The world snapped back into focus, the shadows fading as the cold stone of the Forbidden Archives solidified beneath my feet. Gasping hard for air, my body trembling, and my spirit was exhausted. Yue Ling's arms were around me, her warmth giving me comfort.
I looked down at the pendant on my chest, its light dim, but steady. The shadows within it were quieter, calmer. They no longer resisted me…rather they obeyed.
I had faced the God of Shadows… and I had won. For now.
"We need to get out of here," Yue Ling urged, her voice strained by fear. Her sword flames flickered, dimming as her Qi wavered. She had risked everything to save me.
I nodded, my strength slowly returning. "Yeah… before the guardians realize we're here."
We moved quickly, weaving through the tons of shelves and scrolls. The darkness seemed less hostile now, the shadows parting before us. It was as if the Archives themselves acknowledged my power… my right to be here.
We reached the exit, the seal shimmering with celestial light. I placed my hand on it, the shadows slowly swirls around my fingers, merging with the light. At once, the barrier broke down, the ancient runes came crumbling down as well.
Yue Ling's eyes widened. "You… broke the Celestial Seal?"
I looked at my hand, the shadows retreating slowly. "No… I commanded it."
She stared at me, her expression a mixture of fear, and awe. I didn't blame her. Even I didn't fully understand what I had become. But I couldn't worry about that now. We had to leave.
We stepped through the gateway, the Archives vanishing behind us as the familiar courtyards of the Celestial Lotus Sect reappeared. The moon hung low in the sky, painting the world in hues silver and darkness.
Yue Ling sighed in relief. "We made it… but we can't let anyone know where we were. If the elders find out—"
"They won't," I interrupted, my eyes hardening. "No one must know… especially not the Grand Elder."
She nodded, her face serious. "Agreed. He's too powerful… and too suspicious. If he learns you were in the Forbidden Archives…"
I shivered slightly, remembering the Grand Elder's piercing gaze, his aura is suffocating, and ancient. There was something wrong about him… something twisted. And he knew more than he let on.
"We need to be careful," I said, my voice low. "There are too many secrets in this sect… too many eyes watching us."
Yue Ling's eyes narrowed. "Then we'll just have to play along… and get stronger." She looked at me, her resolve fierce. "What's our next move?"
I looked up at the towering peaks of the Celestial Lotus Sect, the clouds swirling around the golden pagodas. "We advance. The Second Trial begins tomorrow… and I won't lose. Not now… not ever."
The next morning, the sect was alive with anticipation. Disciples gathered in the main arena, their eyes bright with excitement, and fear. The Second Trial was notorious, a test that had broken many hopeful cultivators, down.
I stood among them, my body tense, and my mind racing. The power of the shadows still flowed through me, but I kept it hidden, buried beneath my inner Qi. I couldn't reveal my new abilities… not yet.
The elders appeared on the golden balcony, their robes shimmering with the sect's celestial light. At the center stood the Grand Elder, his face stern, and his eyes cold. His gaze swept over us, lingering on me for a moment before moving on.
"Disciples of the Celestial Lotus Sect," his voice boomed loudly, echoing through the arena.
"You have passed the First Trial, proving your potential. But potential alone is meaningless without strength… without will. Today, you will face the Trial of Illusions."
Murmurs spread through the crowd, fear flickering in the disciples' eyes. I clenched my fists tightly, but my heart was pounding fast. The Trial of Illusions… a test of the mind, where reality, and fantasy blurred, where fears and desires became weapons.
The Grand Elder's smile was cold. "You will enter the Mirror World, a realm forged from your own spirits. There, you will face your deepest fears… your darkest desires. If you cannot break free… you will be lost forever."
His eyes gleamed. "Only those who conquer themselves are worthy of immortality."
The elders raised their hands, and a golden light appear around them. The sky opens, and a massive portal opening above the arena, its surface a mirror reflecting our faces. I saw my own eyes staring back at me… and the shadows lurking within.
"Enter the Mirror World," the Grand Elder commanded. "And face your truth."
I took a deep breath, my heart steady. I had faced the God of Shadows… I had survived the Forbidden Archives. I could do this. I had to do this.
I stepped forward, the portal's surface rippling as I entered. Cold enveloped me, as my body sinking into the mirror's depths. The world seems to turn upside down, with reality breaking apart, and my spirit trying to tear free.
I fell through light, and darkness, but it's more like through time, and space. I heard voices whispering, laughter echoed, and blurred faces. I was nowhere… but everywhere. All of a sudden, the world snapped into focus.
On regaining myself, I found myself I standing in a field of silver flowers, their petals glowing under a crescent moon. The air was cold, and the sky vast, but empty. In the distance stood a figure, their back turned, but they wore robes as white as snow. My heart stopped. I knew that figure… that silhouette.
"My Mother…?" I whispered, my voice trembling. It was my foster mother.
Slowly the figure turned to look at me, her face beautiful, gentle, but her eyes filled with sorrow. "Li Tian… my little one… you've grown so much."
I stumbled forward, tears burning my eyes. "Mother! How… how are you here? You… you died!"
She smiled, her face soft. "Did I? Or did you leave me behind… forgotten?" Her form was wavering, her body fading. "You abandoned me… just as he did."
I stopped, my chest tightening hard. "What… what are you saying? I never… I never abandoned you!"
Suddenly, her eyes darkened, her face twisting into an expression I can make it meaning. "Liar. You ran away. You hid from the truth… from our curse." Shadows began to wrap around her, with her form warping, and growing monstrous. "You let me die… you let me suffer… because you were weak!"
I fell to my knees, her words cutting through me. Soon, shadows rose around me too, but whispering guilt, and fear.
This was my fear… my sin.
The Mirror World had begun… and I was losing.
My mother's face twisted into a form, her eyes hollow, and her mouth stretching into a cruel smile. Shadows keeps pouring from her body, wrapping around me, cold, and suffocating. Her voice become a taunting echo.
"You ran away… you hid from the truth. You were too weak to save me… too weak to face your destiny."
I fell to my knees, the weight of her words crushing me. I tried to move, to fight back, but my body wouldn't listen. I was trapped, helpless, just like that day… the day she died.
"No… I didn't… I couldn't…" My voice broke, while my vision blurring with tears. "I was just a child… I didn't understand…"
She stepped closer, her face inches from mine, her eyes empty. "That's no excuse. You left me… just like he did."
Her words pierced me, the memory flooding back. The blood, the screams, the shadows that took her. And the figure who watched… who did nothing.
The man with a golden eyes.
I looked up, my chest swaying heavily. "You don't mean… Father?"
Her face twisted again, more shadows writhing around her. "He abandoned us. Left us to die. You are his blood… his curse." Her form wavered, splitting, and multiplying into shapes. A dozen faces surrounded me, all accusing, and all crying. "You are his heir… you carry his sins."
"No! I'm not like him!" I screamed, clutching my head, the shadows pressing closer, and colder. "I would never… I didn't…"
The shadows started laughing, their whispers deafening to the ears. "You are his son. You cannot escape his fate… his destiny."
I closed my eyes, letting the darkness overwhelm me. I could feel it pulling me down, deeper into despair, into guilt. I wanted to run, to hide, to escape.
But there was no escape. Not from this. Not from myself.
I opened my eyes, my tears freezing on my cheeks. "You're right… I am his son. I carry his blood… his curse. But that doesn't mean I have to become him."
The shadows flinched at my words, their whispers faltering. My mother's face flickered, her eyes widening. "What…?"
I stood, my body trembling, and my spirit burning with rage. "I can't change the past. I couldn't save you… I couldn't stop him. But I can change my future."
The pendant on my neck suddenly glowed, its light piercing the darkness. The shadows hissed, retreating, their forms twisting.