Despite me trying to communicate with my parents through these rituals I was always unsuccessful. I never got a response from them not even once. I thought that they were ignoring me, that they hated me which is why they didn't respond so I gave up on contacting them all together. Then one day , I stumbled upon on a board game online with the caption "guaranteed encounter with the dead" so being as desperate as I was to talk to my parents, I bought it. At first everything seemed normal when I started using this board, I asked a lot of questions and to my suprise I got responses which really made me happy. I thought that I was communicating with my deceased parents but in actually it was an entirely different being.
One night while I was sleeping, I had a feeling that someone was watching me , but when I woke up there was nothing there. Later that night I felt an immense amount of pressure on me as if someone was holding me down. I couldn't move an inch and I couldn't breath or talk. When I opened my eyes I saw it a creature that wasn't apart of the world, it didn't look like a ghost, it was more like a demon.
I screamed for help but no one heard for because no sound was coming from my mouth that thing did something to me. it was speaking in some form of ancient language as if it was chanting something and then with it's claws it carved these exact words on me said Shimoya as she pulled the buttons on her uniform shirt. Wait , wait , wait!!! What the hell are you doing, don't take it off said Ryner as he covered his eyes and was as red as a tomato. Don't you dare look Ryner said Rita. This is one of the reasons why I'm glad that I'm dead, I get to check out the ladies delicate bodies without any consequences said Thomad as a perverted smile formed over his face. Maybe I should have let that exorcist erase you from existence said Rita as she slapped Thomas in the face. Ouch!! That hurt said Thomas in pain.
Here, look what it says, it's not like I'm naked or anything said Shimoya. Ryner then uncover his eyes and looks at Shimoya's exposed stomach. What the hell is this? Asked Ryner shocked. Your soul is mine, that thing wrote this? Asked Ryner. Yes it did said Shimoya. And it didn't stop there it continued to torment me and destroy a lot of things in my Aunt's house, pushing me down the stairs almost crippling me at one point.
My Aunt and I seeked help from a church and the priest prayed over our house and us, I believed that it would have help but it only got worst. That monster spirit attacked my Aunt, sending her flying off our balcony, luckily she escaped with her life however she went into a coma with a few broken bones and ribs.
It didn't stop there either he even somehow managed to possessed me. I woke up one day feeling weak and exhausted just to find out that I've missed twelve days of my life not knowing what exactly happened , I had no recollection. I tried reaching out to the priest over and over again but he shunned me and he started showing his true colors, they all believed that i was lying that i was making all this up for attention, i had to cope with that spirit for a whole year.
I tried finding people who were able to see ghosts as a means of finding a way to get rid of it however, as it turned out all of them were fake and frauds. They take your money and tell you what you want to hear then reassures you that you'll be alright but it's all a lie. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted to die, so I decided that I would commit suicide at school in the old school building by hanging myself.
On my way to school that day, I saw you Ryner talking to yourself as if you were interacting with someone, I was curious so I continued watching you from a far ever since to confirm my suspicions . That's how I found out that you were able to talk with ghosts and that's the reason why I was stalking you said Shimoya. I honestly don't know what you can do to help me however, I just wanted someone to believe me said Shimoya as tears were visible at her eyes and she was clearly shivering with fear.
Ryner then saw noticed how her skin was unnaturally pale and her eyes made him realize that she hadn't gotten any sleep for a very long time. Ryner what are you going to do? Asked Rita. We should help this girl , she's clearly been through a lot. I know Rita, I'm thinking about it said Ryner.
If what you are saying is true, that there is a spirit haunting and tormenting you, then I might be able to help said Ryner. How will you do that? Asked Shimoya. I unfortunately can't tell you , we don't want that spirit getting any bright ideas said Ryner. I don't want you to go straight home today for you'll be alone, so I'll take you to my house ,there I'll explain everything to you and how I'll get rid of that spirit said Ryner. You don't have to grab anything from your house, I'll try and provide as much as I can said Ryner. Give me a minute, I'll be right back said Ryner as he left the classroom. Ryner then typed Jack Crow's number and called him.