Firab entered the prison and the absence of Milan made him growl.

" How did she get out," he shouted.

The guards fell to their knees, " When we came inside she was gone already," one of the guards said trembling.

" Are you saying you know nothing about it," Firab yelled as he turned around to look at them.

" I know where she is right now," Firab heard a voice beside him and turned around. The old lady pointed her finger to the white feather, " It was definitely Katarhan's Crown Prince. He said it himself."

Firab picked up the white feather and brought it near his nose. He recognised the unique scent of Katarhan's Clan and walked out with speedy steps.

He placed it on the table where all the elders were gathered. They picked it up and smelled it one by one.

" It's Kataharn's feather, but where did you find it, where is Milan?" One of the elders asked.

" She have escaped. This feather was found in the prison," Firab replied as he ran his fingers through his hairs, "Milan had to power left to bend iron bars and escape. It's definitely Katarhan's doing."

" Then what are we waiting for, we need to get back at them," one of the elders stood up.

" But Mirab is not here and we have not selected the next Luna , how can we defeat them in this situation," Firab commented.

The elder stood up and held Firab by his shoulders, " werewolves move by their determination and that's all that they need. An Alpha should always embark on everything that costs it's packs dignity."

He turned around and looked at other elders, " Then it's decided. We will attack White Palace in the morning."

Elders simply needed an excuse to attack the White Palace as a result of their hatred towards Kataharn's. Not to mention their blood was about to be mixed.

The next morning Firab was sitting on his Black horse near the border as his army stood behind his back on the horses waiting for his instructions.

A soldier came running, " Now it's time to attack."

Firab turned his horse to army behind him, " Remember! They have attacked our honour and they could be involved in Mirab brothers murder. Kill every single of Katarhan's Clan. Don't let anyone slip out of your hands," his loud voice echoed in the forest as he shouted to make his words audible.

He turned his horse around facing The white palace, " Now Let's tare them into pieces," he tightened his grip on the sword and shouted, "Let's go!"

" Chah!" His horse ran through the dense forest, his army following closely.

Kataharn's were already waiting in the way. The swords clashed and clanking sounds filled the forest. In a few minutes dead bodies started to pile up above each other. Kataharn's were being slashed into pieces making werewolves progressing forward.

The loud screams could be heard at a long distance. For werewolves it took them two hours to get to the gate of White Palace.

Firab was leading his army and saw a person in the Royal robe on a White horse. He looked at Firab as he was waiting for their arrival. It was Rawin.

He tightened his grip on his golden coloured sword and ran his horse to the army . He quickly passed by Rawin and started slashing werewolves behind him. Only one person laid a lot of werewolves as a cold bodies on the ground in a few minutes.

Firab turned around and ran his horse toward him. He tried to attack him from behind as he was attacking the other werewolves. He bent quickly and Firab sword crossed past him in the air.

Firab turned around his horse to attack him but Rawin quickly released an arrow that made Firab to fall down from his horse.

Firab quickly stood up to get back at his horse and a sword pierced through his chest making him vomit blood. Rawin pulled back the sword and continued killing other werewolves.

The werewolves were defeated and Katarhan's took over the Black Palace's territory. They let the women's and elders to move out of there safely.

After five busy days Rawin entered the bath tub filled with the aroma of flower petals and closed his eyes. A hand touched his head and slipped down along the long hairs. He opened his eyes and looked behind him at Milan sitting behind him.

" What are you doing here?" he asked.

" They sent me here to take care of you."

" Tsk," he once again closed his eyes.

A pause of silence took over.

" How are you now," he asked in a quiet voice.

" I am okay but people in the white palace look at me like I am their enemy."

" Well you are."

She came beside him and held onto his hand tightly prompting him to open his eyes," Rawin I'm willing to do anything for you can't you accept me in your life? I think I love you. I love you so much that I don't want to go away" her eyes became moist.

He looked at her for a while and grabbed her by her hair to pull her closer, " Why do you think you are attracted towards me to this extent?"

She held onto his hands as they were hurting her, " I don't know but I think it's because I have fallen for you."

He pulled her inside the tub and pushed her against the tub wall, " Then let me warn you! It's not love. Don't hallucinate things," he let go of her and leaned back, " you are just brought here to give birth to uplift the spell."

" Now get out of here," he closed his eyes.

Milan looked at him for a while and stood up. She placed her feet out of the bathtub and water started dripping from her clothes. The floor was flooding with water as he walked out.

Rawin opened his eyes as the sound of dripping water drifted away.