I am now in Ryner's body, but how, I thought that only actual dead people were able to possess a body. I guess that Jack Crow's knowledge was inaccurate Rita said to herself. Now then, what should I do? Earlier Jack explained that ghosts are able to possess people and communicate with evil spirits in order to convince and control them, maybe I should give it a try Rita said to herself as she cleared her throat.
Spirit that dwells in the body of this girl, my name is Rita Holt the spirit that possessed this vessel said Rita. And? Just shut the hell up!! Screamed the evil spirit as it laughs creepily. Why did you choose to torment this girl? Why her? Asked Rita. It's not like you would understand, you see, I feed on the fear, anxiety and anger of people, its what keeps me from going to the underworld. It was already set in stone that I'd be sent there because I had done alot of terrible things when I was alive.
I torment and haunt people until they commit suicide or die from a lack of sleep and then I send their souls to the underworld to take my place buying me more time to stay here before that Reapers come for me said the evil spirit.
That still doesn't explain why you chose her to be your next victim said Rita. It was just by chance that I stumbled across her when she was performing a ritual. A lonely and anxious soul inviting a spirit into her sanctuary who would resist such a delight. Her soul is delicious and pure , one that will buy me a long time before the Soul reapers are sent after me said the evil spirit. So you plan on using her to keep yourself in this world ? Asked Rita.
and what if I am , what can you do to stop me? Asked the evil spirit. I'm attached to this girls body and soul so I cannot be exorcised, there is nothing that you can do said the evil spirit. It is right, not even the exorcist could stop it, what can I hope to accomplish on my own said Rita. Wait, why don't I try to enter Shimoya's body and try to get her to gain back her control said Rita as she came in contact with Shimoya's body.
But before she was able to enter Shimoya's body she had a vision of a man's past. This man was a brutal serial killer who preyed on young adults and teenagers especially females. He would strip their skin from their bodies and stuff it with cotton and sleep with them. He would always get away from the police or any form of justice keepers because a body was never found, so every person he killed was perceived as missing. However the police eventually made a connection with all the missing people and linked it to one place in which they searched and found the bodies of all the missing persons in a shed. They then apprehended him and killed him for the murders he had committed.
After his death , he went on to haunting and tormenting teenagers and young adults until they can't take it no more and commit suicide or they die due to a lack of sleep. He would then confiscate their souls and send them to the underworld in his place.
He was not kidding, he really did cause a lot death even after he was killed, so much young people lost their lives to this spirit and his haunting, its horrible,it makes me sick to my stomach ,he's a monster . How could you do all these things do you have no heart ? Asked Rita as tear rolled down her cheek. When I was alive I killed people for pleasure, it made me feel good when I kill them, when I skin them alive as they cried for help but no one came it made me happy and it was fun.
However now I only kill to stay alive said the evil spirit. You are only preventing the inevitable, I can't even imagine the punishment that you'll receive for what you have done to these poor, innocent individuals said Rita as she took up a pencil she found in Ryner's room, a piece of paper and wrote down something on it. I hope that Ryner sees this said Rita as she left Ryner's body and entered Shimoya's which made Ryner conscious again. That girl is definitely creepy, I knew it said Liam to himself as he was now outside of Ryner room anxious about whats happening in there