Ysabel's hands covered her mouth, stifling a gasp as her heart raced, each beat echoing like a war drum in her ears. A wave of nausea washed over her, causing her knees to tremble beneath her. The surrounding chaos was overwhelming; her companion's shout had startled the horse, which reared back in fright. In an instant, the soldier lost his grip, tumbling to the ground with a heavy thud that sent a shiver down her spine.
"W-what, should we do? "
Elana asked no one in particular. Her head frantically looked around the forest, fearing that someone or something would emerge from the thick bushes.
"What do you mean? He is clearly dead! We must leave this place at once."
Jerod said with urgency.
"You said this forest is safe! Why in the world is a dead soldier here?"
The other one, Simon, with accusing eyes, darted to his fellow.
"I-it is. Filoa is safe; besides, we've been here countless times to forage and encountered no troubles. "
"Enough of that! We must not argue r-"
Ysabel's words faltered when she heard a low groan. Her wide eyes darted to the soldier.
She swallowed the lump in her throat before peeking at the soldier sprawled on the ground. The blood from his body soaks the green soil. His left hand slightly moves, then another groan of pain, this time a little louder. Her companions move closer, circling the laying soldier with wary and disbelief.
"He's alive-"
Ysabel murmured.
"We should get a doctor or a healer. He'll survive for sure."
Elana exclaimed.
"Are you out of your mind? We will be in trouble if we take an outsider. Do you even know how much it will cost to get a doctor? Let alone a healer? "
Jerod looks like he's about to rip his hair.
Ysabel listening to them, bit her lip with uncertainty. What he said is the truth. In a world where both doctors and healers command high prices, the struggle for access to healthcare becomes a pressing issue. The traditional medical practitioners, while skilled, often rely on conventional methods that may not always guarantee a cure. On the other hand, healers wield the power of life energy, a rare and precious resource that can mend wounds and restore health in ways that medicine cannot.
For those in need, the choice between the two can be agonizing. The healer's services, while effective, come at a premium, typically requiring not just gold but also a profound understanding of the balance of life energy. Many healers are known to demand not only payment but also a personal sacrifice or a promise of service in return, making their aid a double-edged sword.
"W-we're not certain that this soldier is an outsider, at least let's seek the messenger or the guards of Sydren in town?"
Ysabel suggested.
The two men paused in thought. Surely, they won't leave a half-dead man on the ground and flee for themselves, right? Thought Ysabel.
"But the travel back to town takes more than just an hour, Ysabel. If we leave to ask for help, he might be dead by then, the worst feral animals will attack him and eat him."
Elana shuddered from that thought.
"Then, how about the two of us stay here, and the other two will be back in town to ask for help?"
Jerod sighed, clearly not happy with what he proposed; he just ran out of options.
"I'll go with Elana, you stay with Ysabel."
Simon said with a slumped shoulder before fixing his eyes to the soldier with annoyance.