Rita opened her eyes and realized that she was in an unknown place. "Huh? Where am I? How did I get to this place?" Rita Asked herself as she stood up. She was in a dark and quiet place, a place where no one goes to, an abandoned section of the school.

"That's strange one moment I was leaving school and then the other I woke up here and It's already dark out , everyone must have gone home already" she said to herself as she realizes the situation.

"It's dark out and I'm here alone , in this quiet and dark place" she said to herself as she started to panic and look around in fear. She started to hear strange sounds of water dripping and old rotting boards creaking. Hello, Is someone there? Asked Rita fearfully. Rita then heard a voice calling out her name. Rita, Rita, Rita are you listening, Rita can you come closer? Asked the voice.

Rita was startled by the voice so she ran out of the abandoned section of the school. Who the hell was that? And why would they be in the old school building, especially at this time of night. This must be some kind of joke, someone must be pranking me right? Rita Asked herself as she breathes heavily. I'm so confused, why was I asleep in the old section of the school building? Rita asked herself.

On her way home she saw one of her friends and called out to them. Chloé , oh I'm so glad to see you, you wouldn't believe the crazy night I had said Rita. To Rita's surprise Chloé walked right pass her without uttering a single word. Did she just walked right pass me without acknowledging me or saying anything,but why? Rita asked herself confused. What's really going on, this is strange Rita said to herself.

Rita continued on her way home confused on why Chloe ignored her and wondered what she did wrong for Chloé to be acting this way. She walked pass a pastry shop in which she saw two of her friends who attends her school eating cakes and chatting. She noticed that they were in working clothes and not school uniform. Why are they in working clothes? Did they go on an interview today?Asked Rita curiously. Maybe I should go asked them, then again...She wanted to join them however, Chloé ignoring her earlier discouraged her to do so , so she decided to go straight home instead.

Upon arriving home, she gazed through the window and saw that her family started having dinner without her. What?! How dare they start eating without me she said to herself with a pouting face. They are not going to hear the last of this, their daughter haven't come home and they didn't think to call or even search for me said Rita angrily. She rushed to the door and attempts to open it however her hands went straight through the door. Huh, what's happening? Am I seeing things or did my hands just went through the door knob .

She attempted once more and her hands went through again. Startled she tripped on herself and tumbled through the door.

That's weird, she said to herself. Rita then enters the dining room and started talking to her parents. Mom, dad why are you having dinner without me? It's so late at night and you didn't think to even call , why? To her suprise no response was made by her parents as they continued talking and laughing over dinner. How can you be laughing at a time like this , something could have seriously happen to me said Rita. Rita came closer to her parents and called out once more mom, dad can't you hear me? But to her surprise she got not response again.

Rita then proceeded to try and touch her mother and father but her hands went through the both of them. Shocked by her failed endeavors she then proceeds to continuously try and touch them time and time again but her hands continued to go through them. What's happening why can't I touch them? She said to herself with tears filling her eyes as she relentlessly tried to touch them.

Then she stopped as she realized the reason why Chloé ignored her , why Chloé and her friends were in working clothes and not school attire, why her hands passed through the door and her parents and why nobody heard her when she spoke. Am I dead?? She said to herself shocked due to her realization .