one.

The men had gone into the den to watch the game that was due to start. I declined all the offers to help me clean up and sent them packing into the den. The dogs were all snoozing on the porch. It was still raining.

The kitchen was warm and I went over to turn down the thermostat, summers can be like an oven and when it rains the humidity is almost unbearable. I had put on my tennis skirt and a tank top to try and stay cool. I wear thongs most of the time and tonight I had put on one of my light all lace bras trying to stay cool. I finished rinsing the dishes and was bent over loading them into the dishwasher when Ted walked in the door behind me.

"Yummy. Nice view." He said.

I jumped up and pulled down my skirt. Blushing I stammered "I thought you were all in the den."

He walked up to me, not touching me, but I could feel the heat of him he was so close. Very quietly he said, "Don't cover up that pretty ass on my account. I've always liked that particular view."

I took a step back. "Thanks Ted."

He took a step forward. "Always my pleasure."

I stepped back again and bumped into the counter. "What did you need Ted?" The second I said it I wanted to unsay it.

A gleam came into his eyes and he stepped forward again, still not touching me but I could see he really wanted to. I had seen him watching me in the past when he thought no one else was looking. But he had never done more than that, not until tonight anyway.

"What I need and what I came for are two very different things." He said quietly holding my gaze. I couldn't look away, I was hypnotized like a snake by a charmer. He took a deep slow breath, and closed his eyes. "Mmmmm I have always loved your perfume." He took another deep breath. Then opened his eyes and murmured, "What I came for is ice, we're switching to scotch."

"Ok," I said and stepped around him. "I'll get the ice bucket."

It was in the cupboard on the top shelf. We very seldom used it unless we entertained. I opened the door and tried to reach it, I was going to open the lower cupboard and step up on the shelf like I normally do when Ted stepped up behind me. He leaned in pressing my stomach against the counter and his body against mine. I could feel his hardness against my ass. It felt like its size was in proportion to his height. I wondered if the hair there was red as well. I snatched that thought out of my mind and crushed it. Must be the wine.

"Here let me get that for you." He said and reached over my head, stretching for the ice bucket and rubbing his cock against me as he did. I felt a flush of heat wash over me and my heart rate kicked up a bit. I vowed to not drink anymore wine for awhile.

He handed me the bucket. I turned to the refrigerator and glanced at his crotch as I did. The bulge in his pants looked huge and I felt myself get wet. Brian had been gone for three days; that and the weather and the wine a volatile mixture. I filled the bucket and handed it back to him. I noticed the bulge was almost gone. "Enjoy the game. I'll bring in some snacks in a while."

He turned and left the kitchen but I heard him say under his breath "I know what I'd like to snack on."

I poured myself a glass of wine and took a long drink to calm myself before I realized I had sworn not to drink for awhile. I felt it hit bottom and slowly spread its warm relaxation to all my limbs and I thought "What the hell I deserve a night too. I did all the work for dinner. Might as well enjoy the clean up." I bent over to take the dishwasher soap out from under the sink when some one behind me gave a soft whistle of appreciation.

I jumped up, jerked my skirt down and spun around to find Will's shocking blue eyes locked on the spot my ass had been.

"Very tasty, but you seem to not have found what you were looking for under the sink. Maybe you should look again." He said with a wide smile.

The cartoon of a wolf with his tongue lolling to one side, drool running down his chin and his eyes popping out flitted across my mind and I laughed. "I'm going to hang a bell on all you guys next time. Ted just startled me and I don't think my heart will take much more."

Will laughed and stepped into the Kitchen. "Still, it was a pleasant vision. I will wait while you find what you were after under the sink. I am a gentleman after all." He winked at me.

"Oh that's quite all right." I said smoothing my skirt. "Guests are always first. What did you nn.." I caught myself in time. "… come for?"

"A couple more glasses and Brian said there was another bottle of scotch out here."

I walked to the cupboard at the end and opened it, again the object of desire was on the upper shelf. Sometimes I wished I was 6 ft tall. I reached for the bottle but my fingers just brushed the bottom of it. Will stepped up behind me and reached over my head, pressing firmly against the length of my body. I felt his muscles move in his legs as he stretched up on his toes rubbing his cock against my ass. He was hard, really hard, not as large as Ted but somehow harder which was more exciting.

I felt a flush raise to my cheeks and felt my nipples harden. Great, just great, he'd know the moment he looked at me that he had turned me on. And what was I to say to that or about that? Holding the bottle in one hand he stepped back allowing me to turn around. I watched his eyes travel from my flushed face slowly down my neck and hesitate at the pulse beating rapidly at the base of my throat and continue down to my nipples which hardened even further at his gaze.

He stood there and boldly ogled my breasts, a smile gradually stretched across his face. "Lovely," he said looking up, his blue eyes even brighter, seemed to burn into mine. "Just lovely." He continued to stand there, waiting.

"Was that all?" I finally asked.

"No, a couple of glasses."

"Right." I pushed away from the counter and hurried to the glass cabinet relieved to be away from his piercing stare. These were at least on a shelf I could reach. I took two tumblers and handed them to him. As he took them he stuck out his forefinger and brushed it across one of my nipples. I jumped.

He smiled at me again a slow self assured smile. "Lovely." He said again. "Brian's a lucky man." He turned and went back to the den.

My nipple burned where Will had touched me, and the burn dribbled down my stomach and settled in my crotch where it simmered. It was going to be a long game, a very long game. I could hardly wait for them all to leave so I could drag Brian off to bed and ravage him mercilessly. Several times.

As I was finishing with the dishes I heard distant thunder and glanced at the back porch to check on the dogs. A couple had raised their heads and sniffed the air, but settled back down. It was still to distant to trouble them. Drying my hands on a towel I went to the glass door leading out to the patio to check out the storm. It was raining a little harder than it had been and as I watched lightening cracked the distant sky. It looked like it was coming closer. Wouldn't be long I thought until we'd have to bring them in.

Despite their size and stalwart appearance Dane's are cowards. Smarmy always gets as close as he can push to either me or Brian during a severe thunder storm. He whimpers and shivers the entire time. I hoped the game would be over before we would have to bring in half a ton of cry baby dogs.

I saw Brian's reflection in the glass door a second before I felt his arms circle my waist. He nuzzled my hair aside and placed a sucking kiss on my neck. I felt his tongue draw little circles and a shiver ran through me. He smelled of good scotch and I could tell he was feeling the effects of it.

"Do me a favor?" he asked softly against my ear and licked the edge of it. I felt the familiar heat start in my pussy. He massaged his hands up my stomach and cupped my breasts stretching and pinching the nipples with practiced perfection. I leaned back against him and savored the tingling in them and knew I was getting wet for him.

"Anything if you'll just keep doing that." I turned my head and we kissed deep and soft. I swear his kisses could melt the sun. My heart was racing and as always happens when he kisses me that way all else disappeared except for him. I heard him moan soft and low in his throat as he pulled me tight against him and rubbed his cock against my ass. He pulled up my short skirt and slipped his hand into my thong. I reached up and pulled his head down into a harder kiss and spread my legs a little ways apart to make it easier for him to reach me.

When his finger touched my clit I released his mouth and moaned reaching up with both hands to grab his shoulders. He went back to sucking and kissing my neck as I rubbed slowly against him. His finger was teasing my clit, driving me wild. God, how I wanted him to take me right there, feel the thrust of him in my trembling pussy. He pushed a finger in and as I gasped for breath my knees went weak and I would have fallen but for him holding me.

"I love how wet you get for me." He whispered, his breath hot on my neck.

Someone cleared his throat and I stiffened and attempted to stand and straighten myself, but Brian tightened his hold on me and kept pumping his finger slightly in and out of my soaking hole. I wanted to just lean back and let him finish me but Matt's reflection in the glass door caught my attention. The intensity of his stare sent a tremor of excitement through my stomach. The darkening grey of the sky made the glass door into a mirror and I knew he could clearly see what Brian was doing. I found a forbidden delight in it. I felt naughty and it felt good. I definitely had to ease back on the wine.

"I'll go, if you two are busy." Matt said and stepped into the kitchen.

"No, Annie can go. She's had a lot less to drink than the rest of us." Brian said and released me. Then he did something I would never have imagined him to do in a million years. He must have had more to drink than I had thought. He turned slightly so Matt could see his face. His finger was still glistening wet from my nectar as he slowly brought up to his nose and sniffed, then slowly sucked it into his mouth and withdrew it with a smacking noise all the while holding Matt's look. When Brian broke their gaze he turned to me sticking his hand in his pocket. Matt glanced at me and blushed then wet his lips with his tongue.

Brian held out a 50 dollar bill to me "Will you go to the quick mart and pick up a couple more bottles of scotch? The game is just about to half time and I don't think we'll have enough to finish it."

I took the money. Two could play his seedy little game and my horns were out now. I stepped up to him, stretch up on my toes and licked his mouth tasting my lingering essence on his lips. "Sure." I answered running my hand the length of his hard cock. "I told you anything." I smiled and walked away to get my purse and keys. I deliberately brushed against Matt as I left the kitchen.

Behind me I heard Matt chuckle and say "I'd say she one upped you pretty good there."

When I returned from the market I could hear the game in the living room and the occasional cheer or boo from the guys. All the eyes turned in my direction when I went in to retrieve the ice bucket to refill. Each pair traveled the length of me and settled on a spot just below the waist band of my skirt. I knew either Matt or Brian had told them about the little episode in the kitchen. I blushed and tried to tug my skirt a little lower. Ted chuckled and boldly licked his lips. Brian and Matt laughed with him.

I snatched up the ice bucket and the one empty bottle of scotch and noticed the second one was almost empty. The men were in a mood for fun and I decided that I'd had a rough week as well and I was going to join them in a little drinking. In the kitchen I refilled the ice, and put together a quick snack tray of chips, ranch dip, crackers, several cheeses and meats and piled a plate with veggies for me.

I was just trying to figure out how I was going to carry all that into the living room when Seth appeared in the doorway. "You ok?" He asked stepping forward to take the two bottles of scotch and the ice bucket. "You've been gone a long time, and I was worried."

"Yeah, I'm fine. A little embarrassed is all. But I'll get over it." I picked up the snack tray and put my empty glass on it. I very seldom ever drink scotch but tonight I thought, if you can't beat 'em might as well join 'em.

"I know my brother can be a bit of cad sometimes. I just didn't want you hiding away for the rest of the night because of him."

"Oh, I won't." I smiled at Seth. "I'm going to give him a bit of his own medicine."

Seth smiled back. "That's what he needs, Sis." He leaned over kissed my cheek and headed back to the living room. I followed carrying the tray.

Seth set the booze and ice on the mini bar and snuggled back into his big chair that sat at a right angle at the end of the 7 ft. sofa. Will was on one end of the sofa, Ted in the middle and Matt was at the far end. Brian had his recliner which sat at a right angle to the other end of the sofa. The furniture formed half of a rectangle all facing the big screen plasma that at that moment was the focus of all the men.

At least it was until I walked over with the snack tray and bent forward at the waist and set it down on the big padded rectangular foot stool. I took a few seconds to center it and place a bowl of chips on each side. One by one each pair of eyes focused on the view down my top. My butt was to Brian so he got a clear look at my ass with a sexy little patch of lace from the thong between my legs

Matt looked over at Brian licked his fore finger and made a check mark in the air. "That's two." He said reaching for a cracker and some cheese not realizing he had started a contest that would change the club forever. 

Taking the empty glass from the tray I went to the mini bar to pour myself a scotch. Lightening flashed and thunder followed on its wake. The dogs started to whine. No one moved to let them in. I stretched to look out the window and saw they were all huddled together in front of the door, Mini smack in the middle of them. When I turned to finish filling my glass I saw all the eyes snap back to the TV and the game. They had all been looking up my skirt. 

All the seating was taken, I stood there a minute trying to decide what to do when Ted scooted over toward Will and patted the seat between him and Matt. I was a bit miffed at Brian. He could have moved and given me his recliner, but I guess the thought never entered his head. He was comfy and that was all that mattered. 

"Thank you." I said to Ted and settled in between the two men and sipped my drink. It tasted good for a change and I was enjoying the mingling scents of the two men on either side of me. It was a stimulating smell; spicy and masculine with the mixed scent of two different males. I felt my nipples start to harden. I reached for a carrot and dipped it in the ranch. When I leaned back to nibble it a drop fell on my leg. I popped the carrot in my mouth wiped the drip off with a finger and licked it off. 

Ted leaned over and murmured in my ear "The next one's mine." 

I laughed and said "Deal." Not thinking it would happen again.

A short time later my glass was empty. How did that happen? I was feeling really relaxed and happy. Getting up for a refill I asked if anyone else wanted one. I just couldn't help being a waitress; my mother had trained me well. I quietly cursed her. All the men jingled their remaining ice. It was easier to just take the bucket around and fill each glass than to try and carry all the glasses to the bar and then serve them back. I was still feeling a little flirty so as I filled each glass with ice I leaned over excessively giving each a nice view of the curve of my breasts. My reward was a groan of approval from each. 

When I got to Brian I did the same to him. He reached up grabbed a hand full of my hair and pulled me down to a long slow tongue swirling kiss. While he kissed me he set his glass on the end table and reached up to toy with my nipple. Some one said "foul play." And another said "incomplete pass, 5 yard penalty." Brian let me go and we all laughed. 

I took the ice bucket back to the mini bar and opened the next bottle of scotch. Refilling all the glasses I was surprised that they behaved and didn't try to touch me. Secretly I had hoped for at least one attempt. When I got to Seth he whispered under his breath "Be careful Sis, this could get out of hand real quick." 

I laughed "Sounds like it could be fun." I gave him a wicked smile. "might even swing your gate the other way. And they wouldn't anyway, we're just playing."

He frowned. "I'm just saying is all."

I sat watching the game sipping my scotch really feeling the buzz. A rare occurrence for me, I like to be in control. But sometimes it is nice to just be able to let it all go. I leaned to the snack tray again and dipped a celery chunk in the ranch thinking the valley in the celery would keep the ranch in place but as I leaned back another drop splashed on my leg. I went to wipe it off and Ted grabbed my wrist. He surprised me with his speed and I looked up at him startled. 

"I told you the next one was mine."

I tried to pull free and his grip tightened. With his free hand he reached out and wiped the drop from my leg. Sticking his tongue out he slowly licked it from his finger. He let go of my wrist after he finished. My heart was pounding, he had scared me and that was exciting some how. I looked over at Brian. He was staring at me, a slow smile crossed his face. He licked his finger and made a check mark in the air. Glancing at Matt he said "One for me."

"No," Mat replied. "I think that one goes to Ted." We all laughed but I could tell it rankled Brian. He has a competitive nature anyway and the liquor was accentuating it. I felt the twinge of warning and pushed it aside. The scotch and wine had muffled it. 

It was then that lightening struck somewhere close and thunder followed loud and fast. The dogs set up a howling that was sure to derail trains. Brian sat up in the recliner. "Guess I better go let the chickens in before they rip off the back of the house." 

I moved the snack tray from the foot stool set a bowl of chips on each end table along with the ranch dip. I carried the rest on the tray into the kitchen. Brian opened the door and a flood of dogs rushed in almost knocking him down, all whining like they had just been beaten. They milled around lost for a moment and then Jimbo heard Ted's voice and barreled into the living room followed by the rest of the pack, except for Smarmy who wedged himself between me and the cupboard I was standing in front of. Good thing I'm not a collector of knickknacks because there wouldn't have a single unbroken piece left in the wake. 

I was putting the cheeses and meats in ziplock bags when lightening flashed and thunder boomed again. Smarmy whined and tried to wiggle closer. I tossed him a piece of summer sausage which he snapped out of the air and swallowed whole. As Brian walked by he patted his leg and called Smarmy to follow him. 

When I returned to the living room the dogs had settled into place each in front of their master. Ted moved over again as I came in making space for me. I stepped over Jimbo and as I wiggled into place my skirt slid up a little. There was a nice expanse of my thighs visible that stopped just short of bringing my lacey covered crotch into view. 

As I sipped and watched the half time show I noticed that each man kept sneaking glances at my lap. All except Seth who kept sneaking glances at the crotches of the men. The more they drank the bolder the looks became. Brian didn't seem to mind, in fact I think he liked that his buddies found me exciting. It stroked his ego and I noticed the bulge in his shorts. It was apparently stroking his libido as well. 

Ted took a chip and dipped it in the ranch and on the way to his mouth the end broke off and plopped onto his leg. He stuffed the remaining piece in his mouth and reached for the bit on his leg.

Without thinking my hand flashed out and gripped his wrist. "Turnabouts is fair play. This one is mine." With my free hand I picked up the piece of dip covered chip and brought it to my mouth aware all the while of the others watching, the game forgotten replaced by their interest in this new game.

Dip still smeared part of his thigh and I locked eyes with him and slowly wiped it off with my finger as Ted had done to me. Before I sucked my finger clean I looked at Brian, he frowned at me. I wanted to get even for the little display he had put on for Matt in the Kitchen earlier so I stuck out my tongue and licked up the side of my finger. When my tongue reached the tip I pulled it back into my mouth my finger following. I sucked it hard, running my tongue around it, cleaning it good before I popped it out with a loud slurping noise. 

Ted groaned, Matt shifted in his seat and took a deep breath, Will reached down and adjusted his stiff cock to a more comfortable position inside his shorts, I couldn't see Seth because he was behind me, and Brian licked his lips and smiled. I let go of Ted wrist and settled back in the sofa. The pause of expectancy filled the room for a few seconds until cheering on the TV regained their attention. 

The game continued for a while and Brian got up to go to the bathroom. While he was gone I leaned forward and scooped a healthy bit of dip onto another celery stick. As I leaned back most of it slid off and landed on the curve of my right breast and slowly, coldly, slipped down my cleavage. I started to wipe it off with my napkin when Ted grabbed my wrist. I turned toward the movement at the edge of my vision and saw it was Brian returning from the bathroom. He had stopped just short of entering the room and was watching the exchange. 

"Remember our deal." Ted said and reached for the smear of dip. I caught his hand before he could get to it. 

"I remember our deal was for what landed on our legs." I pushed his hand away.

"I don't remember naming a specific body part and this looks much tastier." Ted reached for me again. 

By now all the attention in the room was focused on us and the exchange. Even Seth was interested. I expected Brian to step in and say something witty to end this silly game that was spiraling toward dangerous waters, when for the second time that night he did something I didn't expect. 

Ted grabbed my right hand to stop me from cleaning off the dip and Brian stepped up to the back of the couch and grasped my left arm, stretched it out the length of the sofa back and pinned it in place. This position arched my back slightly thrusting my breasts higher. 

I jerked on my arm and Brian tightened his grip. "Ooww, Brian, let go." I jerked again. 

He smiled a wicked little smile at me. "You need to learn not to start things you can't finish and then expect me to save you." He nodded at Ted, "Take your due."

Ted leaned forward grasped my other wrist and held it over the back of the couch further elevating my breasts and stretching the fabric of my tank tighter over them. The chill of the dip had hardened my nipples and now they were very visible against the tight fabric. Ted licked his lips and lowered his head toward my soiled breast. His tongue was warm and wet as he licked the first bit off. Then sucking part of the skin in his mouth he scrubbed it clean with his tongue. He inched a little lower and sucked and licked off more of the ranch dressing. 

I was starting to respond. I couldn't help it. It did feel good, the slow circles he licked and cleaned made the juices start in my pussy. I looked up at Brian and knew he could see my reaction. It seemed to excite him. He was liking watching Ted suck on my breasts while he held me still! I was shocked. I also noticed the bulge in his shorts, he was hard. This was turning him on! I couldn't believe it of him, hell I couldn't believe it of me. 

Ted's ministrations reached the edge of my tank top and I felt his tongue slip wetly under the edge and lick as far down as he could reach. He cupped the bottom of my breast and pushed it up against his mouth. I could feel the hot gazes of the other men in the room; hear a soft moan from Will on the other side of Ted as he shifted forward to look around Ted's shoulder. 

Ted's thumb found my nipple and toyed with it making it harder, sending thrills racing along my sides down to my crotch. God I wanted him to pull aside my tank and suck hard on my ridged point. I wanted Brian to tell me to let him. Ted lifted his head and glanced at Brian. I saw Brian give him a slight nod. "Finish your cleaning job Ted, never leave anything half done."

I squirmed and tried to get loose. Brian grabbed a handful of hair and pulled my head back so I had to look up at him. "It's your deal." 

Ted hooked his fingers over the edge of my tank and pulled it down over my breast exposing it to all the watchers in the room. 

"Nice nipples." Muttered Matt "Tell us how they taste Ted. I've always wondered" He encouraged him and leaned forward for a better look. I could feel his breath on my shoulder. 

Ted leaned in and slowly licked the hard tip, then leaned back a little and blew on it. The cold of the drying spit puckered and tightened the skin making my nipple stick out even farther. "I don't know if I like it. I need to taste that again." This time he sucked it hard into his mouth and moaned with pleasure as he lightly chewed on the tip and worked his tongue back and forth.

I had leaned my head back so that it now hung over the back of the couch my eyes closed. I love to have my nipples sucked and pinched and played with and Ted was doing a fine job.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I should stop this, but it was dulled by the wine, and overpowered by the scent of men and the feel of hands on my arms holding me down. It was a variation of my secret fantasy to be forced to allow several men to use me at once. 

Ted released my tit from his mouth and looked over at Matt. "Such nice big hard nipples." He said and pinched it, I jumped and a moan escaped my arched throat. "I think you should taste one, Matt, they are wonderful." He pulled my tank down on the other side exposing my other breast. At this invasion I tried to sit up and protest only to realize that Brian still had a tight grip on my hair and was holding my head back. 

I struggled against the hands that held me in place. "Ok I think this has gone far enough."

"I don't." Brian said and let go of my hair to undo his shorts. "You started this little game, now you're going to play it out." 

With that green light Ted latched onto my right nipple and started chewing and sucking and kneading my tit with his free hand and Matt did the same on the left one. I short circuited, my brain was bombarded by sensations I had only dreamed of. My protests were replaced by soft moans and ragged panting. I still continued to struggle but now only because it added to the excitement, to the thrill of it. 

"Matt, Hold her arm for me." I felt Brian's hand replaced by Matt's and I briefly wondered where Brian was going. It didn't take long to realize that he was undoing the zipper of his shorts. He turned my head toward him with the tight grip he had on my hair and slapped my cheek hard. My eyes popped open and I was staring straight at the head of Brian's rock hard 8 inch cock. 

All the sucking on my tits stopped as both of the men sat up to watch. I felt Ted continue to fondle my breast and toy with the nipple. Matt was squeezing the other one and would occasionally pull on the nipple. 

Brian bumped his cock against my mouth which I kept closed. I wasn't going to give him a blow job while his buddies watched. This was just too much. "No" I said and clamped my mouth shut. 

"No?" Brian said and slapped my cheek again, harder this time. "Suck me." 

"No." I said and tried to pull my head free. 

Brian tightened his grip on my hair and pushed his cock against my closed mouth. Still I refused to open it. At the same time both Ted and Matt pinched hard on my nipples and I gasped at the sudden sharp pain and Brian shoved his cock in my mouth. 

Will shifted to sit on the foot stool so he wasn't blocked by Ted body and had a better view. Ted and Matt went back to sucking and pinching and squeezing my tits. Brian started pumping his cock in and out of my mouth. He was grunting with each thrust. Smarmy had gone around the back of the couch to make sure I was ok and he sat softly chuffing by my ear. He was used to me and Brian having sex. In fact I think he liked to watch because I had seen him licking himself several times while we were hot into it. 

It didn't take Brian long to cum, it never does the first time and especially since it had been almost a week since we had been together last. I couldn't swallow it all, the angle of my neck and the downward tilt of my head prevented it. And some of the first squirt dribbled from my mouth. Brian jerked his cock from my mouth and finished by pumping the rest on my face. This was definitely a night of firsts. He had cum on my tits before but never on my face. 

"Nice Brian, very nice." Seth said. "That was very hot." I realized that Seth had moved to join Will on the foot stool. It must be quiet a show from that angle. Me pulled back and pinned over the back of the sofa, Brian fucking my mouth and Ted lustily sucking and squeezing my right tit while Matt did the same to the left. Three men at once working me over, I was in the middle of my fantasy, I was in heaven and I knew I shouldn't be. 

I coughed and Smarmy came over to see if I was ok. He started to lick my face and I tried to turn away. Brian jerked my head back and said, "Let him clean up for the next man." I squinched my eyes shut and clamped my mouth closed and Smarmy licked all the residue of Brian's cum from my face. Somewhere in there it registered what he had said, "… for the next man." 

Ted rubbed his hand up my thigh and I tried to hold them together so he couldn't reach my soaking pussy and know that this was really turning me on. I was ashamed of my reaction and excited by it none the less. Matt saw what Ted was after and grabbed my other leg. He pulled it open and Ted plunged his hand up under my skirt. The moment his fingers touched the sodden silk of my panties he moaned. "She's soaking wet, Brian. I think she likes this." 

He curled his finger over the crotch of my thong and with a sharp jerk ripped it off and tossed in on the floor. Micky, Will's dane, jumped up to fetch the tossed garment. But stopped short at the scent of my pussy on it. He sniffed it and licked at it and then snatched it up and moved over in front of the TV to chew and suck on it. Will laughed, "he loves the taste of pussy, takes after his master. I can't tell you how many replacement pairs of panties I've had to buy my girlfriends." 

Brian suddenly let go of my hair and my head dropped back. "Who wants to replace me?" The momentum of the situation had reached its height and would stay there for some time to come. The blood of all the males in the room was at boiling and so was mine. 

"I'd love to." said Will and stood up. "But let's move her to a better location where we can all see and get at her easier." 

"Good idea," said Ted my tit popping from his mouth. He took a firm grip on my arm as did Matt on the other side and together they lifted me from the sofa and positioned me on the foot stool. My ass was at one edge and my head hung off the other. I was struggling to get away now. It had been fun for awhile and I figured it would settle back and I would just go away to another room and read or watch a movie while the men finished the game. But the game on TV had lost its interest because they had all found a new one… me. Matt and Ted pulled my tank off both trying to keep my arms held in place. 

"Here use these," Brian said and tossed each one a leash. They looped the ends through the handles and slipped it over my wrist. Then Brian ran one end under the leg of the sofa and clipped it in place. The other leash he tied around the other leg of the big chair Seth had been sitting in. My arms were now stretch wide apart and the harder I pulled the tighter the leashes got on my wrists. 

I was kicking at them now and shouting for them to let me go, to stop this. Will caught one ankle and pulled my leg straight. Ted caught the other and pulled my legs apart. I was now spread eagle for them to ogle; I was helpless to cover myself. Brian retrieved my panties from Micky and shoved them in my mouth. The slimmy feel of dog spit mingled with the taste of my own pussy almost made me gag. But I controlled it, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. "That should keep her quiet until we can shove a cock in it." 

I was firmly tied in place; arms and legs spread wide open, available for any use the 5 men could concoct. Ted was the first to resume his activities. He sucked in a mouth full of tit and went back to nibbling on my nipple. His hand tugging up my skirt and then his fingers exploring my wet spread hole. He fingered my clit first, the hard flicks of his fingers causing my thighs to jerk with the short instant bursts of pleasure. Then he spread my lips open. The cool air on my wet cunt made me shiver

"Wow that is a great pussy," Said Will. "I can't wait to stick my tongue up it." 

Matt dropped my left tit. "I need to cum and soon." He moved around to my head. "Will taste these tits. You won't believe how her nipple feels against your tongue." 

Will moved to take Matt's place and he sucked harder on my nipple than Matt had, to the point of pain. I squirmed and tried to pull away from him. Making noises and pleading for him to go easy into the underwear stuffed in my mouth. Ted rammed two fingers up my hole hard and without warning. "Be still." he said. I stiffened and screamed into the gag. "Or we'll," he rammed his fingers in again, "have to," ram, "get the," ram "shock collar." Ram ram ram. If he had kept that up I would have achieved my first orgasm of the night but he stopped just short of pushing me over the edge. 

Matt pulled the gag from my mouth and tossed it on the couch so Micky wouldn't eat them completely. Dogs will swallow all sorts of things if you let them. I had found my leather watch band in a pile of Smarmy's do once. I clamped my mouth shut when Matt tried to force his cock between my lips. Matt grabbed a hand full of hair and twisted my head toward his cock. Ted jammed two fingers back up my pussy and bit down on my nipple I opened my mouth to scream and as Brian had done, Matt thrust his cock in my mouth and started to stroke it. 

Seth had returned to his chair and was watching the men play with me. Mostly he was watching Matt's fat cock sliding in and out of my mouth. 

Ted moved between my spread legs and licked my pussy. I couldn't see him and thought it was one of the dogs. I spit out Matt's cock and started struggling in earnest and screaming "No dogs, Not the dogs." 

They all burst into laughter "Guess you are a dog, Ted." Commented Seth between hoots of laughter.

Ted licked my Pussy starting from my ass hole and finishing hard against my clit. "Guess that makes Annie here a bitch." They all laughed

Brian walked over to the tit Ted had left and smacked it hard enough to leave a hand print and pinched the nipple. "Quiet down or I will let them get the shocker collar." I stopped struggling and I could see by the hard look on Brian's face he meant it. This was a new side to him. And I wondered if it had always been there or if I had done something to make him mad at me. He took a big mouthful of scotch complete with an ice cube. He swallowed the scotch and grabbed my tit in both his hands squeezed it up and sucked my already tortured nipple into his cold cold mouth. I gasped for air at the sudden cold. 

Matt got a better grip on my hair and stuffed his cock back in my opened mouth.

Ted was doing a masterful job eating my pussy. I found myself holding my hips up trying to get more of his tongue in me. Once again he had me on the edge of cumming. I'm sure he knew it by the tightening of the muscles in my pussy. He stopped and sat back on his heels. "Brian your bitch is about to cum, you wanna finish her off? Since she's your woman, I'll give you the honors of her first orgasm for the night."

Matt's cock began to swell and I knew he was about to cum. He grunted loud and rammed his cock hard against the back of my throat. All the attention of the others were focused on Matt fucking my mouth. They were cheering him, doing the grunt chant "cum, cum, cum, cum." As the first spurt splashed against the back of my throat and I gagged and turned my head pulling his cock out of my mouth. He finished by jacking the rest of his orgasm onto my face just as Brian had. He then called his dog Mini over and had her lick my face clean. He relaxed back on the floor his hands above his head breathing heavy. 

Brian stood up and took off his pants and pulled his shirt off. He was the first one to be undressed, naked, even I still had my skirt on. It was bunched up around my waist but I still had it on. I raised up as far as I could and watched him step over my legs and kneel between them. The others moved away to watch him fuck me to orgasm. I was pretty close, it wouldn't take much. A few strokes and I'd be screaming down the orgasm trail. I was panting hard, my heart beating loudly in my ears. I wanted to cum, I needed to cum, and quite frankly I didn't care at that point if it was Brian or not. Matt raised up on one elbow to watch. 

Brian placed a hand on each side of my waist and bent down taking one of my sensitive used nipples in his mouth. He sucked it gently, tickling the tip the way he always starts with me. I moaned and arched my back up to him. He took the other and did the same. I could feel the hard hot head of his cock prodding against my wet quaking clit. He worked his way down my body, biting and sucking and nibbling. I raised up and watched as he adjusted himself between my legs aligning his cock with my hole. 

He spread the lips with one hand holding them open and inserted two fingers in me. I almost came then. He took the slick juice and spread it on the purple head of his staff and rubbed it up and down my slit. He knows this drives me crazy. I was moaning and thrusting my hips up and down begging him to give me his cock. 

"This what you want, baby?" He said softly rubbing the head against my slit. "Tell me what you want me to do. Tell my friends what you want me to do." He poked it forward just putting the edge in and then pulling it out. "Tell Ted what you want me to do. Tell him or I'll stop and leave you this way. "

"Brian don't do that, finish me. Please I need to cum. Give me your cock." I wiggled trying to get closer. He slapped my ass hard, at the crack of it the watchers jumped.

"I said for you to tell Ted what you want me to do to you." He swatted me again. "Look at him and tell him to tell me to fuck you until you cum."

He knew I had blocked out the presence of the others by focusing on him. He wanted me to feel helpless, to feel ashamed, humiliated. He knew I liked that, because I liked it when he called me bitch and slut while we made love. He knew I liked it when he held me down and did what ever he pleased with me. I just never imagined he would ever do it with others in the room. "Tell him!" he grabbed my chin and turned my head toward the watching men and slapped my ass again. He prodded my hole with his cock and I shuddered. 

"Ted," I whispered, "please tell Brian to….." I mumbled the rest and swallowed against a dry throat. Brian reached up and pinched and twisted both my nipples at the same time. I screamed. "So you can make louder noise." He twisted them again. And I howled in pain. "Tell Ted loud enough for every one to hear how desperate you are for me to fuck you to orgasm. Beg him to tell me to fuck you."

I looked at Ted took a deep trembling breath and said in loud clear voice "Ted I really need Brian to fuck me 'til I cum. I need to feel his cock in me. Ted please tell Brian to fuck me." Ted remained silent just watching me. "Ted, please tell Brian to fuck me! Please!" 

Ted just smiled and remained silent. Brian was still playing with my nipples sucking and tweaking them. His cock brushing against my pussy keeping me at the height of arousal. "Ted please tell Brian to fuck me!" I shouted. "I need Brian to make me cum. Tell him Ted, Please tell him!"

Ted leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees and held my gaze. "I'll tell him on one condition."

"What's that Ted?" I panted. "I'll do what ever you want just tell Brian to fuck me." 

"You all heard the bitch." Ted said and looked at each man as they all nodded their answer. Then he turned his attention back to Brian and me. "Brian….." He hesitated watching Brian line up his cock with my hole. It felt hot and hard and I wanted it plunged into me hard. I squirmed against it. "FFFFFFuck Annie!" Ted Shouted. And Brian rammed his steel rod up my pussy to the bottom so hard it scooted the footstool and me forward. I felt the leashes tighten around my ankles. "Fuck her!" He shouted again. "Fuck her hard 'til she cums!" 

Brian withdrew and rammed in again and again. I moaned at the sweet pleasure of having him fill me, of having him hit my cervix hard. I could hear his ragged breath I knew he was more excited than he had been in a long time. He grabbed my shoulders to keep us from scooting any further and continued to pound into me, each stroke a hammer driving me closer to the edge. They were all chanting now. "Fuck her, Fuck her, Fuck her," louder and faster with each chant driving the frenzy of Brian's thrusts and me to the peak. I felt my body stiffen, felt the contractions of the orgasm coil, heard myself moaning.

I had joined the chant only mine was "I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming." And with one last powerful thrust Brian's cock pushed me over the edge. Spasms ripped through me and my entire body jerked with the force of my orgasm. I felt the first hot jets of Brian's cum spray the bottom of my cunt. I jerked again and again as the ripples of orgasm churned. Finally it subsided and we lay spent and panting before the watchers. 

"That was awesome brother." Seth said "reminds me of the old days." 

Brian pulled out and I could feel the cum oozing out and down over my ass. 

Brian had poured him self another drink and was back in his recliner watching the live porn show in his own living room. He made no attempt to stop it. I watched as he toyed with his spent cock and I knew he would be up for round three in a while. 

Ted stood up, pulled his t-shirt off and took off his shorts. I got my first look at Ted's cock. 

Ted is 6'4" with a broad chest and well formed body. His cock matched the rest of him. About 10 inches long and a little bigger around than a flashlight, the kind the police carry. I was fascinated at the red hair that covered his chest and fringed his staggeringly large cock. It was shiny in the light and seemed to almost be a flame. He was bigger than Brian, bigger than any man I had ever had before and I wondered if he would even fit. 

I looked over at Seth to see if he would intercede, but he was fixated on Ted's cock and rubbing his crotch. I could look up the pant leg of his shorts and could see his smooth balls and the head of his hard cock. And something he had said earlier flitted through my mind. "…reminds me of the old days." I'd have to get that story from Brian soon. 

Ted knelt between my legs. My pussy was still slick from Brians Cum but that didn't seem to bother Ted as he attacked my pussy with his mouth. He forced his tongue as far as it would go up my spread hole. He grasped my lips in his teeth and tugged them and pulled on them. Then he did the same to my clit. His teeth gripping it tightly as he shook his head from side to side flicking his tongue over the exposed tip. Intense pleasure hop-scotched with sharp stabbing pains each time he bit down on my clit to keep it in his mouth. I jerked against the leashes tightening them on my writs and ankles. I felt his saliva drooling over my pussy. 

"Ted stop! Owww Ted." Finally I got angry and shouted "Damn it Ted, I said stop." 

He leaned back on his heels. "Sorry I didn't mean to get so carried away." 

I raised up my head as far as I could and looked at him over the mound of my pussy. "It isn't that. The leashes are cutting into my ankles." 

He raised his eyebrows in question and looked behind him at my feet, then surveyed the room. Grasping the feet of the stool I was tied over he pulled it to him easing the tension on the leashes that bound my feet apart. He stood and picked up his and Brian's t-shirts. When I felt him loosening the leash on one ankle I tried to sit up. He jerked my leg back straight and I flopped back on the footstool. "You didn't think this was over did you?" He grinned and leered back at me over my gaping pussy. "Because the fun is just beginning." 

I looked around for Brian and saw he was refilling several glasses with scotch at the bar. He walked over to Ted and handed him one, passed one to Will and took a big swallow of one himself before he sat it on the end table. He knelt beside me on the floor and began massaging my breasts and pulling my nipples. He leaned over and sucked one into his mouth his tongue playing with the tip. "God, I love to suck on these," He said taking as much as he could in his mouth and sucking hard on it. I moaned and pushed my tit up to him.

When he released it and looked up at me I asked him, "Brian can I have a drink of your scotch?" He immediately retrieved it from the end table and held my head so I could drink. The liquor tasted good, and I knew it would help with the rest of the night the men had planned. I also knew that even if I had wanted this to stop it wouldn't, not now, it was to far into the game; we had passed the point of no return. I relaxed back against the footstool, let the liquor warm me, numb me, open me and I slipped into my favorite fantasy. This was going to happen and since I had no control over it anymore I was going to enjoy it. Live out my secret desire and so far it was going great. I just needed a little uninhibitor libation. 

In the mean time Ted had eased the leashes on both ankles and wrapped the t-shirts around them and retightened the straps over the t-shirts. It was much better, not painful any more. But I suspected there would be marks that would take some time to heal. He did the same thing with my wrists only he used his and Brian's underwear. 

Ted got back between my legs and settled himself comfortably on the floor. His hands rested on my knees a moment. "How's that Annie, better?" 

It occurred to me the irony of the moment, a rapist asking after his victim's welfare. I smiled and tried not to laugh, "It's much better thank you Ted." A kinky cartoon played in my head. A rapist laying on top of a woman, her hands tied above her head, her clothing is ripped and torn, one shoe off. The surrounding furniture is tipped over and broken. He is looking down at her and the caption reads "Always the courteous rapist Ted asked, "Was it good for you too, bitch?" That would be one Far Side cartoon that would never see print.

"Good." He slid his hands up my thighs and firmly rubbed the spot on both sides of my cunt running his thumbs up and down the outer sides of my labia. That felt good, relaxing, surprisingly so. His thumbs moved over the lips just rubbing the inner edge of my slit. I felt him pull my cunt open with the press of his fingers on either side he also exposed my clit pulling back the hood; the tender, very sensitive tip throbbed waiting for contact with his hungry tongue. Ted glanced back over his shoulder at Seth. "Seth, come on jump in here. I know she's your sister-in-law, but hey, nobody here will mind." He turned his attention to Brian who was still working over one of my breasts. 

Brian looked up at Ted then at Seth "Seth usually prefers to watch. He'll join in later, won't you Seth?" 

"That's right brother. I like to watch, I like sloppy seconds. I like the taste of used pussy." Seth's voice was husky, deeper than usual. I looked up at him, his face was flushed, his eyes hot. But not looking at me they were wandering from Ted's ass to Brian's cock as he knelt beside me, to the bulging crotches of the other two. Seth reached down and undid his shorts shoved his hand down them and grabbed a hold of his cock. 

"Suite yourself," Ted said. The air on my pussy had chilled it and when Ted leaned forward and jammed his warm wet tongue into my spread hole I came immediately. He sucked and slurped, moaned and swallowed my cum, thrusting his tongue in me scooping it out with his tongue. I was quivering and jerking with the spasms and moaning and saying I don't know what. It was intense and amplified by Brian tormenting my nipples. Ted kept licking and sucking until the waves subsided and I relaxed back on the footstool. 

With a hand on each of my thighs he raised himself up onto his knees. I watched him spit on his cock and rub it over the head. I felt my muscles tighten in anticipation of his huge rod forcing its way into my pussy. I just knew it was going to hurt, to stretch me wider that I had ever been before. 

Will stood up and pulled his t-shirt off, toed off his tennis shoes and stepped out of his shorts. All he had left on were his socks which he left on. 

Brian having cum twice in the last hour moved away to sit on the sofa sip his scotch and watch. As he sat down he reached for the TV clicker and switched it from the game to music. That was another first. Five men the middle of a football game and none of them protested or even notice that it was turned off. I felt honored. 

Will stepped over my stretched and bound arms and squatted on the floor above my head. Reaching over me he fondled both my breast, his stomach brushing my nose. He pushed against the footstool scooting it under me so it raised my ass and my head now rested off the edge of it. I was looking at his balls, and his hard cock. It was an average size with a big mushroom head. I wondered how that would feel rubbing on the inside of my vagina. I could see a drop of pre cum forming on the tip. I stuck my tongue out and licked the drop of cock honey off. Will moaned and rubbed his dick against my mouth. 

I felt Ted rub the head of his cock against my pussy. And push against it. I whimpered even though none of it had entered me yet. Will leaned forward more to get a better, closer look at Ted's big cock when it would enter me for the first time. Ted lined himself up with my opening and got a firm grip on my hips. He bounced against my pussy a couple of times wetting the lips and spreading them open. Then with all his size and force rammed his cock in all the way to his balls.

I screamed and screamed and thrashed against the tethers, my head banging against Wills cock and balls. That seemed to excite him because several drops of pre-cum dripped onto my face. It felt like every thing ripped and stretched apart like a seam stretched over too fat a body would pop apart. It was a white hot burn and it took my breath away. Existence was the tearing penetration of my over filled hole. I couldn't feel anything else, see anything else, think of anything else; it was the sole complete focal point of my entire existence at that moment. My breath was coming in rapid whining pants.

My scream had brought all the dogs to attention especially Smarmy who was trying his level best to get to me. Brian grabbed him by the collar and pulled him out of the foray petting him and telling him it was ok. Jimbo, Ted's dog, was sniffing at the edge of my pussy where Ted's cock was lodged. Ted was stalk still. I could feel his baseball bat of a cock throbbing against the tight walls of my pussy, the head driven hard against my cervix where it rubbed with each throb. 

Gradually the startling burning pain of the invasion began to subside and I felt my body begin to lose some of the tension. 

"Oh my God," Will exclaimed "That was soooooo hoooot." He settled back some, the tip of his cock brushing my lips and wetting the end of my nose. "That was amazing to watch so close." He shifted some so his balls were over my mouth. "Suck my balls. I need you to suck my balls." He demanded and lowered them against my mouth grinding them on my face. 

I couldn't breathe just yet; I was still trying to get control from the invasion of Ted's big cock. Will grabbed one of my nipples and twisted it hard and stretched it out. I yelped and he dropped his balls in my mouth. "I said suck my balls." And he slapped my tit, it stung but I started to suck on him to keep him from doing it again. He moaned and reached between us to stroke his cock

Ted loosened his grip on my hips and pulled out a little. Fire followed it like striking a match. Ted leaned back and thumbed my clit that felt pretty good, and helped to lessen, or I should say mask, the pain. The stimulation to my clit was beginning to excite me. The extra lube from that helped slide Teds cock in and out as he started to stroke. They weren't full length strokes but short easy ones. I could hear his steady breathing, long full deep breaths like those of a runner pacing himself. 

Will was stroking his meat, his fist thumping into my chin. Suddenly his straightened up and grunted loud. Pulled his balls from my mouth and thrust his cock all the way to the back of my throat. I gagged and coughed when the first jet splashed against the back of my throat. I tried to swallow it so I wouldn't drown. But he jerked it back out again and finished cumming on my tits, some spraying as far down as just above Teds imbedded Cock.

He was rewarded with applause from the watchers and several comments of "nice one." 

Seth stood up and stepped into my view as he pulled off his t-shirt exposing his finely form chest covered in a thick thatch of dark curly soft hair. His nipples visible through the fir were erect and a little larger than most men's. He looked at Brian and raised his eyebrows in question. 

I turned to look at Brian who glanced at me and said "Go ahead Brother, it's your turn. You always share everything I have."

"Thanks Bri." He said and came to kneel by my left breast. He plucked the nipple, pinched it hard and started rubbing it on the head of his cock. His attention wasn't focused on me or my tit or his cock it was singularly focused on Ted's rhythmic, steady, solid thrusting into my pussy. His mouth opened as his watch Ted drop a little more spit onto his thrusting cock. Somehow I know he wanted to be there licking my clit and Ted's cock. 

Ted noticed Seth's reaction to the vision close up. "You'd like to taste this wouldn't you?" He said just loud enough for Seth and me to hear. Seth's nod was barely noticeable. "You Gonna clean up after me? You want to taste my cum as it drips out of her cunt?" Again Seth nodded, his eyes locked onto Ted's huge shaft. "Ok, then."

"Ok." Seth whispered and scrubbed his cock harder on my nipple. 

"You'll like this next part," Ted Said, "but you'll have to move some to get a good view." 

Seth dropped my tit and settled back out of the way to see what Ted was talking about. Slipping his hands under my arms Ted gripped my shoulders and leaned over me in a type of missionary position. He shifted up on his toes, legs bent and spread to allow him to continue fucking me. His first thrust slammed his huge cock hard against my cervix. It felt like a fist in the stomach and I grunted and begged for him to stop. He looked down at me and smiled "Not on your life, you're one of the tightest softest pussies I've had in a long time." He held my gaze with his intense blue eyes. They darkened and took on a sleepy look. With the next thrust he lowered his head and muffled my scream with his mouth; his tongue making lazy patterns on mine. I felt his balls slap against my ass at his complete penetration. 

Seth moved so he could watch Ted's cock ramming in and out, his balls bouncing off my ass. I heard him moan softly and start to stroke himself. The others must have shifted to that end of the room as well. I saw Matt from the corner of my eye as he moved. God I wish I could've seen that. I got hotter just thinking about watching myself being fucked by such a big cock. Watching Ted's finely chiseled ass as it arched up and flexed forward. I wanted to rest my hands on the curve of his butt so I could feel the rocking motion on the outside at the same time I felt the thrusts of his cock on the inside. But I was tied in place, restrained, forced to be used and that sent the fireworks to exploding in my head. 

Ted shifted again resting his knees on the edge of the footstool his strokes were longer and slower now using almost the full length of his cock. Ted deepened our kiss and increased his thrusting speed. He moaned as I started to return his kisses. He was a great kisser, slow and demanding and hungry. I liked the feel of his tongue as I sucked on it. The friction of his chest against my nipples and breasts was exciting and I was getting used to the size of him. 

I tilted my hips just a little and his cock found a spot in the bottom of my pussy that had never gotten attention before. It sent thrills racing along my body, took over my mind, opened the door to a new world. One filled with sensations of brief contact with that one spot. My pussy contracted trying to keep his rod buried and rubbing against it. I felt the muscles grip and release, grip and release; felt the tightening of orgasm building to breaking point as his thrusts came faster and faster. 

Seth was raptly Ted's balls and cock and my ass. Watching the huge cock stretch my hole. 

I released Ted's mouth for more air. I couldn't breath hard enough or fast enough. The climax was almost overwhelming. Ted was groaning in unison with me, my moans growing louder as the peak neared. I started to shake and the tension burst open in wave after wave of profound and utter bliss. I had never cum that hard in my life and I wondered at the time if I would survive it. Just as the last of my orgasm began to recede I felt Ted stiffen, felt his muscles tense and with a loud grunt he thrust in, spewing his hot sperm over the tender inside of my pussy. Awakening another orgasm in me, it was smaller, weaker than the last one, and a surprise. His hips jerked several times with each pulse of his orgasm wetting me with more semen; filling my pussy to overflowing. He jerked one last time and then was still, his pulsing cock buried to his balls in my shuddering cunt. 

I felt Ted shiver. "Feels nice doesn't it?" He whispered against my ear. "mmmmhummmm." I answered and lightly kissed his cheek. I was wondering what it would be like to actually make love to him in a normal setting. I was secretly hoping I would get to again sometime. 

Ted raised up and relaxed back down onto his knees pushing Jimbo out of the way. "You ready Seth?" He said over his shoulder. 

"Yea I am." Seth answered from nearby. Ted slowly eased back pulling his still long but soft cock slowly out of me. God that was a good feeling but one that left me vacant, and wanting to be filled up again. He stretched out on the floor. 

Seth knelt between my spread legs and leaned in and started to lick up the cum that ran out of my gapping hole. I felt his tongue at the edges licking all around my hole. His hungry noises as he cleaned up Ted's cum that was mingled with mine. He put his mouth over my entire pussy and sucked it. That was an incredible sensation. The feeling of pulling suction, drawing the contents out must be something like a straw would feel when you suck soda through it. His tongue probed the inside of my pussy, his lips rubbing and teasing my clit until it was hard again. I could feel the fringes of excitement returning as Seth's tongue bathed my battered cunt, massaging it with firm but gentle lapping. 

"I want to see what you're doing, she really seems to be enjoying that form the sound of her." Matt said and I opened my eyes to see him leaning over me. His cock and balls dangling by my face. I hadn't even realized I was moaning. I was also rocking my hips in motion with Seth's stroking tongue. 

"My brother has a magic tongue with the ladies." Brian commented. "And he loves the taste of cum fresh from a woman's pussy." The ice in his glass rattled as he took a swallow. "Although he's never cared much for putting any there." Brian's speech was a little soft around the edges from the scotch he'd consumed. 

Matt bumped his hard cock against my mouth and this time I opened it willingly sucking him into my mouth tonguing his cock. I liked to feel the pulsing vein that ran along the bottom side and the little jerks I'm rewarded with when I get the special spot. Matt was squeezing and kneading my breasts and slowly pumping his cock in and out of my mouth, his balls tickling my nose. 

I heard gasps form all the men in the room and felt Seth sag down a little. A sharp grunt came from Seth and he released his sucking grip on my pussy. He eased down onto one elbow and was jacking himself. Seth's groaning was gaining momentum.

Matt was really pounding my mouth and I was having a hard time breathing. I was just about to try and turn my head to get him out of my mouth when he started to cum. His grip tightened on my tits and it hurt and I knew I'd have bruises by morning. There would be finger marks around my tits for days. I squirmed and bucked trying to get him to let loose. Finally he jerked his cock from my mouth, I gasped for air. And he jacked his orgasm all over my tits and stomach and face. 

Seth leaned back and straighted his back his head snapped forward his eyes open wide as he watched his own cum spurt from the end of his ridged cock. He pumped it with a frenzy that sent the spray over my pussy and up my belly onto my tits where it mixed with Matt's. 

Matt was sitting on the sofa next to Brian his head resting on the back. 

Brian was watching intently he saw the hardness of my nipples, the goose bumps on my arms and stomach, the swollen clit and the slight humping movements of my hips. Will had rolled over on the floor and was propped on one elbow to watch as well. 

The dogs had started crowding around sniffing. I started struggling trying to get the dogs to go away. "Brian let me up. I've had enough and I want a shower."

Brian took a drink and waited deciding. "What do you say guys should we let her up, or let our dogs take their turn?" 

"Brian this isn't funny. Let me up! Now!" Finally my demands brought Brian to my rescue and he leaned over and undid the lease tied around the leg of his chair. Ted undid another one and Seth undid the ones around my ankles. 

I could barely move, I had been tied over the foot stool for so long. Gradually I sat up and Matt helped me to my feet. 

As I walked past Brian on my way to the shower he stopped me with a hand on my leg. I stopped and looked down at him and slowly leaned over and kissed him. His hand caressed my breast and his fingers toyed with my nipple. "That was awsome, Babe." He said. "You're a fine bitch