The echo of my last breath still haunted me as I slipped from the darkness in the vault's into the corridors of the palace. Even as I clutched the forbidden intel in my hand. A parchment detailing Kai-Hoon's twisted ritual, the sense of danger grew heavier with every step. I was no longer the lone assassin; I had become a marked man.
Go deep undercover within the inner circle of the fallen regime, while evading Kai-Hoon's elite personal guard.
The Web of Shadows
Deep within the palace, the corridors became a maze of pain, and deceit. Ornate screens, and marble statues concealed hidden doorways. I needed to vanish among the courtiers, and nobles who still clung to the old order—a ruse to hide in plain sight.
I adjusted my servant's attire, now mingling with the emperor's inner circle, the loyal remnants, and schemers who whispered secrets behind gilded fans. Their eyes, sharp, and calculating, missed nothing, and I knew one misstep would send Kai-Hoon's personal guard barreling in like a storm.
✔ Press 2 to blend with the crowd.
✔ Tap 1 to eavesdrop on secret conversations.
✔ Hold 2 for Silent Movement to avoid the watchful gaze of suspicious nobles.
Undercover in the Inner Circle
Every whispered word, every furtive glance was a clue. In a lavish banquet hall everyone dressed up with silk, and lit by hundreds of candles, I took my place among the elite. The mingling aromas of spiced delicacies, and fine wine masked my racing heart.
Across the room, a dignitary in embroidered robes spoke in hushed tones to his companion. With calculated steps, I moved closer, pressing my ear to hear anything new in the palace.
"Kai-Hoon's guard grows restless. They say even the shadows cannot hide him forever."
A chill crept down my spine. His words confirmed my worst fears.
Kai-Hoon's elite personal guard, called the "Ghost Legion". We're now scouring the palace. Their leader, a ruthless warrior known as General Hyeon-Seok, was notorious for his iron will, and merciless tactics.
⚠ ALERT: Enemy Patrol Detected in the Eastern Corridor.
Evade or engage?
I had no choice but to disappear. I slipped away from the banquet, melding with the servants who hurried about their duties. Every step was measured; every breath, silent.
Pursued by Shadows
As I navigated the palace's hidden passages, the sound of armored boots echoed continually. I sensed the presence of the Ghost Legion closing in. Their mission was clear: eliminate the secret fool who dared to unearth the truth.
> Quick-Time Event:
Press 1 to hide behind the ornate column before the patrol passes.
Quickly, I dove behind a towering column, my heart thundering like a war drum. The corridor outside was bathed in shining torchlight, and I could see the glint of polished steel as guards paraded in formation. For a long, agonizing minute, I held my breath, every muscle tensed in anticipation.
✔ STEALTH SUCCESS: Patrol Unaware.
My relief was short-lived. As I crept through the dim hallways, a low, commanding voice boomed from the shadows.
"Sweep every corridor! That assassin will not escape the empire's justice!" General Hyeon-Seok said firmly.
I knew then that my days of being hidden were over. The Ghost Legion was not only hunting for me, they were determined to erase every trace of my existence.
The Descent into Deception
Forced into a troubling double life, I took on a new identity. I would delve even deeper into the emperor's inner circle, becoming one of its trusted confidants by night while by day I gathered intelligence, and sabotaged from within.
✔ Infiltrate the Private Chambers of the Inner Circle.
Locate the hidden ledger that contains names, and secrets vital to the impending ritual.
I made my way to a secluded wing of the palace where the most influential courtiers held important meetings. In the hush of a shadowed corridor, I discovered a concealed door behind a velvet tapestry. Using a slender lockpick set, one of my assassin true tools, I eased it open.
Inside, the chamber was filled with delicate calligraphy, and ancient scrolls. A single ledger lay on an intricately carved desk. This book held the names of traitors, secret alliances, and, most importantly, details of Kai-Hoon's forbidden ritual.
✔ +800 XP | +Intel: Forbidden Ritual Details
But no victory was without cost. The moment my fingers brushed against the ledger, a faint click echoed through the chamber. I froze, my blood turning into ice. Hurried footsteps approached.
The Chase Intensifies
I tore the ledger from its resting place and dashed into the corridor. The sound of pursuit was relentless, the thud of boots, and the clamor of shouted orders. Kai-Hoon's elite were on my trail.
> Quick-Time Event:
Press 8 repeatedly to sprint, and dodge the incoming patrol.
Through narrow passages, and behind closed doors, I ran, each turn a calculated risk. The palace, once a symbol of my lineage, had become a sprawling prison of secrets, and death. I could hear General Hyeon-Seok's voice echoing behind me, promising endless retribution.
In a final desperate bid, I ducked into an unguarded servant's passage, the ledger clutched tightly to my chest. Darkness slowly enveloped me as I melted into the network of hidden paths that wound beneath the palace.
✔ MISSION Update: Escape to the Hidden Base.
The Cost of Shadows
As I finally emerged in the cool night air, the weight of the empire's corruption pressed heavily upon my shoulders. The ledger in my hand was a double-edged sword, a key to unmasking Kai-Hoon's treachery, and a beacon that would forever mark me as an enemy of the realm.
I vowed that this night of terror would not be in vain. Deep undercover within the inner circle, I had uncovered the seeds of a dark ritual that threatened to plunge the capital into chaos. Now, with the Ghost Legion in relentless pursuit, and Kai-Hoon's ambitions inching ever closer to becoming a divine tyranny, my mission had only just begun.
Stop Kai-Hoon's forbidden ritual and reclaim the honor of my fallen house.
The chase had escalated, and the palace was no longer just a place of stone, and silk, it was a battleground for souls. And I, Bae Kae, would be both hunter, and hunted until justice was served.