A grey mist swirled my vision and choked my senses. It stormed around me, prickling me like a rouge rose bush had enveloped me in a nightmarish embrace.
And swoosh, it was gone.
My eyes blinked and my face contorted in an expression of both relief and pain as the bright morning sun blared in through the hole in my father's tent. I couldn't help but to let my mind linger to my dream. I've had them before- and when you awake- it can feel like you've lost something and parts of the mystery have been blacked out.
Last night's mystery was rather vague, and in all honesty, boring. There was a table and some boring people talking on and on- council this and council that. When will I ever get some good quality night time entertainment?!
"Mya, honey, come get some breakfast!' My father's irritatingly deep voice boomed across our quaint campsite. Not that he was annoying or anything, but I'm pretty sure i will never get any time to sleep in in this household.
I begrudgingly slip out of my glorious sleeping bag and push my way out of the tent.The scenery was spectacular, sun-sparkling morning dew graced the grass with a coating fresh water, the trees hummed to the wind and the camp was illuminated by both the early morning sun and the calming fire that emitted the smell of fresh grilled hog.
Our next day of travelling was to begin.