Chapter 3

After Jessica got to the apartment in the sulm area , she thought how she going to tell her best friend that she sold her to the mafia guys and how heart broken Emily going to be after hearing this news ,she thought to herself while pasing in front of there apartment door and just when she want to enter the apartment emily opend the apartment door and said.

Emily POV

" What are you doing outside the apartment door come in "

said Emily

Jessica's POV

"Nothing I was just thinking something that's all when did you get home you usually get home late what are you doing home early"

Said Jessica

Emily thought that something was wrong with Jessica and said

Emily POV

"What is wrong with you Jessica ,something is wrong with you what is it I know something is"

Said Emily

Jessica did you know what to say and Jessica thought for moment and said

Jessica POV

" No nothing wrong with me is anything wrong with you emma"

Said Jessica

Emily knew something was wrong with Jessica but she doesn't pushed it

And thought to herself 'She will come around and tell me her problem 'she thought and said

Emily POV

" Okay but if you have a problem know you have me right "

Said Emily

Jessica POV

" yea sure if I have a problem I know that I have you Emma"

Jessica said

And Jessica Gone to her room and thought of a plan for a long time and she got a plan and she was putting that plan into the play and just like that Emily got into her room and Jessica said this

Jessica POV

"I was just about to call you Emma what are you doing in my room"

Said Jessica

Emily's POV

" Nothing I was just checking up on you it was your first day on your job" she passed for a moment and asked

"How is your job I forgot to ask you"

Said Emily

Jessica POV

"Oh it was great, I need to sign something for me for my job is it okay please"

Said Jessica and Emily said

Emily's POV

" ok it's not a problem you don't have to ask me about it "

And just like that Jessica gave the contract to Emily and Emily signed the contract without even looking at it. Emily trusted Jessica so much that she didn't even look at the contract that she did not it was a trap for her that she was going to be sold to the Mafia. After Emily signed the contract Jessica took the contract and look that it and look that the signature and she was relieved that she was not going to die but she was so sad but she didn't show it to her friend and she said to Emily

Jessica POV

"Thank you so much thank you so much Emma thank you so much for signing it it means so much for me"

Said Jessica

But Emily was so confused by how strange her friend was acting for a simple contract signature but she didn't mind it because her friend was drama Queen. She thought to herself and she shaked her head.

And just like that Jessica was so relief. And then Emily left jessica's room and gone to her room and changed and gone into the shower and shower for an hour , change into the night dress and slept for the night.

In jessica's room,Jessica thought 'oh my God I been saved but what I am going to tell to my friend I betrayed my friend oh my God what I have done she is never go to forgive me 'Jessica thought to herself crying all night till morning.

The next morning

Emily woke up to the birds chirping in the trees and she got out of the bed and got to the bathroom to brush her teeth as she was brushing her friend Jessica can got her teeth brush and Jessica also brush her teeth, first Emily finished brushing her teeth so she got go the bath first as she was bathing Jessica said

Jessica POV

" So are you going to work today"

Said Jessica

Emily's POV

" Yeah I have to you know we can't afford to not go to job today or never"

Said Emily

Jessica p o v

" Ok"

Said Jessica

Emily's POV

"Why did you ask do you have a problem with me working there"

Emily said

Jessica's POV

" no nothing to worry, I just asked that's all "

Said Jessica

Emily's POV

" MMM Ok"

Said emily

After Emily finished the shower and covered herself in a towel Jessica got into the bath and showed after the she cover herself in a towel and got into her room and dress herself and got herself into the living room and switch on the TV and Emily was ready to go into her work they said that good byes. And only Jessica know that this is there last goodbye