RYDER.My gut was yelling at him. And I always listened to my gut. It was hardly wrong 98% of the time.And now, it was telling me that Luis DeMarto was up to something. Or thinking about something particularly…devastating. On my end. And i did not need him to think. Not now. Not minutes away from signing the contract that had taken months of work. It wouldn't end well. There were no warning signs, no red flags. No whispers from my informants. Nothing.But I didn't need proof. My gut was proof enough. But I hoped I was wrong though or else…My hand tightened around the wine glass as I sipped, concealing my irritation behind a blank, impenetrable mask. The nagging feeling refused to go away.I exhaled slowly and let my gaze drift—to a better distraction. Janice.Gods, she was beautiful. Always had been.Three years. Three years of working with her, seeing her outsmart each person in the boardroom with that intelligent mind. Three years of seeing her carry herself with a confidence that made even the most powerful men take notice.She was brilliant. Efficient. And had no clue how absolutely sexy she was.This dress tonight…Fuck.It took all my self-control not to stare too long. I gritted my teeth and downed more wine. I wasn't a weak man. I had a firm hold of my control. But damn if she didn't challenge it.Luckily, the conference started, and the speakers droned on about economic cooperation and global market strategies. I tuned them out, pulling out my phone to read and answer emails.Then came the signing of the deals.It was ceremonial—the real contracts were already signed behind closed doors. This part was just for show. For the media. Then i noticed something.Luis's chair was empty.I frowned.Where the hell was he?The unease in my gut formed into something cold and certain.I leaned forward, bending near Janice, his voice lowering. "Come."Then, without waiting for a response, I rose and moved toward the door.Janice hurried to catch up with me just outside the hall. "Sir, I can't locate Luis."My jaw clenched. She'd also noticed then. Of course, he wasn't there. Of all the times. "Follow me," I growled. "And stay behind me." Janice nodded and fell into step behind me. The VIP section was dimly lit, lined with private booths for A-list clientele. I moved through them with silent precision, my piercing eyes raking over each shape. Then, I saw him. Luis.Leaning back in a chair, laughing.Across from him was a man with silver hair, piercing eyes, and an aura of silent strength. His white dress gown and turban were immaculate, unmarked by even a speck of dust.This had to be the Albanian investor.And on the table between them—A contract.A fucking contract.My steps slowed. My gaze dropped to the document on the table, then flicked back to Luis. Betrayal and fury settled like a knife to the gut.Janice stiffened beside me, her breath catching. Luis's laughter cut off. My voice was calm. Too calm. "I hope I'm not interrupting something too important."Luis shifted in his seat, clearing his throat. "Ryder Ambrose. I was just about to—""Don't." My tone was soft, but with a steely edge.Luis let out a breath and rubbed his jaw. "Look, I was going to say—""When?" I cut in with a growl. "Before or after you signed?"Luis hesitated.Ryder's gaze flicked to the investor.The man sipped his drink, his expression totally unruffled. He gave me a bland smirk and rasped out, "Hakam."I swung back to Luis, my eyes fiery. "You broke the deal." Luis winced at the word. But then he squared his shoulders, as if he actually believed his next words could justify what he'd done. "I haven't signed yet," he said. My jaw tightened. "Our deal has been in the works for months." Luis sighed again, pretending regret. "I know. But Hakam made a better offer. More investment backing. More flexibility. It's just—" My lips curled. "A smart business move?" Luis hesitated. Then nodded slightly. "It's not personal," he added. My smirk was slow. Lethal. "Oh, Luis," I chuckled. Then my eyes went cold as death. "It will be."Luis swallowed. Even Hakam moved slightly in his seat, feeling the change in the air.I took a step back. My muscles bunched with tightly leashed anger.Then, without a word, I turned and walked out.Janice followed, somehow able to keep up.My wrath was a silent storm, brewing behind a face of deadly calm. Frustrated simmered in me. I needed to let it out. Janice hesitated, then spoke. "Sir, I—""Not now," I snarled.She pursed her lips.We reached the parking lot, and I wrenched open the car door, sliding into the seat with stiff, contained motions.Janice followed me in, shutting the door.I snapped a curt order at the driver."Hotel. Now." The car moved off, slipping through the night streets of Prague.