Real identity of Thomas and The Raw Midnapore.

"Thomas - Oh, so it was a dream. I was imagining all sorts of things. Anyway, it's getting late, I have to reach the nursing home early today, or they'll kill me."

Hastily, he grabbed his phone and started calling his sister. His sister answered the phone and began scolding him.

Ritika (calling) - "It's 9:30 AM already, how long are you going to sleep? Come quickly, Mom hasn't arrived yet."

Thomas - "What are you saying! Aunt hasn't arrived yet? I'm coming right away."

Thomas somehow got out of bed, brushed his teeth, put on his pants and shirt, and rushed out with his bike.

Thomas - "I have to get there early today no matter what. Otherwise, I'm sure they'll kill me today."

As soon as he reached the nursing home, the guard said,

Nipen (security) - "Sir, you're not going to survive today, Madam has already arrived."

Thomas - "What are you saying, Nipen da? Whatever happens today, I'm going inside."

Thomas cautiously stepped into the nursing home. It was quite a grand place, the waiting room shone with polished marble floors and was decorated with expensive artwork. But there was a suppressed tension in the atmosphere. The nurses were bustling about, their faces marked with anxiety, and even the patients seemed unusually quiet. He knew "Madam" had arrived. He hoped that Madam was in a good mood. And he was thinking to himself that he would scold Ritika today. She said Mom hadn't arrived. Today, he would put an end to her drama.

He walked down the long corridor, the sound of his shoes on the tiles the only sound. He stopped outside a door marked "Consultation Room 1", took a deep breath, and opened the door.

Mallika, his aunt, was sitting behind a large mahogany desk, her usually warm face looking stern. She was a robust woman, her physical presence commanding respect, but there was a hint of amusement in her eyes…and something else, which Thomas couldn't quite understand.

"You're late, Deep (Thomas's real name)," she said, her voice laced with annoyance.

"I know, Aunt," he replied, "I had a…dream."

Mallika raised an eyebrow. "A dream that made you sleep until 9:30 AM, right?"

Thomas smiled a little. "Something like that."

Mallika sighed, her stern expression softening a bit. "Honestly, Deep, sometimes I don't know what to do with you. You want to be a doctor, you can't sleep all day." She picked up a framed photo from her desk. It was a picture of Thomas and Ritika, from their childhood, laughing together. For a moment, a flash of affection crossed her face, which quickly turned into something more complex.

"I know, I know," Thomas said, "it won't happen again. I promise."

Mallika smiled. "You always say that. Now, come here. I have something to talk to you about."

Thomas walked towards her, a sense of unease filling his chest. He knew it wasn't just about his being late.

"There's been…some trouble," Mallika began, her voice turning serious. "The South Cobra 24 gang is making moves. They're becoming bolder, more aggressive. Their leader, Thomas…he's a problem."

Thomas's heart raced. Did Aunt know everything? Thomas stammered a little.

Thomas - "But Aunt, they also help poor people, right? These leaders and ministers would become even more violent if it weren't for the Cobra gang. Oh, forget about all that, where's Ritika?"

Mallika - "Look, she's probably eating in the canteen, what else can she do, she has no other work than eating. But son, be careful. I don't trust that Cobra gang at all. Who knows what they'll do next."

Thomas - "I'm going, Aunt, I'll get something to eat from the canteen."

Mallika - "Tell your sister not to eat too much fast food in the canteen, she'll get sick. She's crazy."

Going to the canteen, he saw Ritika sitting alone in a corner, eating fast food. Thomas went up to her and gently pulled her ponytail.

Ritika - "Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch; who is it? Oh, it's you, brother. Why did you pull my ponytail?"

Thomas moved away from behind and sat on the chair in front of her and said,

Thomas - "You told me that Aunt hadn't come yet. She came a long time ago. And I almost got scolded, you know."

Ritika - "That's what happens when you sleep till nine o'clock. It's good that I woke you up early. Otherwise, God knows what would have happened if you were late."

Thomas - "Okay, okay, you don't have to do so much good. Harida, grill two buttered sandwiches for me."

Harida - "Coming, Deep dada, wait a minute, I'll get it right away."

Ritika looked around a little startled and turned to Thomas and said,

Ritika - "Hey brother, let's come to the Asim matter now. Why did you bring him by drowning in fear? What will you do with him? Will you torture him or get the truth out? If so, then I'll go."

Thomas - "No, no, I don't have any plans to do anything like that. I'll just ask him a few things, if he answers, it's good, otherwise, I won't do anything, I'll let him go. And I'll give him a warning so that he or any of his friends don't lay a hand on any member of my gang. And if they do, then no member of my gang will tolerate it."

Ritika - "I had so many expectations for nothing. What was the point of telling me if you weren't going to do anything? Anyway, do whatever you want, there's no point in me watching. Call me if you need anything."

After a while, Thomas headed towards the White Room. While riding his bike, he thought, Asim is a member of a gang that doesn't hesitate to do dirty or bad work. From drugs to marijuana, illegal weapons, and even trafficking girls, they don't leave anything out. It's called The Raw Midnapore. I need to know more about this gang. And I need to do something soon.

Thomas stopped his bike in front of a lab that was somewhat square-shaped and painted white all around. And he opened the main door of the building and went inside. In front was a white marble floor and pink-painted walls all around. All the doors in that building were made of brown wood, except for one door at the far end, made of white plywood. Thomas pushed that door and went inside. He saw Sumit and all the captains standing there. Asim was tied to a chair.

Thomas said as he entered,

Thomas - "Did he say anything?"

Sumit - "No boss, nothing much is known. He's just been saying the same thing since then, today is your last day, it's very difficult for you to survive today. But I still don't understand why he's saying that."

Thomas - "I understand, now I'll ask some questions."

There's an old factory. It's completely dark all around. Only some light is coming through the broken and cracked parts, which allows some of the factory to be seen. There are many people everywhere, smoking and drinking as they please. Right at the end, where a little light is coming in, there's a man with brown hair.

Rocky- So let's ruin off that gang.